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I have a solution. Incorporate Bhatta in to Zakat.

What a retarded idea, my friend.

That is like mixing cow's milk with Cow dung.

Zakat is meant for use of Welfare of the orphans, widows, indigent and needy of the society.

Bhatta is for the corrupt Politicians to buy Alcohol, Gambling and buying Prostitutes.

BTW, all the Bhatta money send to OUR Beloved ALTAF BHAI is used for his needs for Alcohol, Gambling and British Prostitutes.

Please resist the temptation to TROLL. These are our serious issues so allow us to debate these without your annoying trolling.:D
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643373 said:
russian economy is going down you have to admit that, mao zedong had a huge communit party, he wasnt the lone dictator, he was even the elected chairman of th communit party, not a lone dictator and neither he was backed by chinese army

chinese and russians dont put retired army generals in every civil organisations

you are supporting army backed dictatorship

see all the african dictators, who is responsible for the destruction of african nations?? congo, zimbabwe etc all have dictators, the only progressing nations like south africa and kenya have democracy and civil leadership

check the history of china before posting further, chairman MAO was the frist united commander of peoples libreation army, & chinese army came of peoples communist party!
china couldbe the best role model for us!
& yes i support a marshall-revolution backed by army once & for all, with rotation of command like of china!
i am talking about pakistan, all the countries hve thier own different geo-graphical & historical realities, we should always keep that in mind , like afghanistan or pakistan cant become democracies like UK or USA ?
niether UK or USA CAN BECOME afghanistan or PAKISTAN?
yes pakistan needs a rotating dictatortship to get staybility! no thing else!
or be ready to obey mulana fazul-ullaha with your damo-crazy in dreams?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643100 said:
army should, or i say army can never bring reolution or change in the society, you are speaking about an organisation made to fight the exterior threats and thats it

we many times exaggerate the role of army and how should it interfere in country's matter by power and by power they chould change it

no my friend, army will only make devastations and send the country back many years if it uses its powers

history has taught us that military has always been under civilian control, the strategy for wars were not made by kings but their army generals

hitller will his might and power couldnt save germany from utter destruction and so did mesolini

army generals are naturally incapable to handle country matters

I think you did not read my post carefully.

I was disagreeing with Batmonnow who said to use Army.

I was making a case AGAINST Army interference.

You did not read my post correctly.
I think you did not read my post carefully.

I was disagreeing with Batmonnow who said to use Army.

I was making a case AGAINST Army interference.

You did not read my post correctly.

i never said i disagreed with you, i was actually agreeing with you
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643397 said:
i never said i disagreed with you, i was actually agreeing with you

My Mistake. Good then we agree that we the citizens have to straighten out this mess, not Army.
What a retarded idea, my friend.

That is like mixing cow's milk with Cow dung.

Zakat is meant for use of Welfare of the orphans, widows, indigent and needy of the society.

Bhatta is for the corrupt Politicians to buy Alcohol, Gambling and buying Prostitutes.

BTW, all the Bhatta money send to OUR Beloved ALTAF BHAI is used for his needs for Alcohol, Gambling and British Prostitutes.

Please resist the temptation to TROLL. These are our serious issues so allow us to debate these without your annoying trolling.:D

I am serious. if you incorporate Bhatta in to Zakat, the politicians or other bhatta dependants will simply get an exemption from zakat as per the amount and the normally bhatta paying populace will pay the same amount as zakat to welfare. win win
I am serious. if you incorporate Bhatta in to Zakat, the politicians or other bhatta dependants will simply get an exemption from zakat as per the amount and the normally bhatta paying populace will pay the same amount as zakat to welfare. win win

I am sorry my friend , I am trying hard to follow the logic of your argument but it makes no sense to me.

BTW, I don't mean no disrespect my friend but do you really understand the Islamic concept of Zakat ?

It is meant for Social Welfare.
I am serious. if you incorporate Bhatta in to Zakat, the politicians or other bhatta dependants will simply get an exemption from zakat as per the amount and the normally bhatta paying populace will pay the same amount as zakat to welfare. win win

you mean give bhatta to the bhatta dependents and stop giving zaqat, is that what you meant?
I am serious. if you incorporate Bhatta in to Zakat, the politicians or other bhatta dependants will simply get an exemption from zakat as per the amount and the normally bhatta paying populace will pay the same amount as zakat to welfare. win win

you mean give bhatta to the bhatta dependents and stop giving zaqat, is that what you meant?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643431 said:
you mean give bhatta to the bhatta dependents and stop giving zaqat, is that what you meant?

if bhatta is so institutionalised, the only way to deal with it is to do what i suggested. give zakat exemption to the people who get bhatta and collect bhatta from regular payers in the form of zakat and use it for welfare.
if bhatta is so institutionalised, the only way to deal with it is to do what i suggested. give zakat exemption to the people who get bhatta and collect bhatta from regular payers in the form of zakat and use it for welfare.

:lol: dude you are very confusing
if bhatta is so institutionalised, the only way to deal with it is to do what i suggested. give zakat exemption to the people who get bhatta and collect bhatta from regular payers in the form of zakat and use it for welfare.

People who pay Zakat, pay it to philanthropic institutions ( like free clinic, free schools and orphanages) that give free help to public like free education, medicine etc.

Bhatta is collected by thieves and Mafia like elements and the English word for Bhatta is " Extortion ".

I cannot fathom the connection between the two.
People who pay Zakat, pay it to philanthropic institutions ( like free clinic, free schools and orphanages) that give free help to public like free education, medicine etc.

Bhatta is collected by thieves and Mafia like elements and the English word for Bhatta is " Extortion ".

I cannot fathom the connection between the two.

Bhatta is extortion money but people usually collect it from Traders and Bussiness and investers(in land) people that can pay significant amounts. The people who collect may be goons, mafia and thugs but they put on an elaborate show like they are the protectors of the person or trasaction or property etc., So they have a reputation in the locality and may even be connected to local powers like MPs MNAs Clergy Land Lords etc.,
what you people have to do is to identify these Mafia types who collect bhatta or Hafta and get the Mullahs(which is the most difficult part) to give an ultimatum or declaration that they have to pay a compulsory Zakat of some very high percetage of what they collect as bhatta(say 90-99%) if they choose to continue the exortion or else be declared Kufr and be rightfully excommunicated. They will either have to collect money and give back most of it to the charities or simply not indulge in it.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3643461 said:
:lol: dude you are very confusing

He is actually stupid or making fun of the Islamic concept of zakaat.

Those who get bhattas are like mafia dons. In our case, they are our politicians. Since they are not needy, they are supposed to give zakaat. But zakaat and ill-gotten money dont go together. Those who get money from illegal means are deemed thieves under Islamic law.

Death by hanging is the only solution of these bhatta mafia. But I strongly recommend this be done publicly.
He is actually stupid or making fun of the Islamic concept of zakaat.

Those who get bhattas are like mafia dons. In our case, they are our politicians. Since they are not needy, they are supposed to give zakaat. But zakaat and ill-gotten money dont go together. Those who get money from illegal means are deemed thieves under Islamic law.

Death by hanging is the only solution of these bhatta mafia. But I strongly recommend this be done publicly.

you mean same as was done by TALIBANS in afghanistan!
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