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How do indian muslims see pakistan.

Bugger is a "Oxbridge (Thats both Oxford and Cambridge for you ignoramus)" alumnus .. Arnab is too for that matter.

Illiterate madrasah educated anchors with fake Axact degrees can only take you so far in world (case in point, your new hero Amir Liaquat)

In 2006, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan declared the BA degree in Islamic Studies of Hussain obtained from the Trinity College and University as not recognised and fake. The University of Karachi declared his BA degree as fake earlier in 2005. Hussain declared his BA degree to the election commission of Pakistan while filing his nomination forms for 2002 Pakistani general elections.[3] It was reported that Hussain had purchased his degrees from the Trinity College and University to become eligible for contesting the elections.[1] In 2002, it was made compulsory for contestants of elections for seats in the Provincial and National Assembly of Pakistan to hold at least a Bachelors degree.[4]

In 2015, it was reported that Hussain acquired fake degree from Ashwood University. According to Federal Investigation Agency, his profile was noted in Axact's main server. Hussain confessed that he purchased fake degree from Ashwood University for $1136.

Hussain's claim to receive an MBBS degree from Liaquat Medical College Jamshoro in 1995[1] was also falsified based on the fact that if he had a MBBS degree in 1995 he would not need any fake bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees to contest the 2002 general elections. It was also noted that one cannot pursue two different faculties at a same time since Hussain claim to have both his MBBS degree in 1995 and BA in Islamic Studies from Trinity College in 1995.

Here's some burnol for you, you rabid hatemonger.


This aspect is what I was talking about earlier , a fact that all Pakistanis get it wrong almost every time . There needs no justification of 'muslims ' living under A 'Hindu ' because the contrary is also several times true , 'Hindus' living under 'Muslims ' . It is basically an Indian nation and 'Indian rule ' not a Hindu or a Muslim rule , and at the core of it all, there are secular values that bind us , not Hindu or Islamic values

I agree with you to a certain extent. I don't have an opinion in this matter, but the observations I made, made me reach that conclusion. One another thing that I used to hear, which I did'nt mention in the previous post, was that they always claimed that India has more Muslims, Pakistani Muslims are practicing, etc, which is what led me to believe they are trying to justify living in India.

I mean, they don't need to, people should be able to live anywhere, legally, without judgement

You should have kicked his ***.

lol. He was much older. After a few times, I told him straight up not to mention Pakistan around me, and he never did, its been 7 years. Pretty good guy otherwise, gave good raises ;)
Many of my friends are Indian Mulsims whom I have grown up with. They don't really have any thought of Pakistan and are not clued up about the situation in Kashmir as most of my friends originate from the state of Gujurat. Many of them dislike Modi due to 2002 how Muslims across towns and villages of Gujurat were hunted and massacred by Hindu mobs. Another thing I've noticed many young British Indian Muslims do not regularly go to India to visit family. Many marry a British Muslim resident. In recent times many Indian Muslims have started to marry British Pakitanis it's become a quiet common trend. Apart from Cricket were they support India the political and militery side of things they are not interested in not clued up. Most, like many Muslims across the world have a deep concern about the Palestinian cause yet know nothing about Indian occupied Kashmir.
They spit on us, they made their choice back in 1947. I have met some and they think more on ethnic lines than on religious lines. Like marathi muslim is Marathi first and Tamil muslim is Tamil first.
Was Pakistan created for Muslims of present day India? Your post made me LOL
We shouldn't care how they view. All we need to do is to start arming them against Hindu terrorists. Proper civil war in India is the need of the day.
Actually a civil war in India would be the true destruction of Pakistan.

Think hundreds of millions of people, many hardliners with heavy weaponry and nuclear weapons on the loose. Who do you think a large number of them would want to use those weapons on?

Unlike Nation States(like India) who have chain of command and rational decision making, these would also want to fight for Dharm Yudh (Holy war) and then go to heaven.
Actually a civil war in India would be the true destruction of Pakistan.

