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How India views China

And this stops you because......? Go on, this is Pakistan defence forum after all. You being a Ugandan, are most welcome.
She's not a Ugandan. She's a Pakistani from mainland Pakistan! Cowards usually hide behind facades! :azn:
India & China is rivalry between equals so even we criticize each other there is respect about each other. Only if Pakistan know this feeling.
I have nothing to say about your comment...so brained washed by anti China propaganda,you've been sitting in a well for too long.

Nothing about being brainwashed, I was in China couple of months back, couldn't access this forum at all. So it surprises me.
Nothing about being brainwashed, I was in China couple of months back, couldn't access this forum at all. So it surprises me.

that's crazy,it just can't be,China does block a couple of big famous foreign websites,but 99.9999999999999999..%foreign websites work fine in China.
“On the other hand, India’s youth demographic bulge and soft power attractions such as democracy and universal human freedoms for all its citizens, in addition to an inevitably strongly growing economy will begin to count for even more. India’s advantages are most tellingly reflected in the fact that India’s rise is universally welcomed and considered good for the world - major countries, the US and Japan in particular, and virtually all of China’s Southeast and East Asian neighbours have been enthusiastically reaching out to India. On the other hand, China’s rise has been arousing increasing apprehensions and anxieties.”

Absolutely BS!

Democracy is actually India’s weak point. Without Indian type of democracy, India could be stronger than China (referring to 1960 GDP, literacy, etc. between the two countries); India could have larger GDP and higher literacy (everybody know how difficult to learn Chinese characters), etc. India could have chasten China out of Tibet.

In addition, illiterate bulk of youth excited by Indian propaganda fanned jingoism can only cause social unrest domestically and uncalculated move internationally.

Some East Asian countries such as Vietnam indeed extend to India. It is not because they admire your value such as your democracy system: these are western values that you blindly copy/pasted over, not your values. Those countries extend to India like they would extend to some useful commodities based on utilitarian bases. When they see there is an India that can be readily used, of course they are enthusiastic.
No one wants to be anti-china or anti-india.the west is the one making us hate each other.like Hafizzz acting like the west here in PDF.
India & China is rivalry between equals so even we criticize each other there is respect about each other. Only if Pakistan know this feeling.

Thats just it the only think that india can compete with china and so many comparisons are made between china and india are because they both have large populations. Otherwise chinese are a different league to india. I mean we are not even allowed to talk about how the maijority of indians live on this forum the topic is banned. It is better and more appropriete to compare india with pakistan, afghanistan, bangladesh, srilanka albeeiit with a larger population.

i think indians tend to flatter themselves when they compare india to china. In a way a bit off topic the post that I have quoted shows a superiority complex about pakistan which as they say is the worst manifestation of an inferiority complex i mean there was no need to bring pakistan here but he couldnt help it
Yup. I agree 99.9% of Indians are BRAINWASHED by ANTI-CHINA and INDIA-SHINING propaganda sponsored by the Indian Government.

My point of view that Indian brainwashed still better than "High IQs". At least Indian brainwashed did not kill their own kind like Tianman, and NOT wasted 1.4 million people by Lord's Resistance Army [PRA]. I can tax 1 usd/person X 1.4 million = WOW for daily money maker.

I think brainwashed people was STUPID than non brainwashed [High IQs] to killed their own kind people.
China Presentation on Nov 9 at Thiruvanthapuram

Where is Thiruvanthapuram ?

Thiruvanthapuram is the capital of the Indian state of Kerala and the headquarters of the Thiruvananthapuram District. It is located on the west coast of India near the extreme south of the mainland.

Anyone could just google and find out where any place is....but before you post some stupid article please have some common sense to just check if the facts are true or is the article a BS.

I originate from the above mentioned place that you claim is anti China, do you even know that it is the first state in India to have a communist rule
Parties like the CPI are every strong, Mao is a father figure here and I'm sure that most of them could kick your a§§ if you talk to them about china or communism.

Pls check facts before you post
India & China is rivalry between equals so even we criticize each other there is respect about each other. Only if Pakistan know this feeling.

Joke of the century. :lol:

Indians don't respect Chinese people, the only words they know when it comes to China are "slanty-eyed chink".

It has nothing to do with respect. Indians are afraid of China, because India backstabbed us in 1959, and were rewarded with 1962.
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