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How anti-Rampal power plant has turned into anti-India protest

Home is where the heart is. And my heart cannot be with murderers and dacoits who murdered my family members and snatched our ancestral properties. :(
So you are equating all Bangladeshi people with communal rioter? Is there any shortage of communal rioter in India?
East Pakistan or Bangladesh was created after separation from their original motherland India on the basis of extreme religious intolerance and bigotry that was strong enough to tear apart a nation, cause death to millions, and making many more millions homeless refugees. Later the eastern part of Pakistan understood that the religion islam that prompted the creation of this new nation after so much bloodbath and misery, wasn't constructive enough to bind the two parts of Pakistan together to build a strong and united nation, and the 'control of power' was a stronger desire than the bond of Islam. Hence, a new idea of intolerance in the name of ethnicity and language was fanned that caused another fresh series of bloodbath and misery, and Bangladesh was created.

And no, there is nothing like 'Bangladeshi gene', it is a false country created based on religion where Hindu Bengalis have no place.

Again you are talking bullS^ts. Bangladesh is created on ethnicity, not religion. East Pakistan was forgotten history. Bangladesh as a new country emerged only after 1971. So Don't blame creation of East Pakistan on Bangladeshis. East Pakistan was created along religious line. our freedom fighters created Bangladesh on ethnic and linguistic line. Islam is just a religion of majority of Bangladeshis. That doesn't mean we are communal. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism all are indigenous to Bangladesh since ages. Islam came from Arabia to Bengal in 7th century. Long enough to call it indigenous religion of Bengal. We represent one of the religiously diverse nations on earth and one rare Muslim majority country which is secular in its principles. Stop spreading venom all the time against Bangladesh and mislead people. Communal riots happen way more in India than Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi genes are carried by those who belonged to this part of Bengal at some point of time. You hate your own genes. Shame on you. :tdown:
This guy is talking total rap BS. Perhaps working for the core promoters of this harful project
Idiot Mollah, learn before you further vomit in this forum. Stupid fanatic will remain a fanatic without a single trace of intelligence. You are talking as if RAW has promoted you to rant as you wish. You are serving Indian interest by opposing a power plant in BD. Learn logic and then come to this forum.
Idiot Mollah, learn before you further vomit in this forum. Stupid fanatic will remain a fanatic without a single trace of intelligence. You are talking as if RAW has promoted you to rant as you wish. You are serving Indian interest by opposing a power plant in BD. Learn logic and then come to this forum.

No point talking to him bhai. Any sane person can understand that we need to generate as much power as possible be it coal, has, oil, solar or biomass. Building power plants should be a top priority for the govt.
No, I am not a ghoti, and no, ghotis are not ghatia, malaun may be...
Ghotis are both Hindus and Muslims, and they have the same cultural traits. If Ghoti is not Ghatia, then where from the word came? People of east Bengal regard those in the west as Ghatia, but denote them with a Bengalized word Ghoti, which has the same meaning as Ghatia.
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