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How can our pre-Islamic ancestors be claimed to be following Brahmanic or Zorastrian traditions if they ate beef and buried their dead?

Umm no. The Gangadeshis follow the Puranas...not Vedic texts. Ask any Sindhi Hindu in India and they'll pretty much say the same.

What's the difference between Hinduism in Pakistan versus Hinduism in Gangadesh (aka fake India)

There is absolutely zero evidence for your claim of the Vedic people, who created the Vedas, buried their dead
There is burial and cremation in Rig Veda. Original Kshatriya Deva buried their dead. The early Vedic ruling caste was the highest caste on the Indus. This is well known.
Pakistan inherits its main tradition from the Kshatriya Deva [ancient Syeds].
Pakistan inherits its main tradition from the Kshatriya Deva [ancient Syeds].
Hi, what is “ancient Syeds?
Hi, what is “ancient Syeds?
Descendants of Prophet Ibrahim and Qetura.
Descendants of Prophet Ibrahim and Qetura.
Hmm. I’m a Syed descended from Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (as) myself and have never heard the term “ancient Syeds” before. Do you have any empirical evidence that supports this. Anything from an Islamic source, preferably one that’s not Indian?
What is a Qetura?

Are you an Indian Hindu? I’m curious as to why you’re mixing up Islamic terminology with Hindu ones?

There’s been countless threads on PDFs of Indians saying real crazy stuff that cannot be verified in Islamic history (Shia or Sunni traditions).
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There is burial and cremation in Rig Veda. Original Kshatriya Deva buried their dead.
Buddha, who was from a princely clan, was cremated. Of course, one example does not make a trend.
Cremation ground: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Buddha#/media/File:Buddha's_cremation_stupa,_Kushinagar.jpg
Urn with ashes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Buddha#/media/File:Piprawa_vase_with_relics_of_the_Buddha.jpg
Hmm. I’m a Syed descended from Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (as) myself and have never heard the term “ancient Syeds” before. Do you have any empirical evidence that supports this. Anything from an Islamic source, preferably one that’s not Indian?
What is a Qetura?

Are you an Indian Hindu? I’m curious as to why you’re mixing up Islamic terminology with Hindu ones?

There’s been countless threads on PDFs of Indians saying real crazy stuff that cannot be verified in Islamic history (Shia or Sunni traditions).
I am Hindustani [not Hindu]. Hindu is a word originally used by Persians. Syeds don't end at the border of Pakistan created in 1947. There is long tradition of Syeds in India. What is the empirical evidence you descend from Imam Jafar? I don't think there is any. I was told I am Sadat Syed. There is no empirical evidence for it. However, Syed is our blood identity and we certainly have ancient link to Iraq. If my ancestry has a link to Syed Abul Farah from Wasit, Iraq, who was Sadat Syed [descent from Hussein], then it cannot be paternal lineage. Qeturah is third wife of Prophet Ibrahim. Arabs/Muslims generally ignore her.
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I don't believe he was cremated. This is not historically verifiable. As for relics, do you know how many relics from Jesus that European Christians claimed. All scientifically proven false. Christ was not a Christian and Buddh was not a Buddhist.
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I am Hindustani [not Hindu]. Hindu is a word originally used by Persians. Syeds don't end at the border of Pakistan created in 1947. There is long tradition of Syeds in India. What is the empirical evidence you descend from Imam Jafar? I don't think there is any. I was told I am Sadat Syed. There is no empirical evidence for it. However, Syed is our blood identity and we certainly have ancient link to Iraq. If my ancestry has a link to Syed Abul Farah from Wasit, Iraq, who was Sadat Syed [descent from Hussein], then it cannot be paternal lineage. Qeturah is third wife of Prophet Ibrahim. Arabs generally ignore her.

I verified my lineage through our family’s Shajra that legitimate Shias have in their possession.

Now back to Qturah, I asked for legitimate Islamic sources because I only found Christian sources when I googled her. Per their sources, she was his Concubine.

Syeds are strictly the descendants of the Prophet (pbuh). There’s nothing in Islamic texts that calls descended from Ibrahim (as) as “Syed.” I’ve never this “ancient Syeds.” The fact that you used a Hindu term tells me you’re another confused Hindu or rather deliberately spreading distortions about Islamic history.

Nothing in Islamic history or theology about her. Please post legitimate, non Indian, Islamic sources as the Indian sources are heavily under the influence of Hinduism and I don’t trust them.

@Big Tank @mohsen - sorry to bug you guys again, but as Shias, have you ever heard of “Ancient Syeds” this Indian is yapping about?
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Buddhists have been in Pakistan for at least 2,000 years. Archaeologists uncovered a Buddhist Temple in the Swat Valley built some time between 563 and 483 BCE.

There's a Buddhist cave in Bela, Balochistan called Godrani.

Xuanzeng also described and reported many Buddhist temples in Makran, Balochistan

These are the Godrani Buddhist caves:

This is actually correct. Pakistanis and the Indus Valley civilisation have close links to Mesopotamia and Persia
Give me the year🤣
I verified my lineage through our family’s Shajra that legitimate Shias have in their possession.

Now back to Qturah, I asked for legitimate sources because I only found Christian sources when I googled her. Per their sources, she was his Concubine.

Syeds are strictly the descendants of the Prophet (pbuh). There’s nothing in Islamic texts that calls descended from Ibrahim (as) as “Syed.” I’ve never this “ancient Syeds.” The fact that you used a Hindu term tells me you’re another confused Hindu or rather deliberately spreading distortions about Islamic history.

Nothing in Islamic history or theology about her. Please post legitimate, non Indian sources as the Indian sources are heavily under the influence of Hinduism and I don’t trust them.
You are boxed in by Pakistani nationalism and culturalism or maybe you are too young. Had you googled you would have found this.

Prophet Muhammad was Syed, but Prophet Ibrahim was not??! Darood Sharif.

By Islam's histioriography, Prophet Ibrahim was of course Syed which is reference to a blood identity that has existed since ancient time. All descendants of Prophet Ibrahim maintained it since ancient times [not just the Jews].
You are boxed in by Pakistani nationalism and culturalism or maybe you are too young. Had you googled you would have found this.

Prophet Muhammad was Syed, but Prophet Ibrahim was not??! Darood Sharif.

By Islam's histioriography, Prophet Ibrahim was of course Syed which is reference to a blood identity that has existed since ancient time. All descendants of Prophet Ibrahim maintained it since ancient times [not just the Jews].

I’m neither young nor a nationalist. I’m pan-Islamist. Making ad hominem attacks against tells me exactly what you are behind the keyboard.

Sharing a Wikipedia link that has absolutely nothing about Islamic sources and traditions on this person. Who are you trying to fool?

post legitimate Islamic sources of non Indian origin as all of you from the east have a habit of lying and distorting history
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I don't believe he was cremated. This is not historically verifiable. As for relics, do you know how many relics from Jesus that European Christians claimed. All scientifically proven false. Christ was not a Christian and Buddh was not a Buddhist.
If he were not cremated, there would be a tomb like it exists for other famous founders of religions. The urn with ashes has Brahmi script that is very old. Buddha was a Hindu (or Vedic religion, as the word did not exist then) prince. Since Buddha was not ever claimed to be a supernatural person (e.g., no miracles attributed to him), there is not much reason to make up stories about his death. I agree Jesus' relics are all invented as Christianity was invented by Apostle Paul well after Jesus's death. It is unlikely that all the relics would be preserved for a man whose name would be attached to a religion to be founded later.
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