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Hong Kong terrorists getting out of hand

Rectify those reactionaries! Apply immediate political reeducation! They need struggle sessions!


You mean the freedom to assault, vandalize and kill, or the freedom to take away the right and even life of those that disagree?

what about putting those who disagree in camps?

Its human nature to demand absolute freedom. Hong Kong has gotten used to these values of liberty which China can only suppress by coercion and oppression just like Beijing is doing to Uighur communities. The State, by definition is very powerful and people of H.K and Uighurs don't stand a chance against the communist regime of China. Ultimately Uighurs will have to surrender their religious and cultural identity, and H.K will have to accept the ideas and adjust to a Neo-authoritarian form of government. Lets see for how long can H.K resist Chinese influence and lets see, for how long can Uighurs resist concentration camps.

the Uighurs better die before becoming apostates.... it is not that I am making a threat towards them which is from myself

but it is that their entrance into Jannah depends on it!

the anti-Muslim COMMUNISTS will get what's coming to them on the Day of Judgement!

what about putting those who disagree in camps?

the Uighurs better die before becoming apostates.... it is not that I am making a threat towards them which is from myself

but it is that their entrance into Jannah depends on it!

the anti-Muslim COMMUNISTS will get what's coming to them on the Day of Judgement!

You crack me up man. :lol: Man I'm gonna have to hit a follow on you.

If this is the definition of fighting for democracy, I would not support it.

Just remember, absolute democracy is absolute tyranny and absolute mob.

Everything else is understood once you understand that.

Democracy Without Discipline Is Anarchy And We Have Seen A Very Dark Face of It Here

There can be no freedom without the law! (Moses before he threw the tablets down on the mob)

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