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How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

Guilty by association.

No one wants anything to do with the Indians, but they just won't go away.

There was this place called Sirhind (ser-i-hind in Persian, and means gateway to the land of the Hindus or Hindustan), before the Indians renamed it, and the Indians simply need to stay to the south and east of it.
It all depends on how the negotiations between US and Pakistan/Taliban pan out.

If the deal is through India can forget retaining Kashmir valley.

If the deal fails then this Indo-Pak jugalbandi in Kashmir continues.
You think so. The US Pakistan deal in Afghanistan will go through. there will be violence in valley . But if the world sees that Pakistan and Afghanistan is involved in Kashmir then they will not hesitate to support India in defending itself. And the Kashmir unrest is only there because of terror from pak. If that's taken out it can be resolved.
When Indian army uses rape as a weapon of occupation, all peaceful options are off the table. Pretty straightforward really.

There is no rape or genocide in Kashmir. Of course Pakistan has the right to use it for its propaganda.

Everything is fair in war.

To clarify, Trump doesn't mind. USA deep state definitely minds.

Good cop. Bad cop.
Guilty by association.

No one wants anything to do with the Indians, but they just won't go away.

There was this place called Sirhind before the Indians renamed it (ser-i-hind in Persian, and means gateway to the land of the Hindus or Hindustan), and the Indians simply need to stay to the south and east of it.
Its the muslims who came in. Not the hindus who never went 'there'.
There was no rape. Easiest propaganda tool. this dilutes your side of the story, because if you rant about something that never happened the claims of other excesses that actually happened will be suspect because of the credibility of claims.
Great. Now please don't pretend you are some neutral "southie". If you're willing to deny any of the obvious war crimes (mass graves, disappearances, false encounters, torture and yes - rape) committed by IA, you're not a neutral southie. You just have some egotistical rivalry with pale skinned northerners in your country. Be proud of who you are - a genocide denier.
Its the muslims who came in. Not the hindus who never went 'there'.

Indians are the ones who want to keep associating themselves with things outside of the historical boundary.
Great. Now please don't pretend you are some neutral "southie". If you're willing to deny any of the obvious war crimes (mass graves, disappearances, false encounters, torture and yes - rape) committed by IA, you're not a neutral southie. You just have some egotistical rivalry with pale skinned northerners in your country. Be proud of who you are - a genocide denier.
Look, don't comment personally without knowing anything. this is the problem with Pakistani narration. IK is on a tangent and so are you.
I talked about excesses being done in my previous post. But talking about rape of which there may have been instances but at an individual rather than an institutional level, without any proof really dilutes your position of the actual excesses. Same thing IK is doing talking about fascism or nazism. really dilutes your commentary. But good for us.
You think so. The US Pakistan deal in Afghanistan will go through. there will be violence in valley . But if the world sees that Pakistan and Afghanistan is involved in Kashmir then they will not hesitate to support India in defending itself. And the Kashmir unrest is only there because of terror from pak. If that's taken out it can be resolved.

Who do you have in mind when you say the "world"?

If US puts its weight behind Pakistan/Taliban taking over Kashmir, Europe and Arab world will just follow US lead.

Only Russia will come to India's rescue but it will not be enough as Russian economy is not in good shape.

China is the wildcard here. They may support India, If India settles boundary dispute in China's favor.
Its the muslims who came in. Not the hindus who never went 'there'.
Riiiiight here we go...usual inferiority complex revealing itself. Your issues have been addressed many times so I won't repeat that historical monologue other than to remind you that Hindustan is an imported concept, hinduism is an imported religion, non-Dravidian Hindus are an imported race. Muslims came in where Hindus came in before. Deal with it.
Indians are the ones who want to keep associating themselves with things outside of the historical boundary.
False. We don't want association with Islam until the boundaries of Afg

Who do you have in mind when you say the "world"?

If US puts its weight behind Pakistan/Taliban taking over Kashmir, Europe and Arab world will just follow US lead.

Only Russia will come to India's rescue but it will not be enough as Russian economy is not in good shape.

