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Hong Kong protests against China

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Punjabbi Munda

Jan 11, 2011
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Hong Kong: A pro-democracy heckler interrupted a speech by Chinese President Hu Jintao at the swearing-in of Hong Kong's new leader on Sunday and tens of thousands of residents marched to protest Chinese rule on the 15th anniversary of the Asian financial hub's return to Beijing's control.

The outpouring of discontent underscored rising tensions between the Communist mainland and the vibrant city of 7 million that was returned to China in 1997 after more than a century of British colonial rule. While much of the discontent revolves around growing economic inequality and stunted democratic development, Hong Kongers are also upset over what they see as arrogant Chinese behaviour - wealthy mainlanders taking over retail outlets during flashy Hong Kong shopping trips, for example, or even the choice of language during Sunday's swearing-in ceremony, Beijing-accented Mandarin instead of the Cantonese dialect spoken locally.

In the ceremony, self-made millionaire Leung Chun-ying, 57, became Hong Kong's third chief executive after Donald Tsang and Tung Chee-hwa. He has promised to address Hong Kongers' economic needs, including skyrocketing housing prices, which many blame on deep-pocketed mainland apartment buyers.
Hong Kong protests as Hu anoints leader

A demonstrator who tried to interrupt Hu as he began his address was bundled away by security officials. The man, one of the guests invited to the inauguration, waved a small flag and yelled slogans calling for China's leaders to condemn the brutal June 4, 1989, crackdown on protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. He also called for an end to one-party rule in China. Hu took no notice and continued to read his speech, but the incident marred what was supposed to be a carefully orchestrated visit emphasising strengthened ties between Hong Kong and mainland China.

Leung, a police officer's son, replaces career bureaucrat Tsang, who took office in 2005 and is barred from another term.

Leung was chosen as chief executive in March, winning 689 votes from a 1,200-seat committee of business elites who mostly voted according to Beijing's wishes. Hong Kong's 3.4 million registered voters, who can vote for neighbourhood councillors and half of all lawmakers, had no say.

In mid-afternoon, tens of thousands of protesters began marching toward the newly-built government headquarters complex on Hong Kong Island in sweltering heat, beating drums and waving British colonial flags in a gesture of nostalgia for an era during which democratic rights were limited but the rule of law was firmly in place.

The protesters jammed the route of the march, a series of thoroughfares bordered by high-rise apartments and office buildings. There was occasional tension with the thousands of police officers deployed to maintain order, but by and large the event went off peacefully.

Organisers said more than 400,000 participated while police estimated there were 63,000 at the procession's peak. Hu left Hong Kong before the march began.

In his speech, Hu said Hong Kong residents now have more democratic rights and freedoms than ever before - a reminder that China has largely kept the promise it made when it regained the territory from Britain to keep Hong Kong's relatively open political system in place for 50 years.

But that did little to assuage the feelings of the protesters, who see China's Communist Party rule as strongly at odds with the values that many inherited from a British-influenced education, and the continuing spread of democracy to Asian neighbours like South Korea and Chinese-speaking Taiwan.

"China's way of thinking is totally different from ours," said builder Bono Lau, 46. "Tung Chee-hwa talked about one country, two systems but there's no more of that nowadays."

Beijing has pledged that Hong Kong can elect its own leader in 2017 and all legislators by 2020 at the earliest, but no roadmap has been laid out.

Calls for democracy have been catalysed by the stunted election that catapulted Leung to power and by corruption scandals surrounding his predecessor. Ordinary Hong Kongers fear that the political system in place since 1997 has resulted in the city's billionaire tycoons having too much influence over senior government officials. Government data now show that income inequality has risen to its highest level in four decades.

Leung himself was implicated in an embarrassing scandal just last week when it emerged that he had made six illegal additions to his mansion in an exclusive neighbourhood on Hong Kong Island's Victoria Peak.
Hong Kong protests as Hu anoints leader - World News - IBNLive
Lets free Hong Kong!:laugh:
Posted before numerous times, several closed threads on this same topic.

