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How France Fought a Lightning War in Mali

Look up the net of pacts and agreements with which France has tied down the Francophone countries in Africa.

I admire France, but their cynicism in this diplomatic entrapment of the Francophone countries is staggering. This might be the 19th century, even, as we look at the current state of affairs, the 18th.
Look up the net of pacts and agreements with which France has tied down the Francophone countries in Africa.

I admire France, but their cynicism in this diplomatic entrapment of the Francophone countries is staggering. This might be the 19th century, even, as we look at the current state of affairs, the 18th.

All their hoopla about égalité and fraternité is just BS.

France is still dependent on siphoning resources and raw material inputs from West Africa by controlling the regime-changed petty dictators. In most of these countries, there is no civil society. The French take full advantage of the chaos and societal inequality - faida uthana maximization...as long as they control the top 2% by educating them in France, all good.

I had a Ghanaian colleague (probably one of the more educated countries in that area besides Nigeria, and he told me the same thing.
The operation was inconclusive as said by the narrator at the end so nothing to brag about. A showcase of good logistics though.

The real test is to exterminate insurgency not just the initial victory.
Yes of course, French batar.ds killing poor, unarmed Civilians or fighting with poorly equipped village militiamen who were probably trying to protect themselves and their families. Nothing New.
France is still dependent on siphoning resources and raw material inputs from West Africa by controlling the regime-changed petty dictators.

Absolutely ! Even elsewhere in Africa. Take for example the Libya regime-change war of 2011. French criminal president Sarkozy was instrumental in pushing for war in Libya. The French criminal "intellectual", Bernard Henri Levy ( ironically a Sephardic Jew ), met with AQ and MB criminals fighting Gaddafi's security forces in 2011. And as far as I remember it was French planes which bombed Gaddafi's convoy in the desert with chemicals and it is said that there was a French intelligence agent in the AQ / MB mob who lynched Gaddafi on the road.
Yes of course, French batar.ds killing poor, unarmed Civilians or fighting with poorly equipped village militiamen who were probably trying to protect themselves and their families. Nothing New.
Retarded comment again. They're not fighting unarmed Civilians or poorly equipped village militiamen. They're fighting jihadist groups.

Absolutely ! Even elsewhere in Africa. Take for example the Libya regime-change war of 2011. French criminal president Sarkozy was instrumental in pushing for war in Libya. The French criminal "intellectual", Bernard Henri Levy ( ironically a Sephardic Jew ), met with AQ and MB criminals fighting Gaddafi's security forces in 2011. And as far as I remember it was French planes which bombed Gaddafi's convoy in the desert with chemicals and it is said that there was a French intelligence agent in the AQ / MB mob who lynched Gaddafi on the road.
While I agree with you on the Libya matter,which wasn't just Sarkozy's fault,they all ganged up on Libya,I disagree that France is harming Africa. These ex-colonies depend on France for a lot as well. And you know,it's a fact that since the white man left Africa,most of these countries couldn't progress. Exceptions are Angola,in a certain degree South Africa (which still has a lot of problems) and I think Botswana is now making a lot of money.
Retarded comment again. They're not fighting unarmed Civilians or poorly equipped village militiamen. They're fighting jihadist groups.

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What a load of fairy tales and Bull shi.t. :lol: Same old tactics of creating imaginary EVIL enemies and then raiding countries to loot their resources and wealth. French colonial a-holes using the same tactics.
While I agree with you on the Libya matter,which wasn't just Sarkozy's fault,they all ganged up on Libya

I agree, they all ganged up. :)

I disagree that France is harming Africa. These ex-colonies depend on France for a lot as well. And you know,it's a fact that since the white man left Africa,most of these countries couldn't progress. Exceptions are Angola,in a certain degree South Africa (which still has a lot of problems)

Well, the European White Man at least in South Africa created an island for himself and didn't create benefits for rest of Africa. Please watch the vid in this post posted by @fitpOsitive last year. The vid is of a Sierra Leonean woman, Mallence, who IIRC lives in Germany now and is speaking on a TEDx stage. She describes Sierra Leone as the richest in the richest continent in the world : the mineral and other material riches. IIRC she describes the contradictoryness of her country ( and much of Africa ) being socio-economically not affluent ( even in a Communist sense, if I may put it ) even though it is the place that is producing a lot of the mineral supply used everywhere in the world. Even in a Capitalist sense the producer must be rewarded, yes ? But that is not the case in context of Africa.

and I think Botswana is now making a lot of money.

Since you too mentioned Libya, is this money in Botswana being used to make the country into a welfare-based society like Libya was ? I don't know anything about Botswana so this is my sincere question.
What a load of fairy tales and Bull shi.t. :lol: Same old tactics of creating imaginary EVIL enemies and then raiding countries to loot their resources and wealth. French colonial a-holes using the same tactics.

Fairy-tales captured half of Mali and almost reached Bamako before the French intervened?

Your denial of extremist groups is one of the main problems of the islamic world right now.

And what did these African countries do after they kicked out all the white people? Nothing. They had corrupt leaders,civil wars,no water and a lot of poverty. Where was the progress? What was the army of Mali,Ivory Coast,Central African Republic and other countries doing against rebels,terrorist groups and civil war? Nothing. They were losing more and more ground.

A few Europeans go in,either armies or mercenaries and push all enemy factions back in a few days.

And then you have muslims who actually live in ex-British colonies like India,Pakistan,Australia or Canada,nag about French colonialism.

Well, the European White Man at least in South Africa created an island for himself and didn't create benefits for rest of Africa. Please watch the vid in this post posted by @fitpOsitive last year. The vid is of a Sierra Leonean woman, Mallence, who IIRC lives in Germany now and is speaking on a TEDx stage. She describes Sierra Leone as the richest in the world in the richest continent in the world : the mineral and other material riches. IIRC she describes the contradictoryness of her country ( and much of Africa ) being socio-economically not affluent ( even in a Communist sense, if I may put it ) even though it is the place that is producing a lot of the mineral supply used everywhere in the world. Even in a Capitalist sense the producer must be rewarded, yes ? But that is not the case in context of Africa.
They did,but they did it with their hard work and ideas. Especially the Boers. I think the most succesful South African country was Rhodesia and the black population there was probably the best fed and treated in all the ex-colonies.

Since you too mentioned Libya, is this money in Botswana being used to make the country into a welfare-based society like Libya was ? I don't know anything about Botswana so this is my sincere question.
I don't think they have the welfare level of Gaddafi's Libya,I don't think they are anything close to Gaddafi's Libya in general,but apparently,from what I've read,they are one of the fastest-growing economies in south africa and they have been making a lot of progress economically and as a society,I think.
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And what did these African countries do after they kicked out all the white people? Nothing. They had corrupt leaders,civil wars,no water and a lot of poverty. Where was the progress? What was the army of Mali,Ivory Coast,Central African Republic and other countries doing against rebels,terrorist groups and civil war? Nothing. They were losing more and more ground.
Holding other nations of different cultures to Western standards especially after the west pillaged, raped and enslaved them for so long doesn't make sense. Just because a nation GDP per capita isn't as high as sweden's doesn't mean they have not progressed in their culture and are backwards. Africans are getting richer and richer and can afford more goods such as smart phones, tvs and more clothes than ever before much of it thanks to China exports. Their quality of life has improved dramatically over the years. Just because they are not rising as fast as China did doesn't mean they are backwards and need to be slaves/debtors to whites.
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