Freudian Slip? And that too on a Pakistani forum. But then, having read your influential Bharat Rakshak forum, I will not be at all surprised if RAW is deeply involved in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan.
Indians are correct about the Jihadi menace eating up Pakistan from inside. Indeed the so-called Afghan-jihad of the 80's is the single biggest factor in acts of terrorism inside Pakistan. However, between 1989--the time when the Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan--and about 2007 the acts of terrorism by these Jihadis inside Pakistan were relatively few and far between.
Why is that so? I don't think there is one single answer. Perhaps the Jihadis were consolidating after the fall of the Talibans in 2001. Perhaps the external forces were still trying to get the Jihadi collaborators onboard....
But what is obvious to me is that India (and Israel) sensed 9/11 as a great opportunity. Both have tried to milk the American tragedy to the fullest. India took no time in Operation Parkram after the Parliament attack, blaming it on Pakistani state. Mind you, that was shortly after 9/11 when Pakistan was thrust into the eye of the storm and could possibly ill-afford to do the kind of attacks inside India.
Mumbai was a great tragedy. The most prestigious Pakistani blog called had its founder Adil Najam declare: 'Today, I am a Mumbaikar!' No one in Pakistan was happy then. No one. We were sad. But we saw with astonishment the speed and the unity with which Indians started demonizing Pakistan yet again. Pakistan had nothing to gain from the Mumbai attack. Pakistan itself is a victim. Partly because of its follies being forced into the Jihad by a ruthless military dictator. And part of it because of the Arab terrorists exporting their brand of 'Islam' and suicide bombings in and around Pakistan.
I hope Indian policy makers are not the kind of gung-ho haters like Bharat Rakshak. War is easy to start. Hard to stop. Sometimes killing of an Archduke can plunge large swathes of world into conflict. The best approach for India and Pakistan is to find a workable solution to Kashmir and defeat the stateless actors. Then, too, the poor Afghans may have some peace instead of being a playground of forces outside of their borders.