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How did the Hindu rulers become so powerful in the 15th century in India?

If our religion was weak then like the whole of Middle East , Central Asia and North Africa , we too would have converted to Islam en masse. However, despite centuries of Muslim rule, most of the sub-continent remained Hindu and still does to this day. Just like Spain. Muslim percentage has only increased somewhat now due to the higher birth rates.
There is a difference between spain and india,spain had to be bailed out by others,we despite being under muslim rule for much longer are still majority unislamic
If our religion was weak then like the whole of Middle East , Central Asia and North Africa , we too would have converted to Islam en masse. However, despite centuries of Muslim rule, most of the sub-continent remained Hindu and still does to this day. Just like Spain. Muslim percentage has only increased somewhat now due to the higher birth rates.
30 crore Muslims in India, 20 crore Muslims in Pakistan15 crore Muslims in Bangladesh, whats left of India? these countries were part of Akhand bharat right?
Pakistan and Bangladesh were once in India right?
Ok,even if you take that under consideration,then pakistan muslims=180 million,bangaldeshi muslims=130 million,Indian muslims=180 million.Which is 490 million muslims of same race in the subcontinent.Now hindus are more than a billion in this subcontinent.So,we still are in majority despite being ruled by muslims for so long,there is no other example like us
There is a difference between spain and india,spain had to be bailed out by others,we despite being under muslim rule for much longer are still majority unislamic

Yet ,we
hey bro are u really Ex-Muslim ? now u are hindu or Jain ?
and why u leaved Muslim World ? plz tell us more.

simple reason. Seeing what these sunni arab and pakistan muslim terrorists are doing to their syrian muslims brothers in syria and to others. I cannot stand one thing. That is imperialism . Islam its works,its actions all imperialist and genocidal . I will not stand by imperialism.Many muslims today are leaving Islam due to terrorism of muslims as there is a lot of shame due to such actions.

Maybe I will return to hinduism ,only if hinduism becomes a socialist religion .And looking at the reforms ,there is progress ,but I believe hinduism will not be socialist in my lifetime sadly. Thanks,@SarthakGanguly for awakening me.

30 crore Muslims in India, 20 crore Muslims in Pakistan15 crore Muslims in Bangladesh, whats left of India? these countries were part of Akhand bharat right?

17.7 crore muslims in india.
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30 crore Muslims in India, 20 crore Muslims in Pakistan15 crore Muslims in Bangladesh, whats left of India? these countries were part of Akhand bharat right?
Haha .. they were also part of a supposedly islamic caliphate .. ! Now a vast majority chose to be hindus ... !

And when India was born, we made sure sub continental muslims are divided for ever ! A master stroke by yindoo baniya i must admit :D
30 crore Muslims in India, 20 crore Muslims in Pakistan 15 crore Muslims in Bangladesh, whats left of India? these countries were part of Akhand bharat right?

If you pull out stats from your backside like this, you will lose your credibility. Be careful. Total number from India is 16-17 crore and for Pakistan 18-19 Crores.

Who bailed us out?Not a outsider.

What do you mean by 'bailed out' in this context first of all ?
30 crore Muslims in India, 20 crore Muslims in Pakistan15 crore Muslims in Bangladesh, whats left of India? these countries were part of Akhand bharat right?
At time of partition muslim percentage in the subcontinent was about 23%.So Hindus were majority even then.Now muslim just produce too much that's why today the demographics are getting altered.
If you pull out stats from your backside like this, you will lose your credibility. Be careful. Total number from India is 16-17 crore and for Pakistan 18-19 Crores.

What do you mean by 'bailed out' in this context first of all ?
If you know how to count mr. geniass thats still a lot of people so ur theory is rubbish
and islam killed 270 million+ to 1 billion in its entire existence lol . Seems you are retarded. Welfare state lol? for whom a few chosen of his and his racist ideology .. If you understand socialism is intermediate stage to communism and is part of the communist implementation . Part of it .Read Marx or Lenin's work's properly. At in communist Russia ,everybody had a home.No poverty .Free transportation. Good education ,sports facilities,free electricity ,low inflation and maybe a private car also if you have the required savings . A decent lifestyle,stability .The gap between highest income and lowest income 6 to 1 in Communist Russia . Show me how many islamic nations have it lol. The only thing I see in islam and most islamic nations is poverty,pain ,brutal exploitation,racism of arabs,sectarian infighting and hate for others . Socialism has no place for racism,sex slavery and all this crap.

@vostok can give you an idea about life in a socialist state.

Yet “zakat” is at most a form tax, and more commonly a voluntary act of charity, not a collectivization of wealth by a central authority. According to scholars John Thomas Cummings, Hossein Askari and Ahmad Mustafa (who co-authored the academic paper, “Islam and Modern Economic Change”) “zakat is primarily a voluntary act of piety and a far cry from what most modern-day taxpayers experience when confronted with increased income levies or complicated regulations.” Moreover, they add, “there is no particular Islamic preference for Marxist emphasis on economic planning over market forces.”

Indeed, when Prophet Muhammad (a merchant himself) was asked to fix the prices in the market because some were selling goods too dearly, he refused and said, “Only Allah governs the market.” It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to see a parallel here with Adam Smith’s “invisible hand.” The Prophet also has many sayings cherishing trade, profit-making, and the beauties of life. “Muhammad,” as Rodinson put it simply, “was not a socialist.”
Is Islam a socialist religion? - MUSTAFA AKYOL

Socialism, properly understood as a non-monetary, non-market society based on the common ownership and democratic control of the means of production, and islam have nothing in common.

Islam and socialism | The Socialist Party of Great Britain

Your biggest bs was the first sentence which is laughable and I know what sources you have for that shit, as for Mr. Mustafa I never said Muhammad PBUH was a socialist that is again you coming to your own conclusions. Lastly I said if you compare Islamic system to either capitalistic or socialistic system you will see it is more socialistic than capitalistic, all my posts are here on this thread for all to see.

Heres a side by side for comparisons sake
Islamic Economic System, Capitalism and Socialism
If you know how to count mr. geniass thats still a lot of people so ur theory is rubbish

What theory ? It was your theory that since some Hindus converted Hinduism is weak. Majority of Indian sub-continent is still Hindu and always has been despite much higher birth rates among sub-continental Muslims and despite being under Muslim rule for centuries. That destroys YOUR theory. Don't try to deliberately confuse things.
That's True They are now "Proud" Muslims they are not Part of 5,000+ Years old Hindu History.

Religion changes history does not, Persian are Muslims today does not mean they no longer have Persian history before Islam, same for Egyptians, Greeks who are Christian today, Romans (Christians), or any other modern inheritors of ancient civilizations. Likewise Pakistan is the inheritor of the Indus valley civilization and that cannot be taken away from it. Only you Indians claim otherwise nobody on the planet would agree with your logic.

What theory ? It was your theory that since some Hindus converted Hinduism is weak. Majority of Indian sub-continent is still Hindu and always has been despite much higher birth rates among sub-continental Muslims and despite being under Muslim rule for centuries. That destroys YOUR theory. Don't try to deliberately confuse things.

It destroys his theory and the theory of forced conversions, true forced conversions would have ended dharmic religions. An example of forced conversion as state policy would be safavid conversion of Iran to shiasm look at how fast it was achieved and today Iran is 90% + Shia.
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