China is the wildcard here. They may support India, If India settles boundary dispute in China's favor.
Good point , I meant the world as the usual jokers in UNSC and other blocs. IS will only side with Pak tactically. All this siding w Pak is only till next election. If Pak and China nexus is there Us will want india by its side .
But I am just an armchair expert like everyone else here.

Riiiiight here we go...usual inferiority complex revealing itself. Your issues have been addressed many times so I won't repeat that historical monologue other than to remind you that Hindustan is an imported concept, hinduism is an imported religion, non-Dravidian Hindus are an imported race. Muslims came in where Hindus came in before. Deal with it.
So nothing wrong in pushing back muslims to where they came from right?
Look, don't comment personally without knowing anything. this is the problem with Pakistani narration. IK is on a tangent and so are you.
I talked about excesses being done in my previous post. But talking about rape of which there may have been instances but at an individual rather than an institutional level, without any proof really dilutes your position of the actual excesses. Same thing IK is doing talking about fascism or nazism. really dilutes your commentary. But good for us.
Give your fantasies of Indian morality a rest. No wonder so many Indians get banned from this forum.

Not only does India use rape as a weapon of occupation, its civil society rises to defend the rapists. Your politicians openly speak of misogynistic abuse of kashmiri females. BJP party members have OPENLY ENCOURAGED GANGS OF HINDUS TO RAPE MUSLIMS. You acquit Hindus who murder and terrorize Muslims.

Modi himself is and always will be the model genocider that other bhakts dream of living up to.

This is all documented fact. Please deal with it. If you don't have the guts to condemn it, then stay silent. But openly denying it makes you subservient to the fascist rise.
Give your fantasies of Indian morality a rest. No wonder so many Indians get banned from this forum.

Not only does India use rape as a weapon of occupation, its civil society rises to defend the rapists. Your politicians openly speak of misogynistic abuse of kashmiri females. BJP party members have OPENLY ENCOURAGED GANGS OF HINDUS TO RAPE MUSLIMS. You acquit Hindus who murder and terrorize Muslims.

Modi himself is and always will be the model genocider that other bhakts dream of living up to.

This is all documented fact. Please deal with it. If you don't have the guts to condemn it, then stay silent. But openly denying it makes you subservient to the fascist rise.
Look you are mixing Kashmir and army with other issues . Again badly diluting your claims.good.
Look you are mixing Kashmir and army with other issues . Again badly diluting your claims.good.
You ought to dilute whatever you're drinking.

We don't want Kashmir to end up like other states in Hindustan. This isn't "dilution" but is evidence based analysis.
False. We don't want association with Islam until the boundaries of Afg

The truth always comes out, because the Hindutva have said so.

Indians/Hindustan has no place outside of the area called Hindustan. That's where the name comes from, the Hindus. They belong outside Muslim lands, which run up to the boundary, i.e. Sirhind.

None of the people, tribes, geography has anything to do with India, and historically never has beyond Hindustva fantasies. Unfortunately, in the end, it does come down to race, and none of the people beyond that point historically had any connection to India, but still remain directly connected to each other.

Simply put, we want that land, regardless of who lives there and has always lived there because the Hindutva say so. Interestingly, to get around the point I just mentioned, the Hindutva have even included Afghanistan in that equation, simply because they can't separate Pakistan from Afghanistan.

All because you won't stay behind the historical boundary.
But talking about rape of which there may have been instances but at an individual rather than an institutional level, without any proof really dilutes your position of the actual excesses.
Is it really worth my while responding to this?

Put simply, kashmiri men are unable to fight against your occupying forces for fear of what the rapist security forces will do to their womenfolk if they are arrested or killed in action. Your security forces use rape as an effective weapon.

You also use human shields, conduct fake encounters and kidnappings, arrest intellectuals to avert the risk of organised protest and response by academics and indulge in routine torture.

This is all in Kashmir so please don't start with the "dilution" rhetoric.

The best part is, after locking up all the rich, literate, educated, business owning and academic Kashmiris, you claim the abrogation will "improve the lives and development of Kashmiris"

You couldn't make it up honestly! So ridiculously hilarious.
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