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How different is life in the Pakistani cities from Indian cities?

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Advertisement of freaking Alcohol. Pakistani have better life then getting drunk being a rapist and proud of it.
. .
Lol, what a f*ck is this thread even?

An inferior culture being 'proud' of being over-run by another superior culture (western). OP is feeling happy that india is so much "WESTERNIZED" while Pakistan has kept its own culture, traditions, outlook, and integrated itself in the global economy and system pretty successfully.

In essence, OP is making a classic case of Pakistan's cultural superiority over it's much poorer, unhappy, and utterly backwards and dirty neighbor :lol:

Well, to your point, what do Pakistanis do on weekends (and even on weekdays :D)...

Depends on who you are asking, but generally...it's

Food :D



Hangout with friends




and so on and on.

Yes, drinking is not mainstream to our culture and cities (Thank God for that). But Pakistani cities are full of life and hustle bustle (and are clean and organized too, something you might not be used to :lol:)

@Margarita @futurewar
Most of the pubs in India serve meat of all type (including pork and beef)...but comparison is not right, food gives pleasure to mouth, while drinks take you to another level altogether, away from regular tensions, lower inhibitions and thus making the party 10 times more fun.

Your suggestion that you require alcohol to take away your tensions, lower you inhibitions do you can have wild fun at parties, suggest you have a problem
Lol, what a f*ck is this thread even?

An inferior culture being 'proud' of being over-run by another superior culture (western). OP is feeling happy that india is so much "WESTERNIZED" while Pakistan has kept its own culture, traditions, outlook, and integrated itself in the global economy and system pretty successfully.

In essence, OP is making a classic case of Pakistan's cultural superiority over it's much poorer, unhappy, and utterly backwards and dirty neighbor :lol:

Well, to your point, what do Pakistanis do on weekends (and even on weekdays :D)...

Depends on who you are asking, but generally...it's

Food :D



Hangout with friends




and so on and on.

Yes, drinking is not mainstream to our culture and cities (Thank God for that). But Pakistani cities are full of life and hustle bustle (and are clean and organized too, something you might not be used to :lol:)
Lol, what a f*ck is this thread even?

An inferior culture being 'proud' of being over-run by another superior culture (western). OP is feeling happy that india is so much "WESTERNIZED" while Pakistan has kept its own culture, traditions, outlook, and integrated itself in the global economy and system pretty successfully.

In essence, OP is making a classic case of Pakistan's cultural superiority over it's much poorer, unhappy, and utterly backwards and dirty neighbor :lol:

Well, to your point, what do Pakistanis do on weekends (and even on weekdays :D)...

Depends on who you are asking, but generally...it's

Food :D



Hangout with friends




and so on and on.

Yes, drinking is not mainstream to our culture and cities (Thank God for that). But Pakistani cities are full of life and hustle bustle (and are clean and organized too, something you might not be used to :lol:)

@Margarita @futurewar

I guess when you are a good looking people, the need to drink is less.

1) You do not need to try as hard and hope the lack of inhibitions is mistaken for being cool.

2) You do not need the proverbial beer goggles for the one in front to look nicer.

Since You never had drinks, you cannot judge which one makes you feel better., someone like me can who had experience both kind of 'parties' can. People dancing in sober parties look so forced, god!

Drinks does not corrupt ability to think, and drinks are the best way to make friends, socialize, and talk to stranger. Nothing come even close to alcohol when you talk about making new friends.
By not drinking, you miss out on a lot of 'amazing nights with friends'.

someone rightly said,
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

So many muslims go party with me, you sound such a loser, sorry to say....

I don't understand why you cant have fun without getting drunk snd vomiting everywhere

Your drunk state also puts you at elevated risk if rape and sexual abuse

You REALLY need to change your lifestyle
I guess when you are a good looking people, the need to drink is less.

1) You do not need to try as hard and hope the lack of inhibitions is mistaken for being cool.

2) You do not need the proverbial beer goggles for the one in front to look nicer.


Well, that explains.

Pakistanis, in general, are far better looking than Indians.

Not to troll, but even Indians can't deny that if they are being honest lol...

But even without it, I'm sure Pakistan would not have developed this self-humiliating culture of being proud getting foreignized (westernization). Pakistan's social culture is superior to india's according to the available statistics and data--so it makes sense why we don't have such trends in our society.

Feel bad for indians though :lol:
To make u hate your life even more. Eternal fight between the haves and have nots.

And who told you that ???
We can have whatever we want whenever we want its our choice and it doesnt make any difference for any class its all about the awareness. But one must stay in his/her limits afterwards thats compulsory.
Look at these specimens.

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I don't understand why you cant have fun without getting drunk snd vomiting everywhere

Your drunk state also puts you at elevated risk if rape and sexual abuse

You REALLY need to change your lifestyle

No wonder indian chicks get bambooed (raped) at 48X times of Pakistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well, sorry shouldn't laugh...but the fact that there are 48x more rapes in india than Pakistan is just.....funny to an extent.

Poor indian women, got stuck in the shit-hole while Pakistani women got the better deal (in terms of looks and having living in a far more prosperous and secure society).

Look at these specimens.



Dude, a f*cking street girl in Pakistan is more sexually attractive (even though when's she's fully covered) than these "modern/westernized" indian sluts...I mean women :lol:

Oh God!!

They look SO desperate and wanna be:omghaha:

Go to my THIS post...here I randomly posted pictures from Pakistan.

EVERYBODY, go ahead and tell me if Pakistani random girls don't look HEAVENS APART from these indian 'modern/westernized alcohol drinking' slutty, sub-average chicks?

I am actually laughing right now. LMFAO!

They are trying to be 'white chicks' so hard and failing at it.

@Margarita @futurewar
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I prefer that Members should continue discussion with civility and manners and if none or anyone couldn't do that, IMO, need to take some rest and give it a break rather than going on long vacations. Any post damaging Forum quality will be taking along the member as well. Life does not depend on Opposite Gender and Wine only but there are other priorities to discuss as well being an intelligent species, Human indeed.

What % of Indians drink though? Does anyone know?
Read the title. Its a comparison
Well Gujarat is a dry state and they were going to ban alcohol in Kerala not so long ago, Going by what's happening in India these days with the whole hyper Hindu nationalism I won't be surprised alcohol will be banned country wide.. As for drinking/partying much prefer Bangalore and Goa.. Places that you have posted in Gurgoan and Delhi or Bombay is just overrated join ts full of arrogant wannabes, Newly rich prats trying hard to show off in your face all the time.. Have experienced this first hand As a foreign tourist I'd very much rather enjoy Bangalore or Goa, Way better vibes

Indians lack a drinking culture anyways.. Unlike most other places

P.S: There is no comparison with Pakistan, It's a Islamic country with strict laws against alcohol... it's not rocket science
What % of Indians drink though? Does anyone know?

Too high.

Its an epidemic.

I know couples who are partying every day of the week.

Kids in college even high school. Question is, where do they get the money from? Don't the parents ask?
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