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"How Can You Defend Israel?"

Some of these remarks echo the Nazi era hate mongering by Hitlers mignons, which included some Muslims in the old Middle East who joined in wishing and hoping to see Jews massacared worldwide.

I have already posted politely our Holy Bible's history and commitment by Almight God Himself to restore the land of ancient Israel, which like it or not, is exactly what UN Resolution 181 did.

But none of the above remarks by me excuses the wrongs which some modern day Israelis commit over and over by trying to expand their settlements outside of the original UN Resolution 181 defined space. Such wrongful expansion by Israel may be self justified by things like the 1967 War against Israel and current tense Muslim terrorist actions eminating from Lebanon, backed now by Al Qaida and akin terrorist groups. BUT Israel does have a duty to honor the boundaries agreed to originally and not try to expand those boundaires in the name of safe and secure borders.

Provocations by both sides continue I suppose until the Second Coming of Jesus as mankind is unhappily greedy and self serving on all sides.
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]But none of the above remarks by me excuses the wrongs which some modern day Israelis commit over and over by trying to expand their settlements outside of the original UN Resolution 181 defined space. [/B] Such wrongful expansion by Israel may be self justified by things like the 1967 War against Israel and current tense Muslim terrorist actions eminating from Lebanon, backed now by Al Qaida and akin terrorist groups. BUT Israel does have a duty to honor the boundaries agreed to originally and not try to expand those boundaires in the name of safe and secure borders.

That is what i was trying to highlight in Archbishop Tutu's article. That if theres one people out there who should know about suffering persecution its the jews yet look what they are doing the Palestinians. Does man forget so fast? I will repeat one more time what i find most important in his article:

"My heart aches. I say why are our memories so short. Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation? Have they forgotten the collective punishment, the home demolitions, in their own history so soon? Have they turned their backs on their profound and noble religious traditions? Have they forgotten that God cares deeply about the downtrodden?"
The UN Resolution 181 changed the geopolitical map and that is that.

A 1946 map is thus negated in a legal and worldview sense due to the UN Resolution 181.

Similarly, the old map of India pre 1947 was negated to have created first West and East Pakistan, then Pakistan and Bangladesh.

World geopolitical maps changed throughout history based on consensus of nations of the world.
First I would like to point out is this is the 80's English writing style. And the year is 2011 (I think I have already shaken off the hangovers)

Secondly, translate this of how Jews are brave and stuff into Chinese and try to make it circulate amongst poor old Chinese females. If you have not already done so.
But none of the above remarks by me excuses the wrongs which some modern day Israelis commit over and over by trying to expand their settlements outside of the original UN Resolution 181 defined space. Such wrongful expansion by Israel may be self justified by things like the 1967 War against Israel and current tense Muslim terrorist actions eminating from Lebanon, backed now by Al Qaida and akin terrorist groups. BUT Israel does have a duty to honor the boundaries agreed to originally and not try to expand those boundaires in the name of safe and secure borders.
There is a common misperception that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are somehow illegal. Such criticism might be appropriate if U.N. 181 had been accepted by the Arabs as well as the Israelis. Unfortunately it was not. The Arabs decided upon war, not statehood. Gaza and the West Bank were illegally occupied by the Egyptians and Jordanians for twenty years. U.N. 181 never went into effect, and if you think it did, it had a ten-year expiry. The legal regime remains that of the Mandate, minus British occupation - state lands in the West Bank and Gaza are open for Jewish settlement. (In keeping with the obligations of this legal regime, privately owned Arab lands are untouched save for roads leading to Jewish settlements, a form of public taking common in democracies and offered by Jews to the Arabs as well.)

To claim that Israel has some sort of moral duty to yield territories it has a legal claim to and obtained control of through defensive wars makes less sense than demanding the U.S. return California to Mexico, or the Ukrainians return Lvov to Poland. At least these nations are at peace with each other. Since Arafat's rejection without response of the Camp David proposals in 2000 it is clear that the Palestinian Arabs, supported by all Arab states save Egypt and Jordan (and just their governments, not their citizenry) prefer rejection and violence to peace.

I never read anywhere that anybody considered the Jewish State borders specified in UN 181 defensible as long as the Arabs decided upon aggression. U.N. 242 promotes the right of Israel to exist within secure boundaries and accepts that it need not return all land conquered from its Arab neighbors.

For decades now the approach has been, "if only Israel gives more, the Arabs will accept peace." That mode of thinking should have died ten years ago, and certainly with Hamas' 2005 conquest of Gaza - Hamas which in its charter must base its hatred of Jews upon a well-known forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as truth and history are not sufficient to do so.

