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How India's ban on rape film backfired

The fact is our govt. failed to protect India from malicious propaganda. The producer was doing her best for the commercial success of her documentary and our govt. appeared to be in a panick. If it was simply a stay on the screening due to technical grounds, the govt. made it look like a ban and the message to the world was that Indians rape and if you try talking about it you are banned. Utter failure of Indian govt.s PR and media managers.

What is the point giving the list of films banned in UK when the damage to India's reputation is done. The rape rates are highest in Sweden, South Africa,US, UK etc. but India gets the bad name because people here protest.

heheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheh :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Please explain what GOI was expected to do in the matter, to protect India from Malicious Propaganda?????

What about the Hue and Cry of Women NGOs who started campaign agst Screening of this Documentary?

What about the Opposition Parties who raised this Matter in the Parliament????

What about the "FREE PRESS" who is now making hue and cry on the stay of Court?????

Do you expect the Govt. to disobey a Court Order and allowed Screening of the Film????

You are also falling pray to the Propaganda created by MEDIA!
heheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheh :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Please explain what GOI was expected to do in the matter, to protect India from Malicious Propaganda?????

What about the Hue and Cry of Women NGOs who started campaign agst Screening of this Documentary?

What about the Opposition Parties who raised this Matter in the Parliament????

What about the "FREE PRESS" who is now making hue and cry on the stay of Court?????

Do you expect the Govt. to disobey a Court Order and allowed Screening of the Film????

You are also falling pray to the Propaganda created by MEDIA!
I will be shocked and sadenned if our govt. does not have the capabilities to deal with malicious propaganda. Opposition,media and NGOs will do what they deem fit but its the job of the govt. to save the nation from being maligned.
I will be shocked and sadenned if our govt. does not have the capabilities to deal with malicious propaganda. Opposition,media and NGOs will do what they deem fit but its the job of the govt. to save the nation from being maligned.

No Govt. can do that. See what Western Media do to the Russia, Iran. Always try to belittle the Growth Story about China.

And now the new target is India. And they are afraid of India's Rise, just wait and watch you will see stories disowning India with regular interwel.
More people watched the documentary because of the ban and we also got bad name in the world due to the ban. I dont know what good was served because of the ban.
I dont buy the logic that govt. took this step to avoid wastage of parliamentary time. Parliamentarians did rake up the issue in both the houses without knowing what they wanted from the govt.

It's a spectacular back fire.. BBC must be laughing their socks off.. They couldn't have asked for anything better.. Need to realize if the documentary was indeed to made to tarnish India( Which any sane person doubts very much) It reached it's target, Massive publicity.. Because it was targeted at International audiences especially those in the west not India.. Think about it
folllowing BBC Farsi (persian) for a couple of years now. The hatchet-jobs on India and the Indo-Iran relationship there is without any masks - a no-holds-barred campaign to use every religious, racist and pseudo-"survey" method in the propaganda book.
@India_Policy @BBCWorld

7. BBC Farsi would use phrases like, "in this respect India is 'worse than Arabs'...", to hook into racial stereotypes that are typical among Iranians.
@India_Policy @BBCWorld

8. In this BBC Farsi report on Asia's positives, only 1 country is not mentioned at all - India.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/world/2012 ... ends.shtml
@India_Policy @BBCWorld

9. Since 2012, the BBC has been running such stories. Here is one that claims "India is the WORST country for women among the G-20" -
http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/rolling_ne ... omen.shtml
@India_Policy @BBCWorld

10. During the time when the US was putting pressure on India to stop importing oil from Iran, and India was no complying, the number of such articles shot up.
@India_Policy @BBCWorld

11. When Turkish banks refused to process Indian payments for Iranian oil, and the Iranis thought Manmohan's government was a back-stabber, BBC Farsi dug into the emerging cracks and came out with a plethora of anti-India articles.
@India_Policy @BBCWorld
And so on.
@Razia Sultana You should see how BBC talks about India in BBC Farsi networks.. Should be eye opening.
See, people talk anything behind our backs but we have to create and protect our own image. The world respects your ability, utility and friendship is nothing but matching the interests. USA has so many race crimes and yet Mr.Obama lectured us on secularism. UK has more rape crimes but BBC makes film on india. There is nothing wrong if its a fact but we should prevent any false propaganda.
India cannot protect it self Until Sicklurs are ruling the Media.

