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How can we get rid of the Feudal Lords of Pakistan?

A) TAXATION ON FARMING LAND limit of "1,000 Acres" for individuals and
Businesses have to pay corporate TAX

Any land owned prior to Partition should be Pakistan Gov property
and gov should purchase the land with 1 time fee

Anyone can own more then 1,000 Acres provided they give gov 50% of the yeild/revenue in tax
---In 1912,the Chinese democracy revolutionary leader Sun Zhongshan created a way to solve feudal lords problem.
---The feudal lords must measure the price of their land and provid this number to goverment. The gov will harvest tax as the value of land. If a land lord who think his land is expensive, he must hand in more tax. So most of the land lords wouldn't say that their land is expensive. The goverment have right to buy the land lords' land as the value which was provided by the land lords. So land lords want to provide a higher price of their land, but they must hand more tax at the same time. This contradition make the land lords provide the true value of their land to the goverment. As a result, goveriment needn't to pay more money to by the land lords land. By this way, the land of one country will be owned by the goveriment,not owned by the feudal lords.

it didn't work practically. Mao did it brutal but once for all.
i doubt any serious land tax bill can be passed. afterall one cannot expect those ppl on the top to cut their own hands so willingly.
education is perhaps the only way but it takes many generations time for a country has mass population.
Guys its really a very good and important topic to discuss. If we need change in our country then we have to overcome over faults like, lying, mis-guidance for the sake of money and many more things. I also agree with the education system that should be great and if we are well educated(not well trained) Then we can create a good change soon...
Nationalized all their land like Bhutto nationalized all the Industry and Banks in 70s

If Bhutto was so sincere towards Pakistan and he considered this step to be in best interests of Pakistan rather than lessening rivalry. He would have voluntarily given up his own stretches of property or at least would have sold them out. And I think there was no feudal lord in Pakistan more powerful or richer than himself. And surprisingly sindh is itself the most uneducated and most suppressed province in Pakistan.

The most idiotic step in the history of human kind, which haunts Pakistanis even now. This is the reason which has deepened its roots in sub-conscious minds of many Pakistanis. They fear if they will turn out to be a business tycoon their properties will also be taken away.

Result: We can't reach the level of success that Business Tycoons and groups feel safe to be at in other countries.

That's why we have no Ratan TATA, Ambani, Laxami Mittal or Vijay Maliya in Pakistan.

If Laxmi Mittal was a Pakistani he would have lost his Steel Mill decades back just because he was rich = he is evil!!

Its a must for businessmen in Pakistan to be discreet if you come out with a strong identity then you are simply gone!!

WHat is required, is to alienate Feudal lords of power they enjoy over villagers and uneducated mass rather than taking their personal belongings or richness and making them poor adding more burden over the country's economy. Otherwise their assests will face the same fate as of steel mill.

A successfully run business entity taken away by the government which ends up rusting and close to be abandoned under heavy losses and debts due to some son of a gun's corruption who was running it and had no sincerity towards it. This same mill would have been earning billions at this time rather than owing billions if it was privately owned.

We should take education to even such feudal lords to change the minds of their newer generations, turning them to business persons only resulting in revenue for Pakistan.And should only take them out of politics if they do it dirty way otherwise all the citizens of Pakistan posses a right to take part in politics.
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There is no need to shoot anyone and soil ones own hands.Simply impose taxation on earnings on holdings bigger than 50 acres.even if they want rebate, they need to produce accounts.That should do it.
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