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How Far Behind Modernization of Bangladesh Armed Forces

Bengal Tiger 71

Dec 23, 2016
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Forces Goal 2030


Forces Goal 2030 is a long-term modernization program for BD Armed forces. Its main purpose is expanding the force size, acquiring modern war-machines and providing next level training. The goal also emphasises developing indigenous defence industries.

As per the plan, Bangladesh Army will be a well-trained, well-armed and technologically advanced force that can defend the country from any conventional and unconventional threats. Several steps has been taken to modernize the regular infantry outfits. Army are increasing regiments & divisions to secure the motherland. Planning to procure Tank, Missiles, APC, Attack Helos etc.

On the other side BD Navy want to build guided missile frigate in CDD locally. To enhance Submarine capability BN are also considering to buy Chinese subs.

BD Air force raise a tender of MRCA 8 + 4 one year ago but till now no trustful sites assure that the deal fixed yet or not.only 8 Migs 4 gen have BAF which is very insufficient to protect the BD sky.The Air Force is on the process of setting up an advanced fighter pilot training unit named 105 Advance Jet Training Unit. The unit will consist of three training squadrons which will provide advanced trainings to the pilots selected for operating the fighter jets.

Very slow procurement are going on, which is holding BD very far behind from their neighbor. Also BD Army are not responding when neighbor country insult them.
57/116 according to GPF
Optimistic answer - Better than half of the world.
Pessimistic answer -Worse than half of the world.
Realistic answers - Sucks, should improve more n more.

সুশীল ans(intellectuals answer ): why do we need a millitary!!!!11!!1!we haz মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা-z and shieett (sprit of the liberation war )
Spirit is good. But a weak guy can't win fight against a Pro with just spirit.

That sprit is long gone my friend. The only sprit thats arouund this the sprit of $$$, at leeast thats what my observation tells me.
Spirit is good. But a weak guy can't win fight against a Pro with just spirit.
It was sarcastic comment. He was actually mocking those chetona thugs ( 71 cultists), and other hypocrite intellectuals of Bangladesh who often rant that BD doesn't need armed forces.
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According to BD posters here, they have already surpassed Pakistan in every civil and military field...so in military they are already heavy modernized :angel:

No BD person ever claimed we have surpassed Pakistan in military field.
BD is ahead of Pakistan economy for sure and the gap will widen by 2030.
Once BD military is modernised by 2030, it will be as powerful as Pakistan conventionally.
No BD person ever claimed we have surpassed Pakistan in military field.
BD is ahead of Pakistan economy for sure and the gap will widen by 2030.
Once BD military is modernised by 2030, it will be as powerful as Pakistan conventionally.
12 years ! And Seriously, pakistan doesnt cares:coffee:
No BD person ever claimed we have surpassed Pakistan in military field.
BD is ahead of Pakistan economy for sure and the gap will widen by 2030.
Once BD military is modernised by 2030, it will be as powerful as Pakistan conventionally.

Economically, definitely. Already outpaced them in many indicators.

Militarily, not really. They wont be sitting idle till 2030 while we develop. As they are way ahead of us, that gap can certainly be reduced but wont even be on par. Reasons being our Military Chiefs sit and talk, their Chiefs work.

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