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How India secretly armed Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance

As long as Pakistan/Taliban are in goods books of the US, I do not think US minds it.

US just needs Pakistan/Taliban to support its presence in Afghanistan and Kashmir to keep an eye on Russia and China.


I understand that an U.S. presence in Afghanistan is strategically important.
The U.S. would need the Taliban's support but I do not think they need Pakistan's support.

And I do not know why you keep bringing Kashmir in this discussion.
The U.S. does not have a presence in Kashmir, nor does it need to.

I understand that an U.S. presence in Afghanistan is strategically important.
The U.S. would need the Taliban's support but I do not think they need Pakistan's support.

And I do not know why you keep bringing Kashmir in this discussion.
The U.S. does not have a presence in Kashmir, nor does it need to.

US wants a deal from Pakistan/Taliban to allow US to keep a check against Russia & China in Central Asia including Chinese province of Xinjiang. In return for this US would allow Pakistan/Taliban to annex/retain control from Afghanistan to Kashmir.

Now coming to your point, You say Indians don't need to or want to win this proxy war but the Indian posture contradicts your point of view. First off, India has started to scale back its relations with Iran. This is a direct slight to her aspirations to dominate trade with Central Asia. Trade has been stopped and chabhar's funding has been downgraded. By doing this, India has made it clear that it will always side with Israel and evangelicals within the United States.

This could be true.
But maybe India does not want to invest in Chabahar port, because there is not much going through that port.
It is not economically viable. I do not think that it has anything to do with Israel or evangelicals within the U.S.

The Americans have realized that the National Afghan Army is useless. Trump's largemouth has made his voters embarrassed to elect him and he desperately needs a talking point for his next term. He first tried to get India to post some Vedic soldiers within Afghanistan but the Hindus know better. The days of Ashoka are long gone and while barking very loud, the Hindus don't have enough muscle to outdo the Coalition of the willing. So Trump and the US called on an old friend, Pakistan to once again get it out of a bad predicament. Trump also humiliated India by making her sit at the kiddy table while the parents spoke about more sophisticated things.

But are saying that Pakistan needs to do the work, that India would not want to do?
How is that a win for Pakistan and a loss for India?

So now what does a psychopath do when she gets slighted? She goes on a spree of murder, rape, and tyranny.
Indian intelligence and BJP party members have made it crystal clear that after the Americans pull out of Afghanistan they are afraid of jihad inside Kashmir. So like a scared cat, the Indians have decided to scratch preemptively instead of waiting for things to happen.

War is always the last option and the Indian establishment has no other choice. Given what India is doing in recent times, you can see that India sees war as a viable option. She failed miserably in asymmetric warfare. So now she wants to try her hand in a real war. That is the conclusion. The war is not going on and on, it is coming to its rightful conclusion.

It could be true that India has revoked Article 370 in order to solidy their presence in Kashmir and to have a stronger 'buffer' for anything that might 'spillover' from Afghanistan when the U.S. leaves.

But I think it is more a defensive move than a preparation for a real war.

Your second point that the Pakistani economy was bled with proxy warfare from the Indians is again false. Indians need to realize that a large portion of the Pakistani economy is unaccounted for. Pakistan's government and Bureaucracy mismanage taxes and are horrendously corrupt. Pakistani politicians have a bad habit of directly siphoning monies into personal offshore accounts while borrowing from the IMF to run the affairs of laypeople.

It is true that a large portion of the Pakistani economy is unaccounted for.
Yet, when war occures, higher government spending, to fund this war, increases inflation, which results in higher cost of living, doing business, borrowing money etc. It impacts every aspect of the economy, whether this is accounted or unaccounted for.

Lol, I like the way you have summed things so simply. But fortunately, the events on the ground are different from your preception. The Indian populace is gullible and is purposefully kept stupid via religion and superstition. The once-mighty educated Hindu that elected soft-spoken backstabbing educated people has now resorted to being lead by loud, bear-hugging chia walas.

It is true that the politicians from the Indian National Congress are / were more soft-spoken and cunning than the politicians from the Bharatiya Janata Party. The INC also had a better way of dealing with the foreign affairs of India. They did not however had a better way of dealing with the internal affairs of India with regards to the majority of Indians: the Hindus. Pseudo-secularism and minority appeasement were two policies which the INC practiced that alienated many Hindus from their party. An example are the places of worship, where those of Hindus are controlled by the government and do not get any funding, while those of non-Hindus are not controlled and do get funding. This lack of true secularism led to the creation and rise of political parties such as the BJP who claim to fight for Hindus. And thus many Hindus voted for the BJP. If the INC had not practiced pseudo-secularism and minority appeasement, the BJP would not have existed or would be a minor party of no importance.


US wants a deal from Pakistan/Taliban to allow US to keep a check against Russia & China in Central Asia including Chinese province of Xinjiang. In return for this US would allow Pakistan/Taliban to annex/retain control from Afghanistan to Kashmir.

Do you really think that the U.S. would allow Pakistan or the Taliban to annex Kashmir?

You would be amazed that when Pakistan or the Taliban tries to annex the whole of Kashmir, not only India but also the U.S., Russia and China would object.

And of course there will be a war between India and Pakistan.

You would also be amazed that in this war India would get military and logistic support from the U.S., Russia, Israel, Iran, France etc.

