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Hong Kong terrorists getting out of hand

Democracy Without Discipline Is Anarchy And We Have Seen A Very Dark Face of It Here
Selectively reporting is equal to fabricating news. West media are very good at this trick. HK riot teached ordinary Chinese a very good lesson. Now we know how ugly the democracy and free media could be.
He is a good Samaritan who helped to stop the rioters who vandalized the MRT station but later got beaten up and burned alive by those BT. What worst was those bystander BTs cheered when the victim got burned that kept saying "Good, good, he deserved this". Very inhuman...
Its human nature to demand absolute freedom. Hong Kong has gotten used to these values of liberty which China can only suppress by coercion and oppression just like Beijing is doing to Uighur communities. The State, by definition is very powerful and people of H.K and Uighurs don't stand a chance against the communist regime of China. Ultimately Uighurs will have to surrender their religious and cultural identity, and H.K will have to accept the ideas and adjust to a Neo-authoritarian form of government. Lets see for how long can H.K resist Chinese influence and lets see, for how long can Uighurs resist concentration camps.
I think burning a civilian, is a good enough reason to arrest all the protesters and charge them for murder.

Unless HK's rule of law is a joke.

All judges in HK are non-Chinese, so they don’t give a flying fck about the Chinese lives of HK, unless the victim is a white person from the West.

Yesterday, there was a Japanese tourist beaten by those thugs for being mistaken as Mainland Chinese, and those non-Chinese judges were also indifferent, which angered the Japanese community.

Those thugs represent their US masters, the lives of the Asians in their eyes are simply worthless.
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Its human nature to demand absolute freedom. Hong Kong has gotten used to these values of liberty which China can only suppress by coercion and oppression just like Beijing is doing to Uighur communities. The State, by definition is very powerful and people of H.K and Uighurs don't stand a chance against the communist regime of China. Ultimately Uighurs will have to surrender their religious and cultural identity, and H.K will have to accept the ideas and adjust to a Neo-authoritarian form of government. Lets see for how long can H.K resist Chinese influence and lets see, for how long can Uighurs resist concentration camps.
If this is the definition of fighting for democracy, I would not support it.
Its human nature to demand absolute freedom. Hong Kong has gotten used to these values of liberty which China can only suppress by coercion and oppression just like Beijing is doing to Uighur communities. The State, by definition is very powerful and people of H.K and Uighurs don't stand a chance against the communist regime of China. Ultimately Uighurs will have to surrender their religious and cultural identity, and H.K will have to accept the ideas and adjust to a Neo-authoritarian form of government. Lets see for how long can H.K resist Chinese influence and lets see, for how long can Uighurs resist concentration camps.

You mean the freedom to assault, vandalize and kill, or the freedom to take away the right and even life of those that disagree?
No worries. Fish infighting will not bother the house owner much as long as the fishbowl doesn't break. As long as HK leader upholds rule of law and punishes the law breakers according to law, I don't think there's any extra need to interfere.
All judges in HK are non-Chinese, so they don’t give a flying fck about the Chinese lives of HK
wait why are they white? the Judiciary is the highest authority, if the highest authority in HK is British & if Beijing is that much scared of changing the judiciary in HK, then we can't really blame Hong Kongers for shouting Rule Britannia, after all if a country cannot change it's own laws due to fear of outside pressure then that means that country still doesn't have 100% sovereignity, due to Beijing's inaction it makes total sense why HK still thinks Britain (whose economy is like 1/5 that of the PRC) is supperior to China.

back during secondary school, I remember there was that giant student in my class, he was really tall, far much taller than any one else, yet he was such a coward that every other student that was half his hieght would smack him around & he would never defend himself, particulary I remember one time some midget student started smacking the giant one till the midget student actually felt sorry for the tall one & stopped hitting him, China's attitude regarding fixing the issues in it's own city exactly reminds me of that student, a giant country that is so afraid of western media badmouthing them if they dare fix their own city, that is why I respect Russia, Russia's GDP is only like 14% that of China yet Russia is a hundred times more courageous than China, Russia crushes it's enemies with an iron fist not giving a flying F to outside pressure while China is too afraid of fixing HK, heck even in the media front Russia's RT is doing a much better job than China's CGTN, I bet if Russia had it's own HK issue then Russia would crush the rioters & bring back law & order within week.
wait why are they white? the Judiciary is the highest authority, if the highest authority in HK is British & if Beijing is that much scared of changing the judiciary in HK, then we can't really blame Hong Kongers for shouting Rule Britannia, after all if a country cannot change it's own laws due to fear of outside pressure then that means that country still doesn't have 100% sovereignity, due to Beijing's inaction it makes total sense why HK still thinks Britain (whose economy is like 1/5 that of the PRC) is supperior to China.

back during secondary school, I remember there was that giant student in my class, he was really tall, far much taller than any one else, yet he was such a coward that every other student that was half his hieght would smack him around & he would never defend himself, particulary I remember one time some midget student started smacking the giant one till the midget student actually felt sorry for the tall one & stopped hitting him, China's attitude regarding fixing the issues in it's own city exactly reminds me of that student, a giant country that is so afraid of western media badmouthing them if they dare fix their own city, that is why I respect Russia, Russia's GDP is only like 14% that of China yet Russia is a hundred times more courageous than China, Russia crushes it's enemies with an iron fist not giving a flying F to outside pressure while China is too afraid of fixing HK, heck even in the media front Russia's RT is doing a much better job than China's CGTN, I bet if Russia had it's own HK issue then Russia would crush the rioters & bring back law & order within week.

Most HKers worship white people and wanna to be governed by the whites.

The Mainland Chinese have simply patronized them too much.

BTW, Russia right now is not the primary target of the US, so China needs to take more calculation in comparison.
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