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How America is Destroying Pakistan

Pakistanis don't pay taxes. America's fault.
Pakistanis blow themselves up among our own people. America's fault.
Pakistanis involved in mega corruption. America's fault.
Pakistani feudal lords oppressing people. America's fault.
Pakistanis oppressing Minorities and women. America's fault.

Such a great, pious and innocent nation.

-immature - whatever!
-ignoring point 2
-your blame does end at the army and it just pisses you if someone doesnt agree - i never once said the army was flawless - i told you it has its "issues" but its better than any other institution operation in the country at the moment.
-illiteracy -according to me - is the root of all problems - lack of leadership , abuse of resources , lack of opportunities << all due to your shitty government
-i didnt know you spied on my conversations with my parents/elders :sarcasm:

So, keeping in mind the problems facing Pakistan, what do you think Pakistanis should do to get out of this mess. I'm interested in hearing what you feel is the solution to all our problems.
Pakistanis don't pay taxes. America's fault.
Pakistanis blow themselves up among our own people. America's fault.
Pakistanis involved in mega corruption. America's fault.
Pakistani feudal lords oppressing people. America's fault.
Pakistanis oppressing Minorities and women. America's fault.

Such a great, pious and innocent nation.

So, keeping in mind the problems facing Pakistan, what do you think Pakistanis should do to get out of this mess. I'm interested in hearing what you feel is the solution to all our problems.

arent you a joy?
i am merely focusing on americas role - How AMERICA is destroying pakistan - it's precise role - not AMERICA is the only thing in this entire world which is bothering to upset pakistan and it is responsible for the fact that i did get ketchup with my fries - we are focusing its particular interest in pakistan .
we will create a seperate thread someday for your interest in my solutions for pakistani problems - though i can assure half of them will be solved by education.
Pakistanis don't pay taxes. America's fault.
Pakistanis blow themselves up among our own people. America's fault.
Pakistanis involved in mega corruption. America's fault.
Pakistani feudal lords oppressing people. America's fault.
Pakistanis oppressing Minorities and women. America's fault.

Such a great, pious and innocent nation.

So, keeping in mind the problems facing Pakistan, what do you think Pakistanis should do to get out of this mess. I'm interested in hearing what you feel is the solution to all our problems.

Easy on the little girl, her point of view is heresay and not experienced :-)

-immature - whatever!
-ignoring point 2
-your blame does end at the army and it just pisses you if someone doesnt agree - i never once said the army was flawless - i told you it has its "issues" but its better than any other institution operation in the country at the moment.
-illiteracy -according to me - is the root of all problems - lack of leadership , abuse of resources , lack of opportunities << all due to your shitty government
-i didnt know you spied on my conversations with my parents/elders :sarcasm:

  • :-)
  • :-) :-)
  • I support the army over politicians, bureaucrats, waghaira waghaira. Do read up on my history, if you are interested, i love the army to death. But not a chussard to be lead blindly into a ditch. I wish i were in the govt, I'd get to enjoy the perks :(
  • I didnt but it's easy to gauge your depth of info regarding this topic.
Easy on the little girl, her point of view is heresay and not experienced :-)

  • :-)
  • :-) :-)
  • I support the army over politicians, bureaucrats, waghaira waghaira. Do read up on my history, if you are interested, i love the army to death. But not a chussard to be lead blindly into a ditch. I wish i were in the govt, I'd get to enjoy the perks :(
  • I didnt but it's easy to gauge your depth of info regarding this topic.

yeah listen to him - he knows me more than i do myself
all this because i dont support america tsk-tsk.
arent you a joy?
i am merely focusing on americas role - How AMERICA is destroying pakistan - it's precise role - not AMERICA is the only thing in this entire world which is bothering to upset pakistan and it is responsible for the fact that i did get ketchup with my fries - we are focusing its particular interest in pakistan .
we will create a seperate thread someday for your interest in my solutions for pakistani problems - though i can assure half of them will be solved by education.

I listed a few major problems currently affecting Pakistan. Perhaps also add economy to the list. Now tell me, which of these problems that I listed are caused by the Americans. Or are you referring to a totally different problem ? Because you've lost me here now.
yeah listen to him - he knows me more than i do myself
all this because i dont support america tsk-tsk.

Just because you saw an American flag below my avatar you assumed my loyalties are with US. It is and also with Pak, but Pak needs me more than US does. And i will not shy away if it hurts your feelings :D

Please refute me through arguments, not tsk tsk tsk. You arent a muhallay wali aunty.
hell who am i arguing with? sorry i didnt pay attention to your flags ALL HAIL AMERICA :sarcasm:

Ah yes, the old favorite evasion of getting personal when out of logical argument. Welcome to my Ignore List! :D


Back to the topic, Pakistanis themselves are destroying Pakistan. There is no one else to blame. All those who are attempting to find other bogeymen to blame are trying to deceive themselves and the nation so that it does not ever wake up.

Equally expected.
Who's this idiot? :rofl: He needs to visit a shrink!

So, according to him, the Yanks will want to destroy Pakistan just to prevent an oil pipeline from China through Pakistan to the Middle East to prevent Chinese influence there? :woot:

WTF? The Yanks seem to have finally lost it!

