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How about military experts rather than just military professionals?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
just a suggestion here.
Althlugh i dont know the criteria for being "military professional" on this forum....but going by the posts certain members have shown excellent technical knowledge of military hardware...
500 is one of them members.very knowledgeable comments on weapon systems and has served in army....may be they should be given "mitary professional" status on PDF?
another recent member showing excellent technical knowledge about weapon systems is birbal.
we havent got many military pros on this forum.
may be the manavement can look into the ossibility of promoting these members.
that's a good suggestion ... why only military professional's , we can hav economic experts, legal experts , Engineers , IT experts and a general category ...we can divide them into Corps.
an economic Corps.
A legal Corps.
An Engineering Corps.
An IT Corps .
By the way if i were to be assigned such a Corps. I m a former British Army solider (with a hardcore Pakistani DNA) and now training to be a Chartered Accountant . I guess i hav my feet in two boats here both in military and Economic sides. ..lol
that's a good suggestion ... why only military professional's , we can hav economic experts, legal experts , Engineers , IT experts and a general category ...we can divide them into Corps.
an economic Corps.
A legal Corps.
An Engineering Corps.
An IT Corps .
By the way if i were to be assigned such a Corps. I m a former British Army solider (with a hardcore Pakistani DNA) and now training to be a Chartered Accountant . I guess i hav my feet in two boats here both in military and Economic sides. ..lol

& what about doctors are nt they professionals??????:angry:

So are accountants and pharmacists. Maybe on a medical or accounting forum they maybe branded as professionals.

But this is a DEFENCE forum

So are accountants and taxi drivers. Maybe on a logistics or accounting forum them maybe branded professionals.

But this is a DEFENCE forum
what taxi drivers are professional in ur eyes :rofl:
then why dont u call beggars & pickpocketers as professionals :bunny:
Does NCC count as serving in the military ?

By the way I don't think Professionals have any privileges on this forum other than that matrix thingy below their name

what taxi drivers are professional in ur eyes :rofl:
then why dont u call beggars & pickpocketers as professionals :bunny:

If you are earning your livelihood through a trade or a skill you are a professional
that's a good suggestion ... why only military professional's , we can hav economic experts, legal experts , Engineers , IT experts and a general category ...we can divide them into Corps.
an economic Corps.
A legal Corps.
An Engineering Corps.
An IT Corps .
By the way if i were to be assigned such a Corps. I m a former British Army solider (with a hardcore Pakistani DNA) and now training to be a Chartered Accountant . I guess i hav my feet in two boats here both in military and Economic sides. ..lol

Oye... what about wella all rounder like me?
Does NCC count as serving in the military ?
what is NCC got to do here
By the way I don't think Professionals have any privileges on this forum other than that matrix thingy below their name
well i had no interested in any tag but i want to state as by mr Tayyab1796 that there should be a proffesional on category wise
& doctors are also included in military & it is a very respectful job to be a military doctor
1. for serving people
& 2 ,also serving ur motherland
Understood that's why i got excited when he missed doctor category as professionals
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