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how i can reduce my cockroach phobia

I had read this few days back but didn't have time to post....

Yes this is exactly my biggest nightmare.... A fully grown up flying cockroach ......

This fear ensures I always gets timely pest control services in my car and home.... Coz I know if ever while driving if fully grown up cockroach flies towards me then result is ACCIDENT.... either I will kill someone on road or I'll myself be killed or badly injured.....

In my childhood I used to go to my friends place to play.... One day we were playing looka chhupi and I went in their store room to hide.... When I was hiding behind door I saw little upward and to my horror that door was fully filled up with fully grown up flying cockroaches and most dangerous part was there was one big super white cockroach in the centre as if he was a king..... My god he was looking like a zombie cockroach.....

I cried my heart out screamed and ran from his house for never to visit again......
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