This article is 18 years old now. How much India 's mindset or social structure has changed since then. I guess what I am really interested in is how much the poorest segment of India society are better off today then 18 years ago, in terms of financial well beings, civil liberty, and social equity. I don't seem to be able to get Indian members here to discuss about it. They are busy either cheering for new rocket launch and new weapon purchasing, or counting billionaires, or trashing neighboring countries.
When I was talking to you in the other thread about the differences between ST and mainland India, I got an impression that many of the social ills that plague the India as whole back then, is still dragging India's feet today. 18 years did not seem to make a dent on all that. And 18 years from now, will we still feel many points in this article still stand true? Is India on the right path to be a civilized modern society, or it will still be a country mixed with capitalism, feudalism, or even serfdom? Will the caste system still be part of social norms even 100 year after its outlaw?
By the way, the translation of the previous discussion have been spread to other websites in China. Many people just copied them and put on their own websites now, and I am happy for that.
India's social structure and divisions?Not much has changed to be honest.Earlier it used to be out and about which was better in my opinion as people could still get their grievances across each other.Now,it's more subtle and far more biting than ever,the partial implementation of laws and a misguided sense of common nation hood among the jingos and the resultant militant nationalism may attempt to stamp out the distribution of power that keeps the various power blocks in India satisfied (the various ethnic,religio-social,regional divisions are mind boggling)
With India becoming increasingly capitalist and abandoning the few social poverty alleviation schemes that used to work,the poor are in a catch 22 situation.The increased economic growth does lead to some increase in their wages but inflation and removal of subsidies eats away a large chunk of the new income.Add to that the classification of BPL and APL citizens,the former is used to refer to the desperately poor while the latter is used to refer to poor but not as poor as the former.In theory it is a fine system as it can be used to reach and allocate resources when and where needed most.
However,when one reads the fine print the classification comes out as a joke.Some starving families are written as APL in Gov data to lift up figures while India,owing to it's corruption,has some middle class families classifying as BPL!!When one says some,it usually means millions and tens of millions in India.How does that happen?
To classify as not poor all you have to do is have an income of about
half a dollar per day which you have to use to feed,clothe,pay for housing,healthcare and everything else.Needless to say,at half a dollar one is hard pressed to even feed oneself two times a day in India let alone the rest of the above.Do note that poverty line is even lower for rural regions.The half dollar mark is for urban regions!!
As far as civil liberty and social equity is concerned,one just needs a google search on the prevalent caste discrimination and other forms of discrimination.A place where people don't get accommodation or are killed often because they eat a particular food,dress or look a certain way or gasp!! on their marital status doesn't rank very high as far as civil liberty and social equity is concerned.No matter what the paper laws and regulations say,the ground reality speaks otherwise.
India in this sense is a lot like former Yugoslavia-a place with huge diversity that seems peaceful and stable but the underlying divisions can be lethal.
Is India on the right path to be a civilized modern society, or it will still be a country mixed with capitalism, feudalism, or even serfdom? Will the caste system still be part of social norms even 100 year after its outlaw?
India was,is and will likely remain a paradox,a place where capitalism exists along with feudalism and covert serfdom for a long time to come.This is nothing new,any indophile will admit to that-India is a full of contradictions.
Caste system will most likely remain in place for at least 2 generations more and have societal sanction even though it may be outlawed in theory.To give an idea,people still marry and place ads for partners on the basis of caste,ethnicity and skin colour!!And it is societally accepted and encouraged as a virtue!!!
A century from now?Hard to say as the artificial Union may have long imploded in a century.