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Hong Kong's immunised who died of Covid-19 mainly got Sinovac vaccine: Media


Jun 9, 2016
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HONG KONG (BLOOMBERG) - Almost 87 per cent of Hong Kongers who died from Covid-19 after getting at least one dose of vaccine received Sinovac Biotech Ltd's shot, Ming Pao reported, though most deaths occurred among those who weren't immunised.

The newspaper said it analysed data from the Hospital Authority involving 5,167 of the city's Covid-19 fatalities, without disclosing its sources or additional information.

It found that 71 per cent of those who died were unvaccinated. Of the 1,486 who died after receiving at least one dose, 1,292 - or 87 per cent - had gotten Sinovac, Ming Pao reported.

Most deaths in Hong Kong have occurred among under-vaccinated senior citizens, particularly those living in elderly care homes.

There have been more than 5,400 fatalities in the latest Omicron-driven outbreak, making the city's death per capita the world's highest.

Less than 40 per cent of those aged 80 and older were vaccinated.

Two vaccines are available in the Asian financial hub. The Chinese-made Sinovac, which uses the inactivated technology, was often preferred by the elderly who believed it may have fewer side effects than the more potent mRNA immunisations from the German firm BioNTech SE.

The Sinovac shot has lower efficacy than that of the Biontech one, and offers limited protection against the Omicron variant, studies showed.

But it was still effective at reducing the risk of serious illness and deaths from Covid.

The Chinese vaccine makes up 60 per cent of all of the doses administered to those aged 60 and above.

Many experts, including University of Hong Kong professor and government advisor Yuen Kwok-yung, have said the elderly and children should get the BioNTech vaccine because of its superior protection against Omicron.
Well, most population in the US have been jabbed by those mRNA vaccines, yet it still couldn't prevent 1 million death.

And 2/3 of the vaccine recipients in HK took the mRNA ones, yet they still want to solely blame on Sinovac?

Those dumb HKers have already created enough mess for China, and the recent outbreak in China is mostly the BA.2 subvariant imported from HK.

Maybe the Mainland China should ban any HKer from entry, just like what the US did to Puerto Rico, since we have to ensure the safety of the Mainland China first.
maybe those who took pfizer did not live long enough to get infected ??

As the pandemic enters its second year running, the number of deaths the virus has caused is likely much greater than official numbers indicate, setting a historic record.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that excess deaths are associated with COVID-19 directly or indirectly, typically defined as the difference between the observed number of deaths in specific time periods and the expected number of deaths in the same time periods.

Currently, since Feb. 1, 2020, the CDC estimates there have been 942,431 excess deaths in the U.S.

That's a staggering amount, as J Scott Davison, CEO of insurance company OneAmerica, explained during a health care conference organized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce this week. Davison said that his company is seeing the highest death rates now than he’s ever seen before since he started in the insurance business.

OneAmerica offers employers across the country group life insurance, which generally covers people 18 to 64-years-old.

Even more alarming is where those death rates are hitting, with Davison saying it’s primarily among working aged people between the ages of 18 and 64 who are covered by OneAmerica's group life policies. The insurance company says that's similar to what the rest of the group life industry is seeing and is consistent with CDC data.

“Death rates are up 40 percent over what they were pre-pandemic,” said Davison of OneAmerica's group life policy holders.

To illustrate just how severe the current death rate is, Davison said a 1 in 200-year catastrophe would likely only cause a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic deaths.

Notably, Davison said that even if COVID-19 is not listed on a person’s death certificate,
that doesn’t mean the virus didn’t play a role. For example, Davison said a person can contract COVID-19 and recover, but the virus could have triggered a separate illness that eventually leads to death.

“It may not all be Covid on their death certificates, but deaths are up in just huge, huge numbers,” Davidson said. ................................
There have been more than 5,400 fatalities in the latest Omicron-driven outbreak, making the city's death per capita the world's highest.


The current death rate for Omicron in HK is more than 3x of the US/EU's during the peak of their Delta wave.

Vaccination matters. Singapore with similar profile has much lower deaths than HK's ~200-300 deaths daily despite HK's 'zero-Covid' policy and restrictions.


Thus, we have enough medical resources to tend to unvaccinated kids as well.


^includes Delta variant

For the non-fully vaccinated, no one in SG below the age of 20 has died so far.
For the fully vaccinated without booster, no one in SG below the age of 40 has died so far.
For the fully vaccinated with booster, no one in SG below the age of 60 has died so far.
And 2/3 of the vaccine recipients in HK took the mRNA one, yet they still want to solely blame on Sinovac?
Of the 1,486 who died after receiving at least one dose, 1,292 - or 87 per cent - had gotten Sinovac, Ming Pao reported.

So 1/3 of vaccine recipients in HK took Sinovac but they make up ~87% of vaccinated deaths?
So 2/3 of vaccine recipients in HK took mRNA, and they make up ~13% of vaccinated deaths?

87 * 2 / 13 = ~13.4

So you mean to say mRNA vaccines are ~13.4x more effective then Sinovac in preventing deaths in HK so far?
Every thread > B-But... what about the US? They bombed Iraq, and they have 1mil Covid deaths! They are the only other country in the world that matters!
So 1/3 of vaccine recipients in HK took Sinovac but they make up ~87% of vaccinated deaths?
So 2/3 of vaccine recipients in HK took mRNA, and they make up ~13% of vaccinated deaths?

