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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams


Sep 13, 2016
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Hey, Hindutva militants, your ideology of Hindutva is - shock, shock - dividing the nation rather than uniting it; so are your dreams of turning this country into a Hindutva Rashtra, crashing?

It seems you are unwittingly creating, in your usual dense and crude ways, a Coastal Republic of India. This wonderful coastline envelops the South, from the Gulf of Kutch in the West (mainland Gujarat with the original Hindutva laboratory can never be part of this new Republic) that curves down south to the Konkan coast, touching coastal Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala; then snaking up on the east coast, to Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha, to maybe even include the Seven Sisters of the North-East.

Will your Sangh pontiff, the RSS founders, have their dreams of an Akhand Bharat crumble even further?

Just look at what you have done with your murderous anti-beef bans, violent actions by anti-Romeo criminals, jagran morality and Hindutva prudery?

You have pushed the progressive coastal states to look the opposite of the medieval North, so is it any wonder that soon there may be a call to secede, to reassert the glory of Hinduism and Original India?

Here’s how you’ve blown it

RAM IT IN: Apparently, so flush with victory was the Sangh’s BJP president Amit Shah and PM Narendra Modi after the stupendous UP state elections, where they even installed a Yogi with a criminal record as chief minister, that the gung ho leadership went on a spree in West Bengal to militarise the pious Hindu festival of Ram Navami into doctrinal feud.

The prosperous Sangh-sponsored Sri Ram Navami Shobha Yatra let out the war cry of Jai Shri Ram (machoised from the original Jai Siya (Sita) Ram) for Hindutva with processions of men, women and children brandishing swords and trishuls all over the state.

But guess what, even though Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee sponsored her own processions to counter this hideous parade, she was categorical when she scoffed “Ram is not my god, and Ram puja is not connected with Bengal culture”.

Lol india was divided and humiliated. And it will remain divided.

Pakistan will never let dreams if dumb hindutvas come to fruitation
Lol india was divided and humiliated. And it will remain divided.

Pakistan will never let dreams if dumb hindutvas come to fruitation

I agree with a fair amount of what I read in the OP.

Which part of the OP did gave you a reference to Pakistan which led you to make claims of what Pak could do ?
While the OP is over the top with talks of secession, one thing is increasingly clear.

The polarization of India has changed insidiously over the past one year.

At a micro level I have seen it happen in me. And since the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, in my father.

Kicking the ugly Muslim seemed like a good idea across the board 3-4 years ago.

Never mind the fact that Indians were subconsciously turning their disgust and anger at Muslims of certain neighbouring and other fundamentalist regions around the world and focusing and concentrating it against our own.

Three big things have happened since that time to now, and the polar pendulum is inexorably swinging, as it often tends to do in centrist India -

1) The halo around Modi is wearing out fast. Three years gone. The honeymoon glow long over. No jobs. No reforms. No make in India. Economy sluggish. Failed demonetisation. Political flip flops. The writing is clearly on the wall.

2) Rabid Hindus running amok like frothing dogs everywhere. Beef ban. Ghar waapsi. Romeo squads. Christians and Muslims targeted. Lawmakong being used as a state tool of minority targeting. Openly. Mandir noise. Yogi CM.

3) Through it all while the world turns to shit, the ME burns, Western countries attacked one after another by radicalised Islamists, India shines. Indian Muslims, have to give it to them, have chastized their non Muslim Indian brothers with their nationalism and spirit. The nation has not missed this quiet revolution. And ironically, the Hindutva thugs have hijacked a beautiful tolerant religion and people in India, and made them look terrible, as Islamist thugs worldwide have been doing to Islam for decades.

@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Robinhood Pandey @Soumitra @jbgt90
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We dont want brahminical hinduism of gai chaap bhaiyyas. We want our original Hinduism of the western and southern Indian.

And we want revenues of western and Southern states to be used for development of our own region. Siphoning of revenues from our region to united Bhayya pradesh of UP,Behar,Chattisgarh,Jharkhand and Mp needs to stop.
While the OP is over the top with talks of secession, one thing is increasingly clear.

The polarization of India has changed insidiously over the past one year.

