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Featured How China & Pakistan Could Lay Hands On The F-35s ?

It's not possible. They will never allow any pakistani near f-35. They are just dreams. I feel we should focus on our relationship with China and make more new jets with advanced technology. I don't think that Americans will sell any jet to Pakistan now except f-16. Our relationship with uae is almost over. Arabs are doing drama. I don't trust saudia as well. Emirati can't accept Israel without the wish of mbs.
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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday that the US will continue to ensure Israel's military edge in the Middle East under any future weapons deals involving the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

Whether Pompeo says or not; UAE should have seen it coming.... even if they build synagogue inside palace; Habibis wouldn't be allowed to have advance tech at all. Israel is all what they all planned to be superior in the region. My condolences with Gulf(s) that just gone to wrong camp.
Proponent of Pakistan recognizing Israel should learn from it. recognizing Israel won't change any thing for us either, it will only legitimize Israeli occupation of Palestine and Indian occupation of Kashmir.
What did I just read? I mean k Kuch Bhi??

Of course F-35 will come along with monitoring team and protocols. So how on earth, PAF pilots will get into it? Plus we haven't use anything like it so why would UAE ask for training by PAF pilots in the first place? This article is just like a Sasta Nasha!

On a serious note though I don't think Israel must feel threatened if UAE gets some F-35s.What UAE did with F-16E/F Block-60? These Arabs need to show off and that's only purpose for their military hardware.
Eurasian times is a very third class click bait portal for anyone searching for credible information.

Forget jets of UAE, pakistan wont be getting its hand on f-35 even if it decides to buy those with their own billion dollars. And that is because there close relation with the chinese.

Forget pakistan , even india have very little chance to get its hand on f-35 with their own billion dollars due to close relations with russia.

And here stupid author is dreaming of laying hands on f-35 of another country who not just paid {or will pay} billions for the jets but also has sold its morals and historical position vis-a-vis israel.
Im not sure F-35 would be value for money for Pak. Turkey swapping the F-35 for S-400, perhaps suggests the F-35 has certain limitations
How much of beryllium is used in manufacturing an aircraft whether stealth or no stealth. Probably China imports this to Europe and USA. What other raw materials have been provided by China to other countries which are used in making aircrafts.

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