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How China builds these, and why India never does

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China's leaders to implement economic reforms are usually top-down command, the organization's rapid construction of infrastructure, and to meet with economic growth and urbanization occurs.

It's top down in India too though it is increasingly trying to decentralize everything.

Government of India is usually to resist reform, infrastructure investment prevarication, and - For a non-existent Indian sentimental ideal pastoral life - the Indian government has refused to meet the influx of tens of millions of rural migrants to cities.

Because reform could mean political suicide. No one resist reform for the fun of it. As for rural migration, Indian government just let these build slums on government land.

The next 20 years, China's population growth will stop, and as India's population exceed China, went straight to 1.6 billion, India will have hundreds of millions of young job-seekers find work.

We can always shove these people for something useful like war;)
The thread has run its course. Everyone take some time off.
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