At a micro level I have seen it happen in me. And since the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, in my father.

Kicking the ugly Muslim seemed like a good idea across the board 3-4 years ago.

Never mind the fact that Indians were subconsciously turning their disgust and anger at Muslims of certain neighbouring and other fundamentalist regions around the world and focusing and concentrating it against our own.

Three big things have happened since that time to now, and the polar pendulum is inexorably swinging, as it often tends to do in centrist India -

1) The halo around Modi is wearing out fast. Three years gone. The honeymoon glow long over. No jobs. No reforms. No make in India. Economy sluggish. Failed demonetisation. Political flip flops. The writing is clearly on the wall.

2) Rabid Hindus running amok like frothing dogs everywhere. Beef ban. Ghar waapsi. Romeo squads. Christians and Muslims targeted. Lawmakong being used as a state tool of minority targeting. Openly. Mandir noise. Yogi CM.

3) Through it all while the world turns to shit, the ME burns, Western countries attacked one after another by radicalised Islamists, India shines. Indian Muslims, have to give it to them, have chastized their non Muslim Indian brothers with their nationalism and spirit. The nation has not missed this quiet revolution. And ironically, the Hindutva thugs have hijacked a beautiful tolerant religion and people in India, and made them look terrible, as Islamist thugs worldwide have been doing to Islam for decades.

@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Robinhood Pandey @Soumitra @jbgt90

@Grevion @GURU DUTT @ranjeet @Sam. @Abingdonboy
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel - Dr. Samuel Johnson

“Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” George Bernard Shaw

Patriotism should come from your own thoughts, conscious & mind.
But Modi is feeding it (patriotism) to Indians.
Wrong way of handling things.
Hey, Hindutva militants, your ideology of Hindutva is - shock, shock - dividing the nation rather than uniting it; so are your dreams of turning this country into a Hindutva Rashtra, crashing?

It seems you are unwittingly creating, in your usual dense and crude ways, a Coastal Republic of India. This wonderful coastline envelops the South, from the Gulf of Kutch in the West (mainland Gujarat with the original Hindutva laboratory can never be part of this new Republic) that curves down south to the Konkan coast, touching coastal Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala; then snaking up on the east coast, to Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha, to maybe even include the Seven Sisters of the North-East.

Will your Sangh pontiff, the RSS founders, have their dreams of an Akhand Bharat crumble even further?

Just look at what you have done with your murderous anti-beef bans, violent actions by anti-Romeo criminals, jagran morality and Hindutva prudery?

You have pushed the progressive coastal states to look the opposite of the medieval North, so is it any wonder that soon there may be a call to secede, to reassert the glory of Hinduism and Original India?

Here’s how you’ve blown it

RAM IT IN: Apparently, so flush with victory was the Sangh’s BJP president Amit Shah and PM Narendra Modi after the stupendous UP state elections, where they even installed a Yogi with a criminal record as chief minister, that the gung ho leadership went on a spree in West Bengal to militarise the pious Hindu festival of Ram Navami into doctrinal feud.

The prosperous Sangh-sponsored Sri Ram Navami Shobha Yatra let out the war cry of Jai Shri Ram (machoised from the original Jai Siya (Sita) Ram) for Hindutva with processions of men, women and children brandishing swords and trishuls all over the state.

But guess what, even though Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee sponsored her own processions to counter this hideous parade, she was categorical when she scoffed “Ram is not my god, and Ram puja is not connected with Bengal culture”.

A blog post from a unknown left wing jackass trying to get some eyeballs by calling out names and talking down to people.
While the OP is over the top with talks of secession, one thing is increasingly clear.

The polarization of India has changed insidiously over the past one year.

At a micro level I have seen it happen in me. And since the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, in my father.

Kicking the ugly Muslim seemed like a good idea across the board 3-4 years ago.

Never mind the fact that Indians were subconsciously turning their disgust and anger at Muslims of certain neighbouring and other fundamentalist regions around the world and focusing and concentrating it against our own.