That's been roundly rejected by the Editors Guild of India. It said that it was "an insult" to the highest court in India to suggest that airing the convict's "perverted views" would interfere with the course of justice.

This is how the Media uses the Story. "Airing the views of convits will not interfere the course of justice".

But Court Staying Screening of the Film is DEATH OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION.
No Govt. can do that. See what Western Media do to the Russia, Iran. Always try to belittle the Growth Story about China.

And now the new target is India. And they are afraid of India's Rise, just wait and watch you will see stories disowning India with regular interwel.
Has western propaganda penetrated the Russian people or friends of Russia? No. Do you know when Putin visited India he brought with him the PM of Crimea? Could the propaganda deter India from hosting the Crimean PM? Thats how Russians are managing the propaganda against them. They are down because of the boycott and not propaganda. Moreover, they are aggressor and hence natural target of the west. But in this matter, we are on backfoot for no big reason. Going by statistics Sweden has 134 rapists per 100,000 men, South Africa has 230, US has 58 and UK has 50 rapists per 100,000 men while this figure for India is less than 5 men per 100,000 men and the German Professor had the guts to deny internship to indian male students because we got bad name.
Who has the responsibility to protect our image? Its not the job of Razia Sultana on PDF.
Has western propaganda penetrated the Russian people or friends of Russia? No. Do you know when Putin visited India he brought with him the PM of Crimea? Could the propaganda deter India from hosting the Crimean PM? Thats how Russians are managing the propaganda against them. They are down because of the boycott and not propaganda. Moreover, they are aggressor and hence natural target of the west. But in this matter, we are on backfoot for no big reason. Going by statistics Sweden has 134 rapists per 100,000 men, South Africa has 230, US has 58 and UK has 50 rapists per 100,000 men while this figure for India is less than 5 men per 100,000 men and the German Professor had the guts to deny internship to indian male students because we got bad name.
Who has the responsibility to protect our image? Its not the job of Razia Sultana on PDF.

Then according to that standard we should atleast ban BBC and confiscate all its property and issue Red-Corner Notice for Ms.Udwin for breaking Law.

Another step will be, passing a law - no rights on filming of Indian Prisons can be sold to foreign media.

Foreign Media if doing any story in India will be obliged to get its approval from IB ministry.
See, people talk anything behind our backs but we have to create and protect our own image. The world respects your ability, utility and friendship is nothing but matching the interests. USA has so many race crimes and yet Mr.Obama lectured us on secularism. UK has more rape crimes but BBC makes film on india. There is nothing wrong if its a fact but we should prevent any false propaganda.
Agreed, but it will be a slow process, there are quite a few reasons.

First up the media will have to be cleansed of rats. There are many, is a nexus, even data about Arihant was being leaked out in a regular basis. You are seeing the beginnings of this with the Corporate espionage case, and the Essar leaks cases. I check out this this book called "Durbar" by Tavleen Singh

Second the universities are also funded by a certain type of people (JNU! for ex.). These people are the ones that are supposed to analyze others, and create material from our view point, their gaze is turned inward, and they think from an external view point, and are invested in creating fault lines within people, within the country.

And lastly, we will also need to setup a credible counter propaganda mechanism, like RT from Russia.

So it's a long way to go, the problem is big, and rot is deep, but hopefully in some time these will be cleared out. The cries will get louder, the more they take action.

You dont even need outsiders for propaganda against us, NDTV is a very good example ("Indian occupied Kashmir"). But just watch what happens when the govt tries to take action against them, they will squeal, and the cries (all sorts of "freedoms" will be violated..) will get louder when the heat is turned on.

*Even* The judiciary needs to be fixed, recall how Teesta was able to get relief immediately from the arrest warrant, despite there being such a huge back log of cases, the on going case was stopped and her plea was heard.
Then according to that standard we should atleast ban BBC and confiscate all its property and issue Red-Corner Notice for Ms.Udwin for breaking Law.

Another step will be, passing a law - no rights on filming of Indian Prisons can be sold to foreign media.

Foreign Media if doing any story in India will be obliged to get its approval from IB ministry.
Is that all you can think????? God bless you.
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