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Hmm what is this in USA


Sep 8, 2009
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Hmm.... Demonic Drug they call it /Zombie drug "Flakka"

So aparently few years back a news broke out about 2 guys on highway where one guy chewed and ate the other's face at that time no one knew about the drug however it seemed drug influence was related

Sorry had to remove the other video as it was a bit extreme
This one was a bit edited and normal

Anyone outside of US heard of this ?

Interesting brand new Psychotic drug people are turned into half zombie , half possessed and caught in endless loop

Most of the Youtube vidoes involving his drugs are by Police officers who arrived at scene to pick up the folks who have literally gone out of control (seeing things and halucination), Extreme cases the person goes in rage and does physical damage to people or property

Seem like US media is keeping this pretty under the radar on international outlets but reporting locally

I never heard of this before till today stumbled on it on youtube

The last portion of video is fake ignore the last part

Really messed up

Person under influence can even resist , taser gun shock and keeps walking around takes 2 big police officers to bring the man down. Peper spray , takes a whole bottle of spray no problem

The infamous "Zombie" walk

Lesson of day , stay away from Drugs
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Hmm.... Demonic Drug they call it /Zombie drug "Flakka"

So aparently few years back a news broke out about 2 guys on highway where one guy chewed and ate the other's face at that time no one knew about the drug however it seemed drug influence was related

Sorry had to remove the other video as it was a bit extreme
This one was a bit edited and normal

Anyone outside of US heard of this ?

Interesting brand new Psychotic drug people are turned into half zombie , half possessed and caught in endless loop

Most of the Youtube vidoes involving his drugs are by Police officers who arrived at scene to pick up the folks who have literally gone out of control (seeing things and halucination), Extreme cases the person goes in rage and does physical damage to people or property

Seem like US media is keeping this pretty under the radar on international outlets but reporting locally

I never heard of this before till today stumbled on it on youtube

The last portion of video is fake ignore the last part

Really messed up

Person under influence can even resist , taser gun shock and keeps walking around takes 2 big police officers to bring the man down. Peper spray , takes a whole bottle of spray no problem

The infamous "Zombie" walk

Lesson of day , stay away from Drugs

Flakka cases can be found worldwide


New Zealand



Saudi Arabia:

As for the zombie cannibalism It's been debunked as a hyped-up story to scare people. That cannibal guy didn't even have any in his system.

However Flakka is a synthetic drug made in China (and a little in India and Pakistan) and peddled around the world.

After pressure on the Chinese government by countries around the world they appeared to have cracked down on its export. https://medium.com/@convoaddict/china-bans-flakka-and-synthetic-drugs-47a505f1c810#.fl8ezlhv8

Here’s what your Chinese flakka supplier looks like


Flakka, the synthetic drug that has wreaked havoc on the streets of South Florida, has not gone away. It can now be found in Georgia, New Hampshire, Michigan and Australia, And mayhem in Florida continues: on Wednesday, a Palm Beach man high on the drug was arrested for destroying a set of doors at a hospital.

As I previously reported, flakka, or alpha-PVP, comes from converted pharmaceutical labs and distributors in China.

On Thursday, the Treasury Department froze the assets of the head of one such supplier.

Bo Peng, also known as Kevin Peng, is accused of distributing worldwide 2.2 tons of bath salts (of which flakka is a member) as well as synthetic marijuana, through a company variously called Kaikai Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Kaikai Polyurethane Co. Ltd., and Eastnine International Trading Co. Peng was indicted on drug trafficking charges in May, according to the Treasury’s release.

In its announcement, Treasury released the following chart showing how Peng and his operation worked (click through for a direct link to a larger version).

Treasury Department
“Customers worldwide use well-known international money service businesses, Bitcoins, or bank wire transfers to pay for the synthetic drugs sold by Bo Peng and Kaikai,” Treasury said in its statement.

Kaikai’s website is actually still active. You can try to Skype Peng right now if you wish:

Kaikai Technology Co., Ltd.
While Treasury called Peng’s operation “significant,” he is just one of what the New York Times says are likely hundreds of peddlers operating in China. So your flakka supply likely remains secure.