Three big things have happened since that time to now, and the polar pendulum is inexorably swinging, as it often tends to do in centrist India -

1) The halo around Modi is wearing out fast. Three years gone. The honeymoon glow long over. No jobs. No reforms. No make in India. Economy sluggish. Failed demonetisation. Political flip flops. The writing is clearly on the wall.

2) Rabid Hindus running amok like frothing dogs everywhere. Beef ban. Ghar waapsi. Romeo squads. Christians and Muslims targeted. Lawmakong being used as a state tool of minority targeting. Openly. Mandir noise. Yogi CM.

3) Through it all while the world turns to shit, the ME burns, Western countries attacked one after another by radicalised Islamists, India shines. Indian Muslims, have to give it to them, have chastized their non Muslim Indian brothers with their nationalism and spirit. The nation has not missed this quiet revolution. And ironically, the Hindutva thugs have hijacked a beautiful tolerant religion and people in India, and made them look terrible, as Islamist thugs worldwide have been doing to Islam for decades.

@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Robinhood Pandey @Soumitra @jbgt90

@Kathin_Singh @Jacob Martin @ChennaiDude
I agree with a fair amount of what I read in the OP.

Which part of the OP did gave you a reference to Pakistan which led you to make claims of what Pak could do ?

It's hindutvas stated goal to undo the historical humiliation of divided motherland at the hands of Muslim forces.

As they say, there's no Hind without Sindh etc etc
While the OP is over the top with talks of secession, one thing is increasingly clear.

The polarization of India has changed insidiously over the past one year.

At a micro level I have seen it happen in me. And since the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree, in my father.

Kicking the ugly Muslim seemed like a good idea across the board 3-4 years ago.

Never mind the fact that Indians were subconsciously turning their disgust and anger at Muslims of certain neighbouring and other fundamentalist regions around the world and focusing and concentrating it against our own.

Three big things have happened since that time to now, and the polar pendulum is inexorably swinging, as it often tends to do in centrist India -

1) The halo around Modi is wearing out fast. Three years gone. The honeymoon glow long over. No jobs. No reforms. No make in India. Economy sluggish. Failed demonetisation. Political flip flops. The writing is clearly on the wall.

2) Rabid Hindus running amok like frothing dogs everywhere. Beef ban. Ghar waapsi. Romeo squads. Christians and Muslims targeted. Lawmakong being used as a state tool of minority targeting. Openly. Mandir noise. Yogi CM.

3) Through it all while the world turns to shit, the ME burns, Western countries attacked one after another by radicalised Islamists, India shines. Indian Muslims, have to give it to them, have chastized their non Muslim Indian brothers with their nationalism and spirit. The nation has not missed this quiet revolution. And ironically, the Hindutva thugs have hijacked a beautiful tolerant religion and people in India, and made them look terrible, as Islamist thugs worldwide have been doing to Islam for decades.

@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @Robinhood Pandey @Soumitra @jbgt90

Good keep believing that.

Obviously because of the grand failures (esp demonetisation), UP election was resoundingly lost by BJP after all.

No improvement in highway building rate, no improvement in logistics and infra and not one reform was done anywhere....and cabinet level corruption has increased even more than UPA wow! (as if thats possible).

Look at the complete paralysis here:


Demonetisation was a massive grandiose failure because of news like this one:


Just look at the scale BJP lost the UP elections because of how it affected the poor and marginalised and benefited the already rich immensely:


Not to mention the polarisation in play of the few that did vote for BJP, like these sangh ultra-hindu fanatics:






Just absolutely nothing has happened regarding electrification at all:


The quality foreign investment has completely stagnated as well:


Complete stagnancy in sanitation:


These are just a few grandiose failures of Modi admin, you can get a much bigger complete picture in the India economy thread of course.
but the idea of india is. cmon dude u have to gimme that.
on another note, dont you think pak is ahead of india by 35 years or so? their radicalization started in early 70s, our started in mid 2000s.
those jackasses beat us here too, n that too by a long margin.
Idea of India lol? Even the word India is not Indian origin. There were several kingdons in India. British colonized and united South Asia. There was no India or Bharat before.

In present India only the North Indians are considered real citizens. And everyone else is treated as 2nd class citizen. North Hindia is exploitint rest of India.
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