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Honoring our Martyrs

Kashmiris rally for peace after Indian shells kill soldiers

MUZAFFARABAD, Sept 2: Three Pakistan Army soldiers were killed in Indian shelling from across the Line of Control (LoC) in Doodhial sector of Neelum valley at night between Tuesday and Wednesday.

The unprovoked shelling by the Indian forces created panic among the people of the area.

According to Pakistan Army spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas, Pakistani soldiers from the Mujahid Battalion were going from one post to another when they lost their way due to bad weather and came under fire which was started by the Indian troops without any provocation.

“Three soldiers were martyred,” he said, adding: “Their bodies were recovered after 24 hours.”

Pakistani troops returned fire and the matter had also been raised with the local Indian Army commanders, he said.

Official and civilian sources recognised the martyred soldiers as Subedar Aftab, Lance Naik Chaudhry Iqbal and Sepoy Imran, with the pictures in my above post.

The incident is one of the severest violations of the ceasefire which the Indian and Pakistani troops struck on November 26, 2003.

Life in Neelum valley, which straddles the LoC, was particularly worst affected by it as the Indians would bombard the area`s main artery without any recession, bringing vehicular as well as pedestrian movement to a grinding halt.

Fearful of the troubling situation, the Neelum valley residents passed a `peace resolution` during the Eid congregations at Athmuqam, calling upon Islamabad and New Delhi to maintain peace along the LoC.

“Some people seem to be averse to the peace along the Line of Control. But the residents of the Neelum valley will not tolerate any attempt to spoil peace,” the resolution said.

Meanwhile, speaking to the participants of the peace rally, President Neelum Bar Association Mir Gohar Rehman advocate, traders` leader Sardar Khurshid Ahmed, PPAJK leader Nazir Danish and several others recalled that Neelum valley residents had given unprecedented sacrifices for Kashmir freedom movement as India had turned their area into a virtual prison but some elements wanted to push them back into that situation which they would not allow.

“We are peace-loving people and can defend our area with our army but we will not allow anyone to use our land for terrorism or to spoil our peace,” they said. They called upon the authorities to evict all those elements from their area which were jeopardising peace.
"To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return". May ALLAH reward him for his work for the country. Ameen!

Nine Pakistani troops killed in northwest: officials
October 17, 2011

PESHAWAR: Militants ambushed Pakistani troops on Monday, killing nine soldiers in gunbattles that lasted several hours on the outskirts of Peshawar in the northwestern tribal badlands, officials said.

Peshawar is the main city in northwest Pakistan and a gateway to the semi-autonomous tribal areas on the Afghan border that Washington calls the most dangerous place on Earth and a global headquarters of al Qaeda.

Another three members of the Frontier Corps paramilitary were wounded in the attack and at least 14 militants killed in retaliatory fire in Bara district, in the tribal district of Khyber, which borders Afghanistan, the officials said.

“It was an ambush in the afternoon. It continued for two to three hours, and there have been casualties in the ambush. There have been killings of the terrorists as well,” military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told AFP.

He was unable to give a casualty count, but military and political officials in the northwest said nine paramilitary troops were killed.

“The militants attacked FC troops during a search operation. They came and attacked from a small hill where militants were hiding,” the political agent of Khyber, Rehan Gul Khattak, told AFP.

Nine Pakistani troops killed in northwest: officials | Provinces | DAWN.COM
KP Governor attends security personnel funeral prayers

PESHAWAR, Oct.21 (APP): Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor, Barrister Masood Kausar attended the Namaz-e-Janaza of Shaheed Captain Abdul Qadar and Shaheed Hawaldar Mohammad Qasim of Frontier Corps in Peshawar on Friday, who embraced martyrdom at Bara in Khyber Agency the other day.

A large number of officers and jawans of Pak Army besides close relatives of the martyrs attended the Namaz-e-Janaza.
The Governor while expressing his heartfelt condolences on this occasion said that the officers and jawans of security forces are offering supreme sacrifices for the motherland which, he added, the nation fully recognizes and will always remember with great respect.