“There’s absolutely no limit in terms of how far they go to import drugs,” Detective Superintendent Scott Cook, commander of the New South Wales Organized Crime Squad in Australia, told the Times’ Dan Levin this summer.

“They’re ingenious.”
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Wow very very .... tragic stuff on US streets does Donald know about this ?

What are folks making in Florida

Ever occured to you this might be a local thing due to gloroifcation of drug dealers in shows like "breaking bad"

Heroic local man , Chemist decides to make fast money takes ordinary chemicals and makes lethal drugs

Seems like a Made in US phenomenon , strange why China is being draged into the story very delussional

Clearly showed in map of origin "South Florida"

US manufacturers get raw material from different sources no one knows exact formula for it based on what I read , i.e the process of making

Any why is it that the drug continues to spread ? if it was due to 1 man as claimed who may have just been a chemical item importer / exporter

Shocked as this is kept quite low profile on main stream media which focuses on Donald Trump most of time
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Wow very very .... tragic stuff on US streets does Donald know about this ?

What are folks making in Florida

Ever occured to you this might be a local thing due to gloroifcation of drug dealers in shows like

Seems like a Made in US phenomenon , strange why China is being draged into the story very delussional

Clearly showed in map of origin "South Florida"

US manufacturers get raw material from different sources no one knows exact formula for it based on what I read , i.e the process of making

That's because Flakka is one of the ingredient of making Bath Salt, and the majority of the world Bath Salt were made in China.

The main supplier of the drug Flakka (or Alpha PVP) is from China. The drug has been around since 1990s and was made accidentally as a by-product from making bath salt. Majority of the drug production is located within Western China and North Eastern India and South Eastern Pakistan. The major service hub is Asian Pacific.

Just because American are getting high with Flakka does not mean they were Made in USA.

By the way, the formula of making Alpha-PVP can be found online and mostly on Chinese Website. As China is one of the few place where making Alpha-PVP (Otherwise known as the active ingredient of Flakka) is legal. You can literally buy Chinese made Alpha-PVP on Alibaba.


It was illegal to manufacture or process Alpha-PVP in the US (Listed as Schedule I, making it the same status as Cocaine), Where the UK listed it as Class B Drugs and Australia listed it as Schedule 9 Prohibits Substance.
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hmm...... facinating stuff ...really scratching my head

Quite a dangerous drug

People just become like Zombies and do weired acts

Another crazy scene guy vs Police

Borderline human traits gone and turned into creature
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Meh, Flakker devastated China in the early 2010s before moving onto the west. You don't know about it because it is mostly in Chinese Language Media

However, it wasn't until 2015 when China place Flakka (not Alpha-PvP) on controlled substance. It's still legal to make Alpha-PvP in China, and they are selling them in TONS. in alibaba
Zombie's are coming , Zombies are coming ............ where da fuq is Rick grimes and Michonne ?

Rick Grimes and Michonne is enjoying their bout of Flakka to increase their strength so they can fight zombie


Seriously, I always know days like this will come, I am always ready for zombie outbreak with my trusty Glock 357 and 40 S&W.

Any why is it that the drug continues to spread ? if it was due to 1 man as claimed who may have just been a chemical item importer / exporter

Shocked as this is kept quite low profile on main stream media which focuses on Donald Trump most of time

Why the drug continue to spread? That's a good question. UN task force on Drug Abuse point the Finger squarely on China, because as of today, it is still legal to manufacture Alpha-PVP, which is an active ingredient for Flakka in China.

Chinese Lab are selling them in bulk, and it could easily pass off as any other things, as they don't have a specify trait and smell or even share chemical composition to other recreational drugs, they called them Synthesis Drug because it is basically just chemical that could be use or hide in something else.
Rick Grimes and Michonne is enjoying their bout of Flakka to increase their strength so they can fight zombie


Seriously, I always know days like this will come, I am always ready for zombie outbreak with my trusty Glock 357 and 40 S&W.

few months ago i saw a Documentary that some people in US specifically think Zombie Outbreak is imminent, they have some life stock of food and other resources , practice with bow and small fire arms, there is even a small community/Club sort of thing with some ex Army Veterans .. some people take this threat more seriously than others.. they even blame CDC for deliberately creating or unleashing some virus that can transform people into flesh eating monster ..
you are a military men, for us we need NEGAN hahaha
The problem is the mixer not the ingredients

You don't mix Alpha-PVP to make Flakka. You only need to cut it, which mean a process called distillation to filter out the stuff that you don't want from Alpha-PVP to have a pure form of Flakka, or you can simply take Alpha-PVP as is, but it will give you less high as they are impure.

