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How anti-Rampal power plant has turned into anti-India protest

BD belongs to tropical area, totally different. They don't have to fire coal at winter. They can develop nuclear power plant and other eco friendly power plant. Since BD people don't want India build power plant at that area, there is no point of India insisting doing so.

Nuclear or other eco-friendly power plants are very expensive to build. BD economy is now in a preliminary stage of development. It is almost impossible for us to finance a continuous building up of expensive nuclear power plants to produce another 50,000 mW of electricity in the next 20 or 30 years. My personal conviction is BD needs a 100,000 mW of power during the next twenty years to be free of unemployment, disguised unemployment and poverty.

BD has to follow which ALL the now developed countries have done when they were developing. All of them started with coal-fired power plants, then came the gas and oil-fired plants and after that the nuclear power plants. Note that BD is not even regarded as a developing country. It is an underdeveloped agrarian country, which is striving to become a developing country.

It remains a poor country with an agrarian economy where people like to fully believe in supernatural things and less in technology. Simply speaking, money is not there to import high-tech value added products such as nuclear plants in good number.
Nuclear or other eco-friendly power plants are very expensive to build. BD economy is now in a preliminary stage of development. It is almost impossible for us to finance a continuous building up of expensive nuclear power plants to produce another 50,000 mW of electricity in the next 20 or 30 years. My personal conviction is BD needs a 100,000 mW of power during the next twenty years to be free of unemployment, disguised unemployment and poverty.

BD has to follow which ALL the now developed countries have done when they were developing. All of them started with coal-fired power plants, then came the gas and oil-fired plants and after that the nuclear power plants. Note that BD is not even regarded as a developing country. It is an underdeveloped agrarian country, which is striving to become a developing country.

It remains a poor country with an agrarian economy where people like to fully believe in supernatural things and less in technology. Simply speaking, money is not there to import high-tech value added products such as nuclear plants in good number.
You have some points there. Maybe they just don't want coal power plant there. Can this plant move to another indisputable place?
The idiots from BD in this forum and the Anu Mohammed/Shahidullah-led so-called fake nationalists outside do not care that India is already supplying BD with 500 mW of power, and a cancellation of Rampal will cause BD to purchase the equivalent of 1320 mW or more power from India. India will certainly be happy to sell it. BD idiots will then start protesting that India is overwhelming the BD power sector with its own supply.

I have a personal dislike for the present BD govt. in Dhaka. But, I am not here to criticize its efforts to buildup the poor electricity sector, because I am not a part of Huzug-e-Bangal. People here like to run after the eagle without first touching their ears. Note also, how another group in west Bengal destroyed the TATA project in their Province. Now, they are lamenting it. Being a part of Bangal you yourself know our destructive culture. Oh!! You are a Ghoti/Ghatia.

So says a RAW mouthpiece in PDF.

You have some points there. Maybe they just don't want coal power plant there. Can this plant move to another indisputable place?

This plant was already rejected by several Indian state on environment issues. But now politicians/officials of India and BD have taken so much of bribe upfront that they cannot back out.
Our Government? Stated by which incompetent and illiterate MORON? You meant to state,that your RAW installed puppet illegal people presently in power,an unelected body ?



Of course it's your government elected by the people of Bangladesh under the constitution of BD, I don't know if it was written by any 'incompetent and illiterate MORON', but that's how it is. You don't want that government, vote it out, or feel free to just rebel against it, not our concern.
You have some points there. Maybe they just don't want coal power plant there. Can this plant move to another indisputable place?

Coal-fired volume of electricity consists of only 2% of the total power output in BD. There is only one coal-fired power station in the north west of the country where there is a vast quantity of reserves of coal with only 2% ash contents. Even then, the anti-development group led by Shahidllah and Anu Mohammed disoriented people's mind when the govt decided to mine coal and build a power plant in the vicinity.

So, this group will always disorient people's mind and use them against building coal-fired power plants even if it is located 300 miles away. Internet warriors here are supporting them because they are just following the trend. BD needs to produce more and more electricity to power the industries where millions of people will get employed. Our fat forumists do not need employment. They will remain underemployed with their fathers' money stacked in Banks.

But, I think whatever may be the cost, BD must work hard to produce energy that will provide employment to the poor like me.

No, I am not a ghoti, and no, ghotis are not ghatia, malaun may be...
The word ghoti has derived from the word ghatia.
By Jan 26th they will all be purchased unless this Anu can mount a nationalist campaign..
You have some points there. Maybe they just don't want coal power plant there. Can this plant move to another indisputable place?

