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How do we make PDF better?

We are preparing to make an upgrade for 2015, so this is your thread to post your ideas and fantasies that can make PDF better. Soon this community will be a decade old so we must keep up with the demands and new age.

Shoot it out here.

Any suggestions regarding the management improvements (i.e. related to moderation) can be posted in the GHQ section.

1.Since we are having so many members,screening for new accounts can be considered. New members can be made to fill out a questionare .
2. New title b/w senior member and elite member.
-Have forced SSL enabled w/ a self-signed cert.
-Add brute force protection for the passwords (If it does not exist already)
-Add IP address protection.
-How do you store your passwords? Are the encrypted?
-allow images in signatures
-Make me Admin.

Hahahaha hacker of some level among us. Hello backtrack
> The number of images that can be posted is just 10 including smileys. This should be increased to at least 20, if not unlimited.

> Ratings are mostly arbitrary with mods having a field day. It's like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. This mutual appreciation club for ratings should be discontinued forthwith as it means squat.

> More Indian mods as they have the largest population out here on PDF.

> Indian flag in smileys. (You guys are pissed off with the Yanks, yet they have a flag! Ironical, what?)

> Allow multiple replies to be shown even within quotes. At present the text within quotes is not included in one's reply to a poster who has 'quoted' text from another source.

> Warning sign for a troll post should be in the post itself after deleting it so everyone knows who's posting nonsense. This will also deter the potential troll due to the embarrassment it would cause. Like this sign....


However, he need not be banned from writing further posts on the thread.

My two bits!

Lot of problem caused here by Newbies (Yes i was also a newbie when i joined) lot of them start from the word go, some thru posting new threads, and some thru trolling. so my suggestion>

1) During the sign up probably you can give them a pop up or a window which gives them the idea about how stuff goes here.... and Tell them the Do's and Donts

2) Increase the number of minimum posts for a new member to post a thread.....

3) Leave the trace of a deleted post (which used to be there before)
It is already much better in regarding more speeds and responses quickly since vBulletin transformed.

I can't think of anything better on PDF quality, one thing we need to control many Indian trolls and their outbursts.
your opinion dosn matter.......webmaster's does....n we'l be very happy if he does it

You are right, my opinion doesn't matter. And i am glad.
Since i did vouch for an Indian Mod. Glad Webmaster didn't pay any heed.

Lot of problem caused here by Newbies (Yes i was also a newbie when i joined) lot of them start from the word go, some thru posting new threads, and some thru trolling. so my suggestion>

1) During the sign up probably you can give them a pop up or a window which gives them the idea about how stuff goes here.... and Tell them the Do's and Donts

2) Increase the number of minimum posts for a new member to post a thread.....

3) Leave the trace of a deleted post (which used to be there before)

Some senior and old members post ridiculous non-sense as well. You can change the number of posts but you can't change the internet troll.

The Dos and Donts are already there. People still invite troll fests and flame threads.

Best would be more and stricter moderation.
Anything off topic slightly or non-technical gets the user banned.

you say that.. but we all know you want us here..
who will you fight with othewise.. :hang3:

I don't like to fight, definitely not on the internet with teenage kiddies who just got access to internet in some remote corner of India and discovered PDF.
You are right, my opinion doesn't matter. And i am glad.
Since i did vouch for an Indian Mod. Glad Webmaster didn't pay any heed.

Some senior and old members post ridiculous non-sense as well. You can change the number of posts but you can't change the internet troll.

The Dos and Donts are already there. People still invite troll fests and flame threads.

Best would be more and stricter moderation.
Anything off topic slightly or non-technical gets the user banned.

I don't like to fight, definitely not on the internet with teenage kiddies who just got access to internet in some remote corner of India and discovered PDF.
offtopic: I will open a poll to gauge the mood of pakistani members... am sure if overwhelming number of pakistanis vote to not allow Indian members, webby will feel the pressure. Am going to tag you there.
Some senior and old members post ridiculous non-sense as well. You can change the number of posts but you can't change the internet troll.

The Dos and Donts are already there. People still invite troll fests and flame threads.

Best would be more and stricter moderation.
Anything off topic slightly or non-technical gets the user banned.

I agree that trolling is done in every rank and there are several who mastered it... My suggestion was only on to the newbies, and my point was not to eradicate the trolling....Strict moderation and higher number of mods are the only way to reduce the trolling....

But you know there are few who mastered in topic diversion.....They come to any thread and post a one liner which will be filled with hate and then the counter trolling starts which normally extends to few pages...... There should be something done on them..... Those one liners which starts a troll war should be instantly banned
offtopic: I will open a poll to gauge the mood of pakistani members... am sure if overwhelming number of pakistanis vote to not allow Indian members, webby will feel the pressure. Am going to tag you there.

Please go right ahead and count my vote in.

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