While Pakistan would probably only get moral support from Turkey and China.

Ask any Pakistani member on this forum.

They will admit it.

What is wrong with you?
Do you really believe the words that you are typing?
Do you really think that the U.S. would allow Pakistan or the Taliban to annex Kashmir?

You would be amazed that when Pakistan or the Taliban tries to annex the whole of Kashmir, not only India but also the U.S., Russia and China would object.

And of course there will be a war between India and Pakistan.

You would also be amazed that in this war India would get military and logistic support from the U.S., Russia, Israel, Iran, France etc.

While Pakistan would probably only get moral support from Turkey and China.

Ask any Pakistani member on this forum.

They will admit it.

What is wrong with you?
Do you really believe the words that you are typing?

Firstly, US will not leave Afghanistan. US presence in Afghanistan is very important to keep an eye on Russia and China.

US wants a deal from Pakistan/Taliban to continue its presence.

In return, US is willing to give Pakistan/Taliban control of Afghanistan but Pakistan also wanted Kashmir on the table.

US is willing to give the Kashmir valley to Pakistan if Pakistan will go into a tight alliance with the US. In return Pakistan is also asking US to reciprocate. That is US has to give up India while Pakistan will give up China.

Once the deal is done, India is bound to lose Kashmir valley with Pakistan/Taliban putting military pressure on India while US, West and Islamic World will put its diplomatic weight behind Pakistan/Taliban.

Pakistan/Taliban will not have to worry about US or the West at all.

Russia will support India but it will not matter much other than providing a veto in UNSC.
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But who says that India wants to win a (proxy) war with Pakistan in Afghanistan?

If a (proxy) war is won or lost, than that is it. Done. End of story.

If a (proxy) war goes go on and on, you are able to drain the enemy (financially) and keep them on their toes.
Which then risks the enemy taking that proxy war where you wouldn't want it.
Always be careful what you wish for.
This would be hilarious to watch India try to fill the gap left by USA.

Sadly, I don't think India is so stupid that this will happen.

At this time India's main concern is how to secure Kashmir from falling to Pakistan/Taliban. Afghanistan is least of India's worries.

At this time India's main concern is how to secure Kashmir from falling to Pakistan/Taliban. Afghanistan is least of India's worries.

True. India will surmount Kashmir problem. The people will never integrate with India but will keep simmering like this for the foreseeable future as long as Pakistan is supporting the terrorism in the valley. I think the govt now wants to take the battle to the Pakistani side by making it expensive for Pak. Thats why the govt will soon shift to retaking PoJak. The Pak gocvt is clearly rattled judging by the incoherent rhetoric coming from their PM , who is a direct placement of the Pak Army. Some tough days ahead, but better now than never.
US does not mind Pakistan/Taliban ruling Afghanistan & Kashmir.

To clarify, Trump doesn't mind. USA deep state definitely minds.

True. India will surmount Kashmir problem. The people will never integrate with India but will keep simmering like this for the foreseeable future as long as Pakistan is supporting the terrorism in the valley. I think the govt now wants to take the battle to the Pakistani side by making it expensive for Pak. Thats why the govt will soon shift to retaking PoJak. The Pak gocvt is clearly rattled judging by the incoherent rhetoric coming from their PM , who is a direct placement of the Pak Army. Some tough days ahead, but better now than never.
B.S. This post is 90% your fantasy.
To clarify, Trump doesn't mind. USA deep state definitely minds.

B.S. This post is 90% your fantasy.
Honestly , Idont care about Kashmir itself being from the Deep South. I only care since it impacts Indias economy or its peace. I don't fantasise about getting more land . I only want things to be resolved peacefully but the Pakistan side is not keen on resolving issues peacefully.
Honestly , Idont care about Kashmir itself being from the Deep South. I only care since it impacts Indias economy or its peace. I don't fantasise about getting more land . I only want things to be resolved peacefully but the Pakistan side is not keen on resolving issues peacefully.
When Indian army uses rape as a weapon of occupation, all peaceful options are off the table. Pretty straightforward really.
When Indian army uses rape as a weapon of occupation, all peaceful options are off the table. Pretty straightforward really.
There was no rape. Easiest propaganda tool. this dilutes your side of the story, because if you rant about something that never happened the claims of other excesses that actually happened will be suspect because of the credibility of claims.
True. India will surmount Kashmir problem. The people will never integrate with India but will keep simmering like this for the foreseeable future as long as Pakistan is supporting the terrorism in the valley. I think the govt now wants to take the battle to the Pakistani side by making it expensive for Pak. Thats why the govt will soon shift to retaking PoJak. The Pak gocvt is clearly rattled judging by the incoherent rhetoric coming from their PM , who is a direct placement of the Pak Army. Some tough days ahead, but better now than never.

It all depends on how the negotiations between US and Pakistan/Taliban pan out.

If the deal is through India can forget retaining Kashmir valley.

If the deal fails then this Indo-Pak jugalbandi in Kashmir continues.

Honestly , Idont care about Kashmir itself being from the Deep South. I only care since it impacts Indias economy or its peace. I don't fantasise about getting more land . I only want things to be resolved peacefully but the Pakistan side is not keen on resolving issues peacefully.

I think most Indians have the same view.
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