Lets free Hong Kong!:laugh:

Yes, how terrible. Even our Janitors in Hong Kong have more economic worth than 30 whole Indians. :azn:

Let's get liberated by India, the country with more poverty than Africa, and with the majority of the Indian population practicing open defecation. :lol:

Posted before numerous times, several closed threads on this same topic.

Yes, how terrible. Even our Janitors in Hong Kong have more economic worth than 30 whole Indians. :azn:

Let's get liberated by India, the country with more poverty than Africa, and with the majority of the Indian population practicing open defecation. :lol:
Problems much?Or your back side burning? Lets talk about Hong Kong..Don't derail the thread in your usual way.
What's the problem with the procession?? it's a tradational procession at the afternoon (after the ceremony of establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at morning) of 1st July every year to express their demands, from 2003 to now, for ten years,

why before 1997 there are not the procession, bcs before 1997 the Hong Kong in the hand of British, there are no the soil of democracy, all the Governor and senior officials come from British, the 7.1 procession express the improvement of democracy in Hongkong.

procession is the tradition of Hongkong,
2010.08.01 the procession 100'000people of "Defending Cantonese, Chinese traditional"
2010.06.19 the procession "Universal suffrage, support political reform"
2009.05.03 the procession "defend the Diaoyu Island, against Japan"

2010.08.29 the procession "In memory of fellow victims of Philippines hostage incident" ask Philippine punish the murderers and tell the truth



in every year an Hong Kong Pride Parade procession in 11.10, In 2011, the event attracts around 2500 people. For 2012, expect more marketing partners and entertainment and an even larger parade!


Thats my bad that i didn't check..mods should close this thread...
By the way,its not Indian flaming..its the Hong Kongers who are flaming and making your 'back' burn!:flame:

Don't worry the other thread is closed so discussion can be continued on this one..
Hong Kong seems to be a very divided place as far as association with the Chini mainland in concerned .
why didn't they burn China's flag ?
similar to Superior-Korea
so that the flag made in china will sell well
i think i found Hong Kong protesters are using their flag of colony times
GOD d*mn it, they didn't make an advance notice for me, this kind of flag is zero in my stock

i am happy to see their powerless action against history running ahead.
to take a long view for the next hundred years
you will find this kind of events are just a running-in period for both side
we attempt to adapt each other

history is a long long and long river

understand? the people of Ganges River
I can't believe that, a chinese with this much high iq allows a single party of just 80-90 people to rule them.
This people with too much proteins in their body can't cast their votes ???
The people who created the kungfu, much before kallari can't save their home and land from government servents..
Ohh, its very disappointing...:cry:
Honk kong peoples looks more courageous than the mainland people..
Free honk kong, Whole world is with them.. ofcourse except pakistani pdf members :lol:
I can't believe that, a chinese with this much high iq allows a single party of just 80-90 people to rule them.
This people with too much proteins in their body can't cast their votes ???
The people who created the kungfu, much before kallari can't save their home and land from government servents..
Ohh, its very disappointing...:cry:
Honk kong peoples looks more courageous than the mainland people..
Free honk kong, Whole world is with them.. ofcourse except pakistani pdf members :lol:

looking around the world you will find that a nation the higher IQ they have the more collectivism tendency they are.
handing over one's right in order to be ruled by others needs a pretty huge self-control in one's mind.
only the high IQ people has this level power of self-control
i think thins is difficult for many naitions to understand ,especially the people republic of Ganges River.
that is our collectivism tradition of east-asia
looking around the world you will find that a nation the higher IQ they have the more collectivism tendency they are.
handing over one's right in order to be ruled by others needs a pretty huge self-control in one's mind.
only the high IQ people has this level power of self-control
i think thins is difficult for many naitions to understand ,especially the people republic of Ganges River.
that is our collectivism tradition of east-asia

Mind your language mister... what is your intention by repeating people republic of ganges river..... just stfu........

call India or Indians... don't play your cheap tricks here.....
looking around the world you will find that a nation the higher IQ they have the more collectivism tendency they are.
handing over one's right in order to be ruled by others needs a pretty huge self-control in one's mind.
only the high IQ people has this level power of self-control
i think thins is difficult for many naitions to understand ,especially the people republic of Ganges River.
that is our collectivism tradition of east-asia

Yeah you mean this -
HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese
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