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horrible Islamophobic attack in France

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Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Moroccan man in France killed at home in front of wife in 'horrible Islamophobic attack'

A Moroccan man in France was brutally killed after being stabbed 17 times in front of his wife at his own home by a neighbour in what is described as a “horrible Islamophobicattack”.
Mohamed El Makouli was confronted by a 28-year-old attacker who forced himself through the front door at around 1:30am on Wednesday, shouting “I am your god, I am your Islam”, the National Observatory Against Islamophobia said yesterday.
The father of one, 47, was killed in the quiet village of Beaucet, near Avignon in southern France, while his 31-year-old wife Nadia tried to save him. She suffered wounds to her hands before she fled the scene with their child to call the police.
Observatory president Abdallah Zekri condemned the attack “as a horrible Islamophobic attack” and claimed that the victim’s partner was very clear about what the man had shouted regarding Islam.
He told AFP: “She is sure of what he [the attacker] said.”
The man was charged on Thursday with murder, attempted murder and possession of drugs before he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Montfavet. Police said yesterday that the claims of Islamophobia will be investigated when they start questioning the attacker.
He was reported to have been diagnosed with schizophrenia as he claimed he had heard voices and officials say that he was found at the scene in an incoherent state.


People queue at a newspaper kiosk to buy latest edition of Charlie Hebdo
The attack is one of at least 50 Islamophobic incidences reported so far in the country after the murders of 17 people at the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a kosher supermarket in Paris earlier this month, according to the Central Council of Muslims in France.
The three gunmen had massacred cartoonists, journalists, police officers and hostages and claimed it was in revenge of drawings published in the satirical magazine of Prophet
A 20-year-old Muslim man originally from Eritrea, Khaled Idris Bahray, was stabbed to death in Dresden, Germany, on Tuesday. He is reported to have left his home on Monday and did not return before his body was found on the street in the early hours.


The attack on Bahray is feared to be linked to “anti-Islamification of Europe” marches held in Germany, which have been strongly condemned by the country’s leaders including Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Moroccan man in France killed at home in front of wife in 'horrible Islamophobic attack' - Europe - World - The Independent
Clash of civilizations has begun, first it'll be just the fanatics from both sides but enough of these incidents and eventually it'll be full blown segregation + a constant police state cracking down on both the Islamists and hate groups/nazis.

well done religion.
Lol. Straight away they find excuse for their infidel commerade.
Murderer taken to psychiatric unit,charged with drugs and surely enough will be later released for being insane and under influence of drugs.
Would have been an international news if it was the other way round.
Lol. Straight away they find excuse for their infidel commerade.
Murderer taken to psychiatric unit,charged with drugs and surely enough will be later released for being insane and under influence of drugs.
Would have been an international news if it was the other way round.
no, remember the Sydney cafe siege ? the international media reportedly correctly that it was just a lone wolf insane criminal then. While the Charlie Hebdo jihadis were indeed islamic terrorists.

Maybe this guy was just a crazy drugged out insane person.
Indian also think JaishE Mohammed is a terorist organisation. Actually it's just a French guy who said je suis mohammad

Due to Iranian influence, Hindus have free trolling permission on defence.pk

Cavemen in France have been drawing cartoons from 30,000 BC. Cartoons in France predate Islam by at least 30, 600 years.

Blind man the thread is about stabbing a Moroccon not cartoon skills of Frenchmen.
RIP.Situation getting out of control now in europe.
RIP Mohamed El Makouli.

Nice behavior from Indians on this thread. :disagree:

We all see this daily... almost on every thread they insult Islam.
I have no problem with it... but mods would have problem if i unearth the 'kali cult' in reply.
However, I know where lies there nerves.... and i'm going to press them soon, which may result in some mod getting violent and abusive.
Gonna get happen sooner or later. People will take matter in their hands in the view of islamic terrorism spreading all over the world.

Hope it can be controlled sooner than later.
Not even a real headline in main stream media. Just imagine the headlines if the murderer had a Muslim name.

Oh yeah, Europeans can never be extremists, if someone happens to be one, he has "mental problems", but not a Christianist.

AFA the indians are concerned, next time when you land on the bad books of the West and they start insulting things that are real sacred to you, day in day out, don't expect any support from us. While you are showing your hatred towards Muslims, you forget one thing, that for KKK type superamicst you and us are the same... like "worms".

Enjoy as long as it lasts.. and don't cry next time a racist Australian kills yet another indian cabby.
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