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Honourable killer of America - Mr. Richard Olson speaking.


Jan 19, 2009
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In the past, the United States has pressed Pakistan to more aggressively crack down on the militants. Ambassador Olson praised Pakistan's role in the war against terrorism but said the presence of militant groups like the Haqqani network on Pakistani soil remains a matter of concern for Washington.

He avoided direct comment on efforts by Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to try to engage in peace talks with outlawed organizations like the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

"Our policy and what we favor is that the Pakistan government extending its writ to through all of its territory whatever means are chosen, whatever methods are chosen that is up to the government of Pakistan," said Olson.
"whatever means are chosen, whatever methods are chosen"

Now BEFORE any of you ask to change the title...Here is my take: In Islam, Christianity, Common Law, UN - Everyone says to punish the people that are complicit in killing others.

Be it an American ambassador representing a country that has killed (directly or indirectly) hundreds of thousands of innocent people OR a Pakistani general that favours killing the so called "adversary" OR a violent criminal that calls himself a talib and has killed hundreds of innocent people - You are all complicit.

You will rest in hell.

Anyways lets read this again "whatever means are chosen, whatever methods are chosen"

So this guy is a CROOK, LIAR, ARSE etc just like all the others. He says Pakistan can choose whatever methods necessary. OK - Besides your government pumping money into the Pakistani media so you can fool others for a mighty operation that will settle the dust. Droning all the negotiators - Giving money to Pakistan for the operations - Well, your government killed how many Afghans since 2001? Did you have a dialogue with the talibs before plundering the whole country? I think not.

Maybe Mr. Olson - I hope a day will come soon when your skin and those that you enslave by offering $$$ - See the same fate. Something that you have done will be done to you or your generations to come.

You lie in the public. Aren't you ashamed of your own existence?

Maybe not...You get a decent pay right?
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