As long as Awami League government is in power, every square inch of Bangladesh remains a disputable area for BNP and Jamati brigade.
You are Bangal from East Bengal (Bangladesh). So by default you are Bangladeshi by genes. I don't understand why do you always troll in Bangladesh related topics.
Be sympathetic towards him, he deep down misses his true home :(
You are Bangal from East Bengal (Bangladesh). So by default you are Bangladeshi by genes. I don't understand why do you always troll in Bangladesh related topics.

I am a Bengali, there is nothing like 'Bangladeshi genes', Bangladesh was a continuous land and a part of my country that separated because of religious intolerance, extremism and bigotry.

Be sympathetic towards him, he deep down misses his true home :(

Home is where the heart is. And my heart cannot be with murderers and dacoits who murdered my family members and snatched our ancestral properties. :(
I am a Bengali, there is nothing like 'Bangladeshi genes', Bangladesh was a continuous land and a part of my country that separated because of religious intolerance, extremism and bigotry.

Home is where the heart is. And my heart cannot be with murderers and dacoits who murdered my family members and snatched our ancestral properties. :(

Bangladesh was not created on the basis of religious bigotry. It was created to cherish Bengali nationalism. Every Bangal is Bangladeshi by genes. There is no two opinion.

  • Bangals, a term used informally in neighboring India to refer to Bangladeshis. Bangal is also the Hindustani term for Bengal. In West Bengal, the term is widely used among upper class subgroups to differentiate families from Bangladesh. The opposite of Bangal in this social setting is Ghoti, a term used to refer to people from West Bengal.
So says a RAW mouthpiece in PDF.

You guys want BD not to build new and cheap power plants. Whoever is the partner of Rampal plant, it will be built inside BD. Like other industries owned by the foreigners, Rampal is also our plant. Do you deny it is not? A negativity is what a richer and technologically superior India needs to promote its own power plants around the boundary.

It will start building more power plants near the border from where electricity will be supplied to BD. You ignorant are supporting that conspirators Shahidullah/Anu Mohammed in a way that will only cause India to celebrate. Are you not then an Indian agent working in the Forum with a falsified identity?

BD needs the extra production of electricity. A 100 mW power supply will directly employ 200,000 workers in the newly built factories that will be run by the power supplied from the new sources. The workers' income will cause also to buildup the local economy where a factory is located.

Today, BD's installed capacity of electricity is less than 10,000 mW against a low of 3500 mW in 2002. But, it needs at least 40,000 mW of power within the next ten years in order to develop faster. Do you really understand the meaning of what I said?
You guys want BD not to build new and cheap power plants. Whoever is the partner of Rampal plant, it will be built inside BD. Like other industries owned by the foreigners, Rampal is also our plant. Do you deny it is not? A negativity is what a richer and technologically superior India needs to promote its own power plants around the boundary.

It will start building more power plants near the border from where electricity will be supplied to BD. You ignorant are supporting that conspirators Shahidullah/Anu Mohammed in a way that will only cause India to celebrate. Are you not then an Indian agent working in the Forum with a falsified identity?

BD needs the extra production of electricity. A 100 mW power supply will directly employ 200,000 workers in the newly built factories that will be run by the power supplied from the new sources. The workers' income will cause also to buildup the local economy where a factory is located.

Today, BD's installed capacity of electricity is less than 10,000 mW against a low of 3500 mW in 2002. But, it needs at least 40,000 mW of power within the next ten years in order to develop faster. Do you really understand the meaning of what I said?

This guy is talking total rap BS. Perhaps working for the core promoters of this harful project
Bangladesh was not created on the basis of religious bigotry. It was created to cherish Bengali nationalism. Every Bangal is Bangladeshi by genes. There is no two opinion.

  • Bangals, a term used informally in neighboring India to refer to Bangladeshis. Bangal is also the Hindustani term for Bengal. In West Bengal, the term is widely used among upper class subgroups to differentiate families from Bangladesh. The opposite of Bangal in this social setting is Ghoti, a term used to refer to people from West Bengal.

East Pakistan or Bangladesh was created after separation from their original motherland India on the basis of extreme religious intolerance and bigotry that was strong enough to tear apart a nation, cause death to millions, and making many more millions homeless refugees. Later the eastern part of Pakistan understood that the religion islam that prompted the creation of this new nation after so much bloodbath and misery, wasn't constructive enough to bind the two parts of Pakistan together to build a strong and united nation, and the 'control of power' was a stronger desire than the bond of Islam. Hence, a new idea of intolerance in the name of ethnicity and language was fanned that caused another fresh series of bloodbath and misery, and Bangladesh was created.

And no, there is nothing like 'Bangladeshi gene', it is a false country created based on religion where Hindu Bengalis have no place.
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