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How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

Silly, silly thread.

by 2020-22 the IAF will have the MKI, Rafale, MIG-29UPG, M2K-5 mk2, LCA MK2 and a few FGFAs in service. Most of these machines are amongst the very best in their respective classes and are, for the most part, proven machines which are incredibly technologically advanced. There is still a huge question mark over the capabilities of any Chinese built/designed machines.

Not to mention the 5 EL/W-2090 PHALCON AWACS (arguably the most advanced and powerful such systems in service), supported by 4-5 CABS/DRDO AWACS.

It also depends on who the aggressor is and where the fight is taking place. For instance if it is taking place in India's NE in and around the TAR then the advantage is arguable with the IAF as their MKIs and other fighters can take off with near full loads and thanks to their OBOGS can undertake far longer missions than their PLAAF counterparts who will also be taking off at higher altitudes meaning they can carry comparatively less weapons.

Let's face it any fight between these two huge and rapidly expanding/modernising AFs is going to be incredibly bloody for both sides especially with both sides investing quite heavily in advanced SAM systems.

Let's just hope that sanity prevails, the potential when these two Asian giants (who between them have hundreds of millions of impoverished citizens) work together is pretty much unlimited........
give proof or do not bother.

Chinese lied shamelessly. Nehru only fault was trusting Chinese. If you mean trusting Chinese was Nehru fault then I agree.

When Britishers left they created some undisputed lands between India and China, after civil war China was weak and Nehru shamelessly started capturing unclaimed territories by military....Beijing warned India it will hit back if it doesn't stop but what Nehru did??!! He kept on charging resulting in Chinese hit back to us, reality is Nehru under-estimated China....
When Britishers left they created some undisputed lands between India and China, after civil war China was weak and Nehru shamelessly started capturing unclaimed territories by military....Beijing warned India it will hit back if it doesn't stop but what Nehru did??!! He kept on charging resulting in Chinese hit back to us, reality is Nehru under-estimated China....

oh really..what a baseless made up story.

As far as I can see China clearly told India countless times they have no boundary dispute with India. I have posted several proofs above.

Are you high on something because It was China which captured Tibet and Akshai Chin. You say that India captured territories. tell me which territories? now give me proof for your story or do not bother?
it looks like this OP is a kid who just saw a pak china freindship movie or something then watched pakistani &chinese propoganda documentries against india and came to forum to warn weak & evil india about the might and anger of the rigrous, angry and supreme power chinese dragon which will leave india burning just by its hot gases from different holes ;)...:D

lolzz we evil, short dark yaindoos are so so scared BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:taz:

cmon this is a troll thread., why waste so much typing,, in trying to educate this kid., let him live in his fantasy world about so called PLAAF and its so called super capabilities,, their commanders know better,,
The best way will be for this thread be made a sticky one .

So everytime the chinese have to boast about their airforce , they can regularly update it .

Thus the India section will not be polluted by these type of BS threads with same content every week .

A win-win for all ....... :omghaha:
When IAF face halt on MMRCA and LCA, PLAAF keep expanding its 4.5gen and 5 gen fleet, how India is gonna deal with the huge disadvantage in the coming 10 years? Please kindly discuss.


Maybe induct F35 is a stop gap method, even Russia recently play dirty tricks in fgfa deal.
the same way how PLAAF is dealing with USAF till now :cofffee:
Love the flanker and j10 combo .

How many of each can the Plaaf Field against India if needed in a conflict.
It looked like a twin engined JF-17 Thunder to me, thank wanglaokan for the clarification :cheers:

when i first saw it i thought Jf-17 too, but it doesn't have DSI nor is Jf-17's air intake like that.

It looks like a F-16 air intake.
I can say it is the most advanced AJT in the world.

It is advanced and PAF is shown interest in the L-15.

PAf shall acquire squadrons of J10b for deterence.

Paf is still debating weather to stick with the Mini Dragons and go for 5th Gen platforms or if J10b is going to be acquired funding and other miscellaneous trinkets are still an issue.
it is Kashmir ...hahahahaha...mini brains....India can get whole of Pakistan anytime but we are good people ..we donot want war with anyone...

well you guys are talking about china and india and their airforce so where did pakistan comes ?
but if you bring so for your kind information , dude we have 90-110 nukes operational so " jo dhamki china ko de rahe ho " that same apply on indo-pak scenario.

i highly recommend you to stop watching indiatv, ajtak and doordharshan ...its effecting your brain
well you guys are talking about china and india and their airforce so where did pakistan comes ?
but if you bring so for your kind information , dude we have 90-110 nukes operational so " jo dhamki china ko de rahe ho " that same apply on indo-pak scenario.

i highly recommend you to stop watching indiatv, ajtak and doordharshan ...its effecting your brain

learn to use proper English before coming to international forums , Pakistan would never use NUKES against India , because if it does even to save itself , it wont be saved ,it would be destoryed more than it can wildly imagine. Also India has a two tier ballistic missile defence ...so most probably 110 pakistani nukes would heat up outer atmosphere.
donkey is Pakistan's most advanced weapon...a multipurpose vehicle for delivery of firepower...feed it some grass and its fart would burn enemy noses ...

if thats the case we will than need lots of indian`s to fight with our enemies :omghaha:
if thats the case we will than need lots of indian`s to fight with our enemies :omghaha:

but Pakistan's love for donkeys is known to the world and aren't donkeys indigenous to Pakistan ?
you guys also have CAMELS ...when ISI got to know that Camels are the ship of desert ..they started developing camels suitable to float over water, they have invested billions of dollars but haven't figured out how to make camels float on water.
learn to use proper English before coming to international forums , Pakistan would never use NUKES against India , because if it does even to save itself , it wont be saved ,it would be destoryed more than it can wildly imagine. Also India has a two tier ballistic missile defence ...so most probably 110 pakistani nukes would heat up outer atmosphere.

hahahha ok ok , but listen to me your day dreamer indian , if your peoples have balls than you could have attack pak in 2002 , so please go and read history first than come here and bark . and for super duper ABM systems they are not even functional .. for peoples like you india is Supa powa :omghaha:
now go and celebrate

but Pakistan's love for donkeys is known to the world and aren't donkeys indigenous to Pakistan ?
you guys also have CAMELS ...when ISI got to know that Camels are the ship of desert ..they started developing camels suitable to float over water, they have invested billions of dollars but haven't figured out how to make camels float on water.

well no no ISI is working on trained dogs , and for this they travel all over the india and they found some good samples .. if you see any dog catching car , hide yourself cause they are ISI agents :cheesy:

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