87 * 2 / 13 = ~13.4

So you mean to say mRNA vaccines are ~13.4x more effective then Sinovac in preventing deaths in HK so far?
The Chinese vaccine makes up 60 per cent of all of the doses administered to those aged 60 and above.

2/3 got sinovac and 1/3 got mRNA.

also, your data's missing critical information such as the number of doses per cohort and health of the patients in each cohort. Sinovac vaccine is the vaccine of choice for people who are in poor health with pre-existing conditions since it has fewer side effects. Yet your numbers don't reflect this difference in cohorts. In the end, it's an apples to oranges comparison.
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Do you know most of the HK young people choiced BioNTech?Only older expecially age>50 will prefer sinovac,and older is always much more easy dying from coid-19.
Less than 40 per cent of those aged 80 and older were vaccinated.

That's all you need know about HK. if people become too overconfident, you die. They had all the choice of vaccines available, nobody took them when it was needed. Now suffer.
Do you know most of the HK young people choiced BioNTech?Only older expecially age>50 will prefer sinovac,and older is always much more easy dying from coid-19.
Few mrna lovers are able to understand this simple logic.
meanwhile, a study of spike protein in the blood of mrna vaccinated vs acute covid patients.
Can't believe western media still playing China vax blame game. millions have & will pay a very very heavy price.

This can be clearly shown in age-adjusted CFR% among fully vaccinated elderly in HK (significant use of Sinovac) and Singapore (<5% use of Chinese vaccines)
A lot of FUD these past 2 years re: the relative efficacy of different vaccines when in the end what really mattered was getting vaccinated To the extent it reduced willingness among vulnerable populations to get vaccinated, history should harshly judge those who spread it
Well, most population in the US have been jabbed by those mRNA vaccines, yet it still couldn't prevent 1 million death.

And 2/3 of the vaccine recipients in HK took the mRNA ones, yet they still want to solely blame on Sinovac?

Those dumb HKers have already created enough mess for China, and the recent outbreak in China is mostly the BA.2 subvariant imported from HK.

Maybe the Mainland China should ban any HKer from entry, just like what the US did to Puerto Rico, since we have to ensure the safety of the Mainland China first.

Heard that Covid Cases are increasing alarmingly in China ? Is it true and is it a new Variant ?
2/3 got sinovac and 1/3 got mRNA.

also, your data's missing critical information such as the number of doses per cohort and health of the patients in each cohort. Sinovac vaccine is the vaccine of choice for people who are in poor health with pre-existing conditions since it has fewer side effects. Yet your numbers don't reflect this difference in cohorts. In the end, it's an apples to oranges comparison.

This can be clearly shown in age-adjusted CFR% among fully vaccinated elderly in HK (significant use of Sinovac) and Singapore (<5% use of Chinese vaccines)
A lot of FUD these past 2 years re: the relative efficacy of different vaccines when in the end what really mattered was getting vaccinated To the extent it reduced willingness among vulnerable populations to get vaccinated, history should harshly judge those who spread it

We do have age-adjusted data for vaccine effectiveness for Delta. We don't have the granular data for Omicron yet, but I suspect it's the same just looking at HK numbers.



15TH DEC 2021​

A recent study based on local data by National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) COVID-19 Data Management and Analytics Team found that individuals who received two doses of the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine were observed to have lower protection against severe disease from infection with the Delta variant compared to those who received two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or Moderna mRNA vaccine. This supports the need for three doses of Sinovac-Coronavac vaccine as a primary series.

Key Findings

2. The study period was from 1 October 2021 to 21 November 2021 and covered 1.25 million individuals. The persons in the study cohort were those aged 40 years and above, who received two doses of the vaccines under the National Vaccination Programme. The analysis accounted for differences in age, gender, race, housing type and the daily differences in infection rate.

3. Based on analysis of local data, the effectiveness of two doses of the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine was 60% against severe disease, lower than that of Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or Moderna mRNA vaccines which were 90% and 97% respectively.

4. These results support the need for three doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccines as a primary series to attain better protection against severe disease, defined as requiring oxygen, intensive care unit (ICU) care and death due to COVID-19.

Boosters Recommended for Maximum Protection

5. As persons who have received two doses of the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine were observed to have lower protection against severe disease, they are recommended to receive a dose of a Pandemic Special Access Route-authorised mRNA vaccine as a third dose of their primary vaccination series. Otherwise, they should complete their primary series with a third dose of the Sinovac-CoronaVac.

6. This recommendation is also substantiated by international findings. Based on preliminary data from Chile, persons who received the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty vaccine as the third dose after two doses of the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine had a 95% reduction in the risks of infection. In contrast, the risk reduction in persons who received Sinovac-CoronaVac as the third dose was 71%. The antibody rise was also observed to be around 27 times higher when the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty vaccine was received as the third dose compared to if Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine was received.

7. All eligible persons will be able to receive their booster doses of the mRNA vaccine five months after completing their primary vaccination series. We will continue to monitor the vaccine effectiveness of the mRNA and non-mRNA vaccines, including how they are enhanced by a third dose or a booster dose. In the meantime, all persons who are eligible for their boosters should get boosted when it is offered to them.

15 DECEMBER 2021



Which means to say, Pfizer can lower severe cases by 4x compared to Sinovac, and Moderna can lower severe cases by 3.33x compared to Pfizer.
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