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Holocaust done by Germans or done on Germans?

When the allied forces occupied Germany, Soviet and western soldiers started raping German women from 8 to 80 years old girls, pregnant, elderly etc. For example some women were raped for 12 times by tens of soldiers and as it was reported in some cases the rape was done by non combatant forces indicating that it was a planned scenario before occupation of Germany by allied forces.

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Bombing of Dresden was done by joint British-US operation. It was reported that the asphalt of the roads was liquified after using napalm by American bombers against the civilians of Dresden. A true hell was made by napalm bombs in the city.

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Although the NAZI army was no saint, they were not innocent. They did something worse to Soviet citizens on their way to conquer St.Petersburg. Millions of Slavic women were raped and killed. Point is the only ones who suffered from war were citizens of Europe.

Western governments allowed Jews to have a major influence on their decision making process, allowed them to control their economies and major banks, they received loans from Jews/Zionists during the world wars and as a consequence of it their citizens suffered the most.

I am afraid this might be repeated again in Europe by cornering Russians through Ukraine. The Jewish role and also the Zionist controlled west's role in RU-UKr conflict is obvious so people can now understand who wants war in Europe and else where.

Did the jews force anyone to take loans from them? Did the jews prevent non-jews from opening banks and loan out money?

Why is it the jews fault that they opened successful businesses that provided something that was fully legal and costumers came to them voluntarily?
Did the jews force anyone to take loans from them? Did the jews prevent non-jews from opening banks and loan out money?

Why is it the jews fault that they opened successful businesses that provided something that was fully legal and costumers came to them voluntarily?

They had a goal since Hertzel, yes they are clever but sneaky people.


Rape during the occupation of Germany​

A German historian and writer

A Woman in Berlin (film)​

Did the jews force anyone to take loans from them? Did the jews prevent non-jews from opening banks and loan out money?

Why is it the jews fault that they opened successful businesses that provided something that was fully legal and costumers came to them voluntarily?

You forgot the part ROTHSCHILD FAMILY how they have had something to do with almost every war that's happened.
In the panel that you type your post,there is this message:

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 15-27-34 Holocaust done by Germans or done on Germans.png

How difficult is it to understand it?
hide in spoiler explicit pics: "Three points button...More options.. Spoiler"

And WWII was a lot of holocausts over several innocent civilian peoples: Jewish, German, Russian...
hide in spoiler explicit pics: "Three points button...More options.. Spoiler"

And WWII was a lot of holocausts over several innocent civilian peoples: Jewish, German, Russian...

well Jews were complacent in the Holocaust

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 21.05.04.png
Done on German. Around 700 allied jets were bombing around 1500 done bombs daily basis on Germany.
German army did rape many, but in comparison to Russians, they seem like Wali ullah.
And indeed, Germany paid the biggest price for the establishment of Israel. Germans were reluctant initially, but then they were forced into war. They not only sent many Jews to Israel, they also contributed a whole lot after the Israels establishment.
Your point is valid.

Russians retaliated in response to what the germans had done without any provocation---. The atrocities the germans had committed against the russians during the attack on russia were un-called for---.

Russians were supplying iron ore to germany before they got attacked.

Pay back is a bi-tch.
western bankers built up a enemy then brought it down and built up sympathy for jews and took palestine, wat a scam.
That is the sin for trying to surpass UK.

And Jews was betraying Germany.

The Jews was even trying to kill all Germans by starvation, by blocking its economy from obtaining food before WW2 happened.

There's a reason why European Jews all called as Ashkenazi Jews (Germans Jews), because it was Germans who accept and protect Jews people when they were being prosecuted in the entire Europe in the middle age. Millions of Jews were migrating to Germany for safety and protection. That is why they became Germans, Germans Jews (not French Jews, etc).

And this is what Jews people are paying back to Germany by killing German's people with starvation and poverty.

No wonder if the Germans massacred Jews.

Is Jews really good people?

Well, despite the media said so (because the media is owned by Jews), you see what Jews does toward Palestinians and the entire Middle East.

But of course, not all Jews are bad.

The prophecy and warning for not getting close to Jews, is proven.

The one who is not listening, pays it with blood and tears.

The prophecy and warning are wise. We are not bad people, we recommend not to do evil thing toward Jews, do what good people should do, but at the same time we should not get too close to them as precautions.
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Hey, look at what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainians. All you pro-Russian apologists out there need to wake up. Communists and authoritarian imperialist armies have behaved this way since Alexander the Great. And the hatred of Jews that so many here express is disgusting. Allah will judge you for your ignorance and hatred, don't be fooled. No 70 virgins for you.
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