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How Did India Manage to Build an Advanced Fighter Jet Like the Tejas?

The stupid is you. We are talking about deep space exploration. You think we are talking about sending satellite on earth orbit?

It is you who is stupid and not me. You are such an idot who doesn't know that satellite or any other payload for Geo orbit, moon mission or any deep space mission is delivered at same orbit. Its orbit is subsequently raised by sling shotying. You are a typical chinese with low knowlede and jigh ego. I don't know how do you accommodate suvh a nig ego in a small brain.
Lol. The one crashed the lunar rover like tortoise is india. You can keep repeat lies but it wouldn't change the fact, China is the only country put a working rover on far side of the moon. :enjoy:

I recollect you called your crashed rover a rabbit. And then you crashed your mars mission too. No one crashes as much as china does. You even crashed world economy by letting loose the coronavirus and trying to hide it.
No the one that failed in 2011 and 2 years later we reached mars orbit Before you. Lol. And your long march is like our Diwali crackers who go up in the sky and explode:).
Long march means a long long march but destination never arrives. It keeps marching. Initially up and then down.
No the one that failed in 2011 and 2 years later we reached mars orbit Before you. Lol. And your long march is like our Diwali crackers who go up in the sky and explode:).
Cry baby cry.. our long March 5 complete lunar sample mission and is going to launch the core space station this month. You can cry as much as you want I know it's deep sour for Indian to accept ISRO failed so much behind CNSA. :enjoy:

Your pathetic Mark III can't even match our mid range long March 7 payload. So poor thing. :rofl:
Cry baby cry.. our long March 5 complete lunar sample mission and is going to launch the core space station this month. You can cry as much as you want I know it's deep sour for Indian to accept ISRO failed so much behind CNSA. :enjoy:

Your pathetic Mark III can't even match our mid range long March 7 payload. So poor thing. :rofl:

Try to fly it without crashing into villages this time will you.... :laugh: :rofl:
Try to fly it without crashing into villages this time will you.... :laugh: :rofl:
Sorry, long March 5 and long March 7 are launch from wenchang hainan. You can delude yourself as much but can't change the fact. Indian rocket are pathetic compare to mighty China long March 5. :enjoy:
We didn’t went to china to hide our incompetence of making aircrafts, S. Korea took Lockheed Martin consultancy as well to make their aircrafts which doesn’t make it an American aircraft. We manufacture the whole airframe ourselves. Yes it has several imported stuff and by improvements will decrease. But your JF-17’s front fuselage is only made in Pakistan Rest is imported from iron brother.
No you went to some half dozen countries genius. :lol:
Neither do we claim that JF-17 is indigenous like you creatures keep parroting daily.
And being an Indian, it's beyond your ability to understand how can China supply us with something that it doesn't uses itself.
No you went to some half dozen countries genius. :lol:
Neither do we claim that JF-17 is indigenous like you creatures keep parroting daily.
And being an Indian, it's beyond your ability to understand how can China supply us with something that it doesn't uses itself.
Atleast we don’t go for collaboratins to other countries because someone can’t make planes themselves, we design and make our own and use foreign components if it requires it and has no indigenous equivalents.
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