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how i can reduce my cockroach phobia

I too have a phobia of cockroaches, I'm not afraid per se but they disgust me. Not only cockroaches, but insects in general. Killing them also makes me feel revulsed, a weird sound comes when they are squished with slippers so I generally let others do the honors. Fortunately, my house doesn't have insects.
exactly that is the problem with me which most of the eople even in my family dont understand.
@Baby Leone
Have a tattoo of cockroach on you b@mm......

Thats it.....

i already had a fish there.
This is the issue.

Actually they are non poisonous, they don't have stinging capability and then don't have teeth either. They only look creepy.
So, why so serious?

I hate the touch of their wet bodies.
after seeing the two big ones yesterday i am even not able to go home, i see them everywhere.
chunti jitna dil or hathi jaisa jism it sud be other way around... i used to be scared of rats then start killing them now they are scared of me hahaha
I strongly suggest u kill it bf it gets away n lay eggs somewhere in ur house. Google pix of roach infested house, that shld give u courage.

If not be prepared for many, many new housemates. :D
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