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Hizb sees conspiracy in separate colonies for Kashmiri Pundits

clearly looks like you indian men dont spare even women of your family

Yeah bloody indian even marry women within their own family !

How wrong . Dear member let's not be pesky about all chit chat.

It's a forum nobody is interested in each others personal life . People only want to share views


On topic it seems a rightful planning by govt. because you must let indian enter in valley specially business like tourism and harvest . That way you get more involvement with people . Give more oppertunity to Kashmiri in rest of india.
On a lighter note.. check out Skirdu beauty... Katpana sand dunes.jpg@levina u shd do camping at fortnight...
others pics..
Skardu: An embodiment of nature's perfection - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
If terrorists are concerned then the government must be doing something right..... lets get these townships done asap.
@Umair Nawaz
I was just telling levina to camp in desert at full moon.. i think she lives in UAE thats why... not suggesting her of skardu..
Srinagar: Militant outfit Hizbul Mujhadeen Thursday said that the plan to create separate home land for Kashmiri Pandits is the agenda of fascist forces existing in India. Quoting Hizb chief Syed Salahudin, spokesperson United Jihad Council spokesperson Syed Sadaqat Hussain said that while addressing a high level meeting, Salahudin said the plan to create separate home land for Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir is a deep rooted conspiracy and they will fight jointly to crush the ‘evil designs’ of India.
Hizb chief in a statement said that since partition in 1947, all but 37,000 communal roits occurred in India that engulfed thousands of precious lives and property. “History is witness to the fact that communalism and communal riots never pre-occupied the people of Jammu and Kashmir and it did not witness any such riots. It were we Kashmiri Muslims, who protected non-Muslim brothers and sisters when thousands of Muslims were being butchered all across India by the Hindu zealots. We respected the chastity of our non-Muslims sisters,” he said.
Syed Salahudin said that it was unfortunate that Kashmiri Pandits in 1990 under a deep rooted conspiracy after coaxed and cajoled by then Governor Jagmohan fled from Kashmir Valley. “We are not against the return of their return. They are part of our society. They were made scape-goat in 1990 and politics is yet again played on their return. The plan has already been prepared how to create a State within the State and how to change the demographic Muslim character in the State. India is using Kashmiri Pandits as fuel to get succeed in its designs which is condemnable,” he said.
The Hizb chief said that India and fascists forces are using Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, Intelligence Agency RAW and so called pandit organization ‘Panun Kashmir’ to get succeeded in their nefarious designs. He warned that such a plan will have serious ramifications and repercussions. “Neither the people of Kashmir nor ‘Mujhadeen’ will allow India to get succeed in its plan. We welcome Kashmiri Pandits if they wish to settle in their respective native places, but will not allow them to become the part of conspiracy,” he said.
He appealed Hurriyat leaders and organizations to show a united face. He also appealed to the Kashmir Pandits not to become the party of India’s dreaded plan.
The protest and strike call forwarded by All Parties Hurriyat Conferece on 10th and 11th April was supported during the meeting.
Hizb sees conspiracy in separate colonies for KPs
@Horus @Zarvan @Umair Nawaz @waz @Imran Khan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Shamain @Donatello @fakhre mirpur
It looks like similar to Palestinian conflict and jew strategy. Isn't it?
@levina @SrNair @hkdas @ManavKalia

What is the conspiracy ??
they do actually in direct or indirect ways or this site could be hacked like it was before and the IP addresses can be traced. And their sleeper agents can be activated. In Azad Kashmir and Islamabad as well as other areas it happens.

Also the taliban monitor this site the locations of P-3C orions and AWACs that were destroyed in PNs Mehran and Kamra was known by taliban through this site. Thats why now senior members dont post sensitive info on this forum anymore. Since yr a new member u might not know but in the past there were a lot of serving and retired armed forces members in the forum like sir @Muradk (ex PAF) he also fought in 65, 71 wars. He was also trainer deployed to train arab forces in his tenure.
So locations were taken from here.
Do you think that it were really taliban prying on site. Well i believe its raw and cia who do these things. Though these talibs have perhaps some educated people with them and access to high speed internet, wifi ,computers and laptops, as all of this was recovered in Nw Op ,but just imagine who was providing them with this technology and support.
Oh @Muradk , an honor to meet you.

It just depends how much Kashmiri understand it and how much important is their identity to them. All Govts acts are compelling them to sense of individuality. This will make Kashmiris to gather at one point agenda. Then later its a price they have to pay for whatever the path they choose.
So I don't think Kashmiris will quit. Modi staunch stance as a right wing, has made people to realize that they are different. Likke 'baho lao.. beti bachhao' scheme. The erection of statue of Nathoram godsay (as he is bapu killer). and there are many more examples

What kashmiris have seen is beyond nightmare. They have crossed that return point.

Anyhow,i was just getting a random thought, just imagine what if northern areas and AJK werent acquired captured in 48. Would have been such a massive suffering of humanity.
And think of that whole kashmir including northern areas, we had taken half of our territory from indians, so now they have half of what they had before, so my point is that even for protecting this half they have 700,000troops deployed. For a full kashmir india would have had to deploy entire its army. Isnt it?
In year 1990 freedom fighters were educated and trained now in year 2015 they are more educated and more trained.
No tolerance this time only slogans and war cries.

In 1990's 70,000 got the chance to fvck 72 goats each.. This time it will be times more.
What kashmiris have seen is beyond nightmare. They have crossed that return point.

Anyhow,i was just getting a random thought, just imagine what if northern areas and AJK werent acquired captured in 48. Would have been such a massive suffering of humanity.
And think of that whole kashmir including northern areas, we had taken half of our territory from indians, so now they have half of what they had before, so my point is that even for protecting this half they have 700,000troops deployed. For a full kashmir india would have had to deploy entire its army. Isnt it?

And what have you done with your part of Kashmir?

AJK and GB, are rated as not free and worse off than Indian Kashmir, in freedom index rankings.. :p:
In year 1990 freedom fighters were educated and trained now in year 2015 they are more educated and more trained.
No tolerance this time only slogans and war cries.

In 1990's 70,000 got the chance to fvck 72 goats each.. This time it will be times more.
Anyhow,i was just getting a random thought, just imagine what if northern areas and AJK werent acquired captured in 48. Would have been such a massive suffering of humanity.

so my point is that even for protecting this half they have 700,000troops deployed. For a full kashmir india would have had to deploy entire its army. Isnt it?
No idea what could have happened. For instance, If India hasn't been divided,may be we are powerful now or Pak existence is what gives Muslims more courage to stand.
Kasmiri resistance is what has put 700,000 indian soldiers in shackle. The northern territory requires huge numbers of infantry for effective control. Surely, India then would put more soldiers to guard it.
Anyway I have commented on other threads that 70 years are nothing. As british kept U.india for 190 years. If kashmirir want freedom then it is just matter of time. as afghan proverb is
":you may have watches but we have all the time"
So locations were taken from here.
Do you think that it were really taliban prying on site. Well i believe its raw and cia who do these things. Though these talibs have perhaps some educated people with them and access to high speed internet, wifi ,computers and laptops, as all of this was recovered in Nw Op ,but just imagine who was providing them with this technology and support.
Oh @Muradk , an honor to meet you.

Sir Muradk is no more part of the forum. @Windjammer can tell us........Mr Muradk's son was also part of forum and is a serving PAF pilot.
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