His name is Webster tarpley he is a historian, economist, journalist and a lecturer,He is not a idiot.
hello humans i am back!
Okay for starters we will take a look at drones – innocent people die , the families of affected people turn against drones and blame the government as they think it supports the US – not only killing of innocent people but a whole region is terrorized –
Then the f-16 deal paid $416 million – but when USA found out that Pakistani has nuclear weapons the deal was cancelled – some say the money was refunded and some say it wasn’t
A primary aim for USA has been is to de-nuclear-ize Pakistan as the Pressler amendment concluded at it would only provide financial aid if the country did not possess nuclear arm ( not a statement that should be coming from an ally )
They used Pakistan as a proxy for Afghanistan when the soviet left America abandoned Pakistan
The US portrays AL-AQEADA and the TALIBAAN as one , though there is a significant difference – Taliban was actually a resistance group of Afghanistan which earned it support from Pakistani officials when it came in power in Afghanistan in 1994 (it was later things changed) while AL QAEDA was a jihadi group founded by OBL and was responsible for 9/11
They hold us responsible for the 9/11 – with statements such as WITH FRIENDS LIKE PAKISTAN WHO NEEDS ENEMIES or FRIENDS WITHOUT BENEFITS
USA has long violated the private Pakistani soil
Their foundations are funding schools to promote westernization
A big deal of mess Pakistani is in at the moment is due the alliance with American in the afghan war – they have been providing us with aid – but a few billion dollars will not change the past – these aid are more of bribes
America has been longing India to join hands to overcome the china issue of America which will address India’s Pakistan issue automatically – your enemy’s friend is your enemy.
Russia has for a very long time vetoed decisions beneficial to India – however not the same has been observed in the case of America in Pakistan’s regard how the promised American fleet never showed up in 1971 or how Pakistan was callously used when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan
Pakistan has been stabbed in the back by America once in 1965 and then again in 1971
Liberation movements of Balochis do have a evident foreign interference.
US weapons were found with the Taliban – also believed that CIA is funding TTP ( but lets keep that confined to being a rumor)
Raymond Davis issue speaks for itself
Lets keep Dr. Afia Sadiiqi out of it – raped and tortured in prison and a sentence of more than 80 years.
USA doesn’t give a damn about Pakistan – keeping in mind the polio vaccination story just to get DNA from OBL’s family – these Vaccines were not actually functioning –
The US is a world power as we know, it only interferes in Pakistan when it is in its own interests.
The Salala incident, where the world’s most accurate technology attacked an army base camp.
This relation is purely superficial as it nearly impossible for the two countries to form alliance when they disagree on so many prominent issues like USA’s views about Iran aren’t shared by Pakistan and Pakistan’s views about India are not shared by Americans
Also I find the fact agreeable that the biggest threat to Pakistan comes from the US as the just the thought of war with this country sends chills down the spine – keeping emotional views away– in whatever way we put it Pakistan is no match for the US economically or militarily
There is so much more I want to add it to it but then who likes to read a super long essay which contradicts their views

Conclusion ; I have my reason to consider America as the enemy of the state and let me make myself clear on the issue that I don’t hold Americans as the basis of all Pakistani issues – I only mentioned the part where the US is playing its role and that is primarily the defense issue faced by our country – all the root of so many other problems in Pakistan

So if you people could kindly stop accusing me of believing the fact that USA is responsible for the Rape issues or the road side accidents in Pakistan.

Ah yes, the old favorite evasion of getting personal when out of logical argument. Welcome to my Ignore List!
it was sarcasm - so my apologies there.
out of logical argument? you are not getting my point here.

Just because you saw an American flag below my avatar you assumed my loyalties are with US. It is and also with Pak, but Pak needs me more than US does. And i will not shy away if it hurts your feelings :D

Please refute me through arguments, not tsk tsk tsk. You arent a muhallay wali aunty.

honestly i didnt see your american flag until now - you want an argument? how about instead of questioning my maturity or calling me stupid why dont you try providing me with reasons to your contradictions - so far it feels like self-defence to me.
And my feelings arent devoted to this forum - if things go out of control , i will quit -simple as that - you need not worry. So Feel free , you say whatever you want to.
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My apologies i shouldnt have pointed my fingers at your lords people .

Thank you for giving me evidence of what a low life you are , i will not be wasting my time on you

when did I ask for your time, I dont even see people like you even if they are coming under my feet
Everyone of us should do something for our country. Forget about the world, if we individuals can do some small things for our country. Instead of waiting for the govt to do, then it will be too late.
when did I ask for your time, I dont even see people like you even if they are coming under my feet

You are screaming for attention , what else is your reason for dealing with something you dont agree with in such a manner?
I simply hate it when people take credit away from India. Next the Pakistani members here will start claiming that it is the CIA who is funding the TTP or worse still, that the CIA is funding the Baloch independent movement. It is bad enough that RAW is hardly known to exist within India. We may have to shut down that organisation if Pakistanis and people like @MBI Munshi stops giving credit to RAW for anything which goes wrong in their lives :undecided:

You won't have to worry about that I will always give RAW its dew credit.
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