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How a Sukhoi-BrahMos strike will make Pakistani airspace look like Swiss cheese

It's Indian ego which ended up like Swiss cheese on 27th Feb
Brahmos and Su-30 MKI combo are the serious threats for Pakistan's defense, we have no defense against Brahmos especially either from sea or from the air :(
Chill out, nobody waits for a missile to hit and see what warhead it was carrying and then act accordingly,you fire missiles from you side as soon as the other party launches it.
Babur, Raad, Ababeel, Shaheen and Ghauri all have significantly longer ranges. And unlike Brahmos, all of them can be equipped with nuclear warheads. Ababeel is also an MIRV system, again, unlike Brahmos.
Well Brahmos A is aircraft one so only RAAD is here of interest

As always, it is really good to listen and understand the advise of MASTAN KHAN...

people on PDF keep laughing and making fun... without understanding the facts...

26th was a Pakistani failure... and 27th was Indian... but believe me IAF HAS LEARNED ITS lessons...

1. Secure datalink
4. don't believe USA

And I'm telling this after a detailed discussion with a MKI PILOT...

According to him... our biggest problem on that day was undermining 2 things...

1. Such swift reply by PAF
2. Their AWACS

He told me that PAF got broken ribs and several other INTERNAL INJURIES... But it was India who got visible INJURY...
What he told about MKI shot down?
The news is credible when some Pakistani writes about Indian defense while sipping coffee in US, Britain or France, but when same thing happens with Indians, it automatically becomes propaganda? :o:

We saw what happened in February

I think it was when you shot down your own helicopter is when we realised what kind of india we were dealing with
So if we claim 2nd pilots what is your problem then, and @MastanKhan narrative mostly suit you that's why you guys like him and @gambit is always gives technical/tactics about air warfare,he is one of my favorite poster also @Novice09

You are underestimating the statement about the second pilot... it's criticality...

If he is/was an Indian... why hiding the info about him...
Please don't buy the argument that we don't want to embarrass India... if that was the case... MALIHA LODHI would not have waved a Palestinian Girl's photo in U.N. saying that it is from Kashmir...
Plus, Indians would have kicked out such PM who have betrayed the BRAVEHEART... elections are still on...

And if he is a Pakistani... then...
Well... I would believe the Indian SOURCE instead of a PAKISTANI... same goes for Pakistanis...
What is the Indian source, most Indian source confirming that mig 21 was probably anti aircraft gun hit according to various Indian members here
Our ACM rcently confirmed that your MKI was down in recent interview from Allen warns of aviation weekly so we believe our ACM @Novice09
Well Brahmos A is aircraft one so only RAAD is here of interest

What he told about MKI shot down?

As per him no MKI was downed... it is bigger than F16 and hiding its REMAINS is not EASY... specially IN INDIA...
Although he did praised the performance of EW suite and manuvorability of MKI on 27th...
You are underestimating the statement about the second pilot... it's criticality...

If he is/was an Indian... why hiding the info about him...
Please don't buy the argument that we don't want to embarrass India... if that was the case... MALIHA LODHI would not have waved a Palestinian Girl's photo in U.N. saying that it is from Kashmir...
Plus, Indians would have kicked out such PM who have betrayed the BRAVEHEART... elections are still on...

And if he is a Pakistani... then...
Have you comprehension problem, you claim only one we gives you abhi you don't claim second pilot so it might be dead or still in our custody, and remember that India was sent a POW of 71 in 2010 or 2009 can't remember the year correctly after 30 year of wars so what your problem @Novice09
What is the Indian source, most Indian source confirming that mig 21 was probably anti aircraft gun hit according to various Indian members here
Our ACM rcently confirmed that your MKI was down in recent interview from Allen warns of aviation weekly so we believe our ACM @Novice09

Your DG ISPR CLAIMED that NO F 16s were used... so AIM 120 was fired from???

As I say... talk with SOLID PROOF... My IAF says that Falcon was obliterated by a MiG 21 Bison... but do we have SOLID PROOF on Downing of MKI or Falcon...
As per him no MKI was downed... it is bigger than F16 and hiding its REMAINS is not EASY... specially IN INDIA...
Although he did praised the performance of EW suite and manuvorability of MKI on 27th...
I have asked from the pilot who flies block 52+. He told me mki was downed inside India
I have asked from the pilot who flies block 52+. He told me mki was downed inside India

But F16 were not USED in the operation... and if no F 16 WERE USED... no AIM 120... AS PER DG ISPR...

We can keep extracting info from available sources... but PROOF...

Would you agree with me on one FACT... that it would (IF DOWNED???) have not fallen INTACT... DEBRIS would have scattered across a BIG AREA... Is it really that easy to HIDE the remains of such BIG jet...

You are UNDERESTIMATING the Indian media and political opponents of Modi...
Your DG ISPR CLAIMED that NO F 16s were used... so AIM 120 was fired from???

As I say... talk with SOLID PROOF... My IAF says that Falcon was obliterated by a MiG 21 Bison... but do we have SOLID PROOF on Downing of MKI or Falcon...
Not in strike package but. Doing CAP all along LOC/IB

And that's the ridiculous absurd your iaf chief told you,how on earth 2/2.5 gen interceptor can bring down modern 4.5th gen jet with limited radar coverage (small diameter air intake nose cone) which can't guide bvr, our old f-16 have 150 200 km radar (apg 66) whereas our block-52 has a range of 300 km radar range (apg 68 v9) we have better bvr amraam c5 (105 km) then your r-77 on mig 21/ mki ,our ACM claim make more sene then your iaf chief ridiculous claims @Novice09
Only 2 entered that too by only 3 km.
And a the bombs failed to cause any damage.

India Already got ALCM capability in 2000 after Russia delivered 200+ KH-59 ALCM.
More were ordered later.

When u have the capability numbers is every thing... So u got 200 against 20 years of un interrupted production???
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