Think hundreds of millions of people, many hardliners with heavy weaponry and nuclear weapons on the loose. Who do you think a large number of them would want to use those weapons on?

Unlike Nation States(like India) who have chain of command and rational decision making, these would also want to fight for Dharm Yudh (Holy war) and then go to heaven.

Indians are too cowardly. We all know that.
This has been revolving in my head for some time now, articles from the indian side will obviously be biased and so will the pakistani ones so may be there are a few members here who can enlighten us to the existing ground reality. India has the second largest muslim population in the world second only to indonesia but what do the indian muslims see pakistan as, do they see us as an enemy state threatening thier country and does religion takes precidence in thier thought process and they see us as brothers for a similar cause...

WHO CARES what indian Muslims think of Pakistan????????? They are an irrelevant, meaningless and non-consequential people. Thanks to CPEC, Pakistan is now on an economic path to become a developed nation in the next few decades. We are testing MIRVs, SLCMs and other advanced high-tech weapons systems. We can become a major world military power/superpower. Despite all these achievements we are still worried about what meaningless people think of us?????????...............:disagree:.......just goes to show that a lot of Pakistanis can't think big and are still small minded despite all our successes.
Thank God the question was "Indian Muslims" not "Muslims of India"!!
Spot on....Forget about Muslims...there large number of Indian Hindus who view postively about Pakistan...
I would say majority of hindus are hostile to pakistan.. and may be majority of muslims(although percentage might be lower than hindus)...
you will be hard pressed to find anybody to have positive view of pakistan, because most Indians know little or nothing about current pakistan... apart from terror or bomb blasts.
Muslims in India have had the shorter end of the stick. At a societal level, they are discriminated against. Of course this is not institutionalized discrimination. Additionally they have been used as political pawns to secure votebanks. One needs to consider two things - there are Muslims who are upper middle class and rich and they are completely insulated from the societal discrimination. They are highly educated and obviously don't rely on what the local maulvi tells them. Unfortunately a bulk of the middle class Muslims migrated to Pakistan and usually this is the catalyst for change in any society. The Muslims who are in India otherwise lag behind in every social indicator.
Without discounting the fact that there could have been or was love affair between Muslims on both sides, these past 10 years made a huge impact on thinking of Indian Muslims towards Pakistan. Terrorist and drone attacks were daily routine and Indian local news channel as well as print media covered it fairly. Even the non educated Hindu hating Indian Muslims got stumped after hearing repeated attacks on shrines and schools. Indian Muslims are largely demonstrators and fatwa type, these suicide bomb blasts just decimated Pakistans status in their eye.

You can judge me as ranting but i am telling the reality. Indian muslims also hate Pakistan for their disservice to Islam by joining it with terrorism.

If Pakistan so much exaggerate RSS and beef issues, imagine how terrorism issues in Pakistan are looked at from other side of the border. Obviously, there is also an unsaid competition between the two on who made correct choice in 1947.
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I have close relatives/family in India (Bihar, UP, Delhi), and have communicated with them on whatsapp.

To be honest, it doesn't even matter what they say or think. They are facing severe problems in India itself.

When one of my cousins mentioned that Muslims are safer in India as opposed to Pakistan, I said they are safer in India as opposed to nations such as Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt etc as well; countries that are arguably more developed than India.

Muslims in India live in extremely poor conditions, and I for one am glad my family migrated to Pakistan.
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86% of Indians view Pakistan as a threat. Muslims are 14% of the population.

FACT: Most Indians do not have a positive opinion about Pakistan.
Hypothesis: Most of the 14% who do not think Pakistan is a threat, are minorities like Muslims and Sikhs.
I'm going to be honest, of the Indians I have met they have all been nice about Pakistan and me being Pakistani with the exception of a couple of Indian's and guess what? They were Muslim.

Whilst I'm sure Indian Muslim's are mostly great guys, the ones I have met seem to have this need to prove their Indian-ness by trash talking Pakistan and Pakistanis. I think it's just an insecurity thing that affects a few of these guys.

If they don't poodle to the Hindus they get burnt alive like their Sikh copatriots.

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