Why should peoples everywhere have to accept such lies as truths? Is it really good for peoples' sanity? It is long past time to think differently about the possible solutions to the Israel-Arab conflict. If Israel giving land for peace doesn't work, perhaps Arabs giving Israel land for peace will, just as Germany ceding its claims to Koenigsburg, Silesia, Alsace, and Austria have assured peace and prosperity to the peoples of Europe for decades.

A fantasy, you say? What if Germans of the early 1930s had stood up, advocated, and politically organized such a policy goal instead of rooting for war against France and Russia? I doubt such eviscerating goals would have been attained, but neither would Hitler have received the keys to Germany. When you examine the record the moral truth remains that Arabs' leaders have advocated and continue to advocate genocide of the Jews in Palestine, whereas the Jews of Palestine have sought their legal right to settle and exist there.
There is a common misperception that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are somehow illegal. Such criticism might be appropriate if U.N. 181 had been accepted by the Arabs as well as the Israelis. Unfortunately it was not. The Arabs decided upon war, not statehood. Gaza and the West Bank were illegally occupied by the Egyptians and Jordanians for twenty years. U.N. 181 never went into effect, and if you think it did, it had a ten-year expiry. The legal regime remains that of the Mandate, minus British occupation - state lands in the West Bank and Gaza are open for Jewish settlement. (In keeping with the obligations of this legal regime, privately owned Arab lands are untouched save for roads leading to Jewish settlements, a form of public taking common in democracies and offered by Jews to the Arabs as well.)

To claim that Israel has some sort of moral duty to yield territories it has a legal claim to and obtained control of through defensive wars makes less sense than demanding the U.S. return California to Mexico, or the Ukrainians return Lvov to Poland. At least these nations are at peace with each other. Since Arafat's rejection without response of the Camp David proposals in 2000 it is clear that the Palestinian Arabs, supported by all Arab states save Egypt and Jordan (and just their governments, not their citizenry) prefer rejection and violence to peace.

I never read anywhere that anybody considered the Jewish State borders specified in UN 181 defensible as long as the Arabs decided upon aggression. U.N. 242 promotes the right of Israel to exist within secure boundaries and accepts that it need not return all land conquered from its Arab neighbors.

For decades now the approach has been, "if only Israel gives more, the Arabs will accept peace." That mode of thinking should have died ten years ago, and certainly with Hamas' 2005 conquest of Gaza - Hamas which in its charter must base its hatred of Jews upon a well-known forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as truth and history are not sufficient to do so.

Why should peoples everywhere have to accept such lies as truths? Is it really good for peoples' sanity? It is long past time to think differently about the possible solutions to the Israel-Arab conflict. If Israel giving land for peace doesn't work, perhaps Arabs giving Israel land for peace will, just as Germany ceding its claims to Koenigsburg, Silesia, Alsace, and Austria have assured peace and prosperity to the peoples of Europe for decades.

A fantasy, you say? What if Germans of the early 1930s had stood up, advocated, and politically organized such a policy goal instead of rooting for war against France and Russia? I doubt such eviscerating goals would have been attained, but neither would Hitler have received the keys to Germany. When you examine the record the moral truth remains that Arabs' leaders have advocated and continue to advocate genocide of the Jews in Palestine, whereas the Jews of Palestine have sought their legal right to settle and exist there.

this belief has caused enough damage.
The question that matters here is,

How is Israel defending itself?

Israel can easily defend themselves .:agree:

Why you ask this question ??

Saudi Arabia never go against USA so no matter how many modern equipments in their inventory

And one more thing Israel have operational ICBM and nuke ;)
I support Israel because Judiasm is one of the world's great religions and they need their homeland on the 67 Borders as much as Muslims from South Asia need their own homeland and got it in Pakistan.

Israel is also a very humbling experience for Arabs. Because Arabs think they are the best and when they fight and got their ***** kicked by the Jews that caused their own self-reflection.

I don't support Israel's settlement building or persecution of Palestinians or its wars in Gaza and Lebanon.

But Israel is a reality and it will exist. Criticize it like a proper country instead of wishing for its destruction which dilutes the criticism of Israel.

Israel has repeatedly asked for peace but never got it because Arabs could not come to terms of treating Jews as equals. If the Israelis were of any other religion beside Jews such as Druze, Shia, Christians, they would have long ago made peace.

But because they are Jewish, the same people which Hitler trampled over in World War II, then we consider them sub-human and not worthy of making peace with.

So Israel's humbling of Arabs in 1967 war was good for the region.

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Jews are nazis

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Jews Are Nazis

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