Governor said, it is because of the sacrifices of the officers and Jawans like, Captain Abdul Qadir Shaheed and Hawaldar Mohammad Qasim Shaheed of our security forces that people in the country are leading secured and safe lives.
“I salute the martyrs on my own behalf as well as on behalf of the entire nation and pray for their eternal peace, he added. I also pay tributes to the courage of the near and dear ones of martyrs too for the patience, they have been observing in this hour of trial”. Such great sacrifices, he added, guarantee the security and stability of the country and the nation highly value them.
اے وطن تو نے پکارا تو لہو کھول اٹھا
تیرے بیٹے تیرے جانباز چلے آءے

‘Take my gun and deliver it to General Sahib’

Story of a brave FC soldier who died fighting in Swat

By Rahimullah Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: "I am dying, take my gun and deliver it to General sahib," were the last words of Sepoy Gul Farosh as he lay critically injured near Manglawar village in Swat on October 28, 2007.

His surviving colleagues from the Frontier Corps conveyed his words and delivered his gun to their officers. Maj General Mohammad Alam Khattak, Inspector General of the Frontier Corps, was subsequently informed about Sepoy Gul Farosh's dying words. In his meetings with FC soldiers and visitors, the general often mentions the brave Jawan as someone who fought till the end and didn't lose control of his gun even after being fatally wounded.

There was a background as to why Gul Farosh uttered those memorable last words. He had heard Maj General Alam Khattak, himself a Pashtun from Nowshera, telling a darbar, or soldiersí meeting, that losing one's gun amounted to abandoning oneís wife. There cannot be a greater insult to a Pashtun than to lose his wife. And it is common to hear the Pashtuns telling each other that abandoning one's gun was just as dishonourable as losing a wife.

Gul Farosh, a typical Pashto name meaning flower seller, later succumbed to his injuries. It took time to retrieve his body and transport it to his village, Shamozai, in Mardan district for burial. Three days after his death, the young bearded soldier was buried in his ancestral graveyard.

His death shocked his old father, Dervesh Khan. The tragedy made him ill and one could see that life was slowly ebbing away from this frail and poor farmer. He had spent almost all his life tilling other people's land as tenant and fetching firewood from the mountains to sell to villagers. Like his name, he was a Dervesh in the real life. Simple and honest, he couldn't even properly count the currency notes. And even though he was desperately poor, Dervesh Khan always carried sweets in his pocket to give to children. One does come across sweet persons in life and he definitely was amongst them.

About two and a half months after Gul Farosh's death, Dervesh Khan quietly bid farewell to the world. On January 10, 2008 he was buried close to the grave of his dear son. It was a double tragedy, which deprived the family of its breadwinners.

Gul Farosh's mother and wife would have coped better with the grief of his death if he had children. The couple remained issueless during the seven years of marriage. In August 2007, Gul Farosh was injured in action in Thall. But he recovered and continued to serve the FC with distinction. He had also qualified an anti-terrorism course at the FC training centre at Mir Ali in North Waziristan.

After his recruitment in FC Khyber Rifles wing on April 1, 1997, he served at a number of places, including Ali Masjid in Khyber Agency, Ghallanai in Mohmand Agency, Thall, Regi Lalma, Peshawar and Torkham. He also took part in rescue and rehabilitation activities for the earthquake-affected communities at Battagram in Hazara. That was the kind of work in which the deeply religious and kind-hearted Gul Farosh found satisfaction.
‘Take my gun and deliver it to General Sahib’
shaheed never dies.:pakistan:
^^^^^^^^so conscript all the over 18 sons of the politicians, generals and bureaucrats and send them to the trenches for next three years....
pakistan is very lucky b/c we have proud brothers like them who know how to serve their beloved motherland.
Pakistan Zindabad
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