Of course, you can mix it with other drugs (like MDMA or Meth) to increase your high, but that is totally up to the user.

Most dealer import Alpha-PVP to the US is to sell them as is, they don't mix it with anything. they simply grind the chemical down into powder form and distribute it into grams instead of kilograms and make it into pills (by compressing it) or pushing it in into capsule.

few months ago i saw a Documentary that some people in US specifically think Zombie Outbreak is imminent, they have some life stock of food and other resources , practice with bow and small fire arms, there is even a small community/Club sort of thing with some ex Army Veterans .. some people take this threat more seriously than others.. they even blame CDC for deliberately creating or unleashing some virus that can transform people into flesh eating monster ..
you are a military men, for us we need NEGAN hahaha

ahhh....the doomsday prepper.......

To be fair, Zombie like outbreak is actually not at all an impossiblity. We all know there are quite a few diseases which will have cell regenerative feature (numerous cancer for one) and we all know some drugs can make people delirium, the possibility of some super-entity combining those two although is slim, but is actually deemed feasible.

It's always better prepare than sorry. And yes, when shit really hit the fan, you need to know how to protect you and your love one somehow :)

I am not a doomsday prepper myself, although I am a good planner so I will always have stuff ready, I have a month of ration in cans and non-perishable sitting in my pantry, I have a series of weaponry (from pistol to knife) and I also have a plan in case of shit, no matter what kind of shit, when it hits the fan.
Wow that is scary if it's for real. I am a person with Zero tolerance on drug. But this is somthing els. Alot more scary and deadly.
ahhh....the doomsday prepper.......

some are specifically preparing for Zombies , others just think the world will end somehow ( any reason ) but they assume they will somehow survive ..

To be fair, Zombie like outbreak is actually not at all an impossiblity. We all know there are quite a few diseases which will have cell regenerative feature (numerous cancer for one) and we all know some drugs can make people delirium, the possibility of some super-entity combining those two although is slim, but is actually deemed feasible.

based on my limited Knowledge i do agree that some drugs can effect a human brain to change its understanding and reasoning capacity and turn him into something very similar to Zombie, few years back a man in Miami attacked a homeless person and eat his part of face before shot down by Police, it took many bullets to take him down, which is the most scary incident in that regard i believe ..but spreading it on a global level will be dependent on the nature of virus , if its a drug based virus it can be contained and Area/town/city can be quarantined easily but if it was Air based virus than God help us ..

It's always better prepare than sorry. And yes, when shit really hit the fan, you need to know how to protect you and your love one somehow :)

Yeah, Once a guy told me that everyone must have three skills using weapons , Driving and Basic Medical stuff ..
I never fired a gun, or any weapon of any sort, i do hold a guy for Picture at exhibition but never really fired one ..

I am not a doomsday prepper myself, although I am a good planner so I will always have stuff ready, I have a month of ration in cans and non-perishable sitting in my pantry, I have a series of weaponry (from pistol to knife) and I also have a plan in case of shit, no matter what kind of shit, when it hits the fan.

You are a Military guy, or ex-Military guy :) of course you can fire multiple fire arms and Knifes .. :D
but for storing some Canned food, i have many friends in US who often told me about they also have 15-20 days food stored in house but most of them lived in areas which effected by extreme weathers like Tornadoes , Storms and heavy rain .
Wow that is scary if it's for real. I am a person with Zero tolerance on drug. But this is somthing els. Alot more scary and deadly.

Well don't expect CPEC to bring just good things. You may end up being the test subjects for new narcotics.
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