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Hitler's Plans

hitler did a gr8 a job for jews to establish a state called Israel..

basically if middle easterners.... both Jews and Arabs require some one to blame for their current predicament .....Hitler would be the first candidate.....
After World War II jews were so angry with europeans and want revenge at any cost. there were diffrent episodes of terrorist acts taken out by jews in diffrent parts of Europe.
There were very few attacks against British officials, in revenge for closing Palestine to Jewish refugees during WW2. Thats all.

To avoid all the new massacre and violence wave against european citizens
No one was massacring any european citizens.

British alongside with americans, french and other western leaders came out with a new plan to disolve the attention of jews from revenge and to release the tension. So they decided to give them a jew state
British were actually against creating a Jewish state.

(by using the propaganda of the promise land) and kick them out from Europe.
Very few Jews remained in Europe after the ww2, except the USSR, but USSR was not releasing its Jews.

Middle east, far from european homeland without thinking of the inhabitants of that place; the palestinians. The result is that till now jews are killing Innocent muslims and don't have achieved the real peacefull life as the west who is the real culpable enjoys a peacefull life!
Arabs in Israel live better than in neighboring countries. There is some conflict with Palestinians, but but there are many other conflicts involving Musliums which are much more bloody, Algeria civil war, Sudan, Chechnya, Iraq, Turkey-Kurds, Afghanistan, Iran-Iraq, Philippines...

Originally Posted by JonAsad
Hitler gave the world the greatest myth.. The Holocaust.
Prolly you could tell us where dissapeared 3 million Polish Jews.
Prolly you could tell us where dissapeared 3 million Polish Jews.

The 3 million Polish Jews Died, just like the other 60 million WW2 casualities. Mind you the rest around 55 million dead were not jews.

I dont know why you play this holocaust card as if the only casualities of WW2 were jews.
No offense intended, but i don't understand the intent of the thread. Is a specific question being asked? Or is the topic starter just wanting to point out the obvious mental defects of the man?

The intent of the thread is to discuss the love that some people have for Hitler, especially in the sub-continent. I have seen posts on this forum that describe him a flawed genius. Look the at the part where he calls non Europeans as painted apes. Look at the part where he openly discusses the genocide in the east. I think we need to recognize him for what he was- a monster.
The 3 million Polish Jews Died, just like the other 60 million WW2 casualities. Mind you the rest around 55 million dead were not jews.

I dont know why you play this holocaust card as if the only casualities of WW2 were jews.

War is different from Genocide. Jews were slaughtered because of a racist ideology and not because they were fighting the Nazi's (which they were not), there is a huge difference between the two. The Nazis invaded Poland and then systematically killed Jews.
War is different from Genocide. Jews were slaughtered because of a racist ideology and not because they were fighting the Nazi's (which they were not), there is a huge difference between the two. The Nazis invaded Poland and then systematically killed Jews.

Jews were slaughtered in the war, during the war. There were 55 million other deaths of which more than half of them were innocent civilians.
Why call 4.5 million death of jews a holocaust and the rest of 55 million deaths a norm in war?
Jews were slaughtered in the war, during the war. There were 55 million other deaths of which more than half of them were innocent civilians.
Why call 4.5 million death of jews a holocaust and the rest of 55 million deaths a norm in war?

If only you understood the respective terms of "war" & "genocide", you would have understood the difference. Look them up.

The Jews as a people were nearly annihilated, if that is not an Holocaust then what is??
The 3 million Polish Jews Died, just like the other 60 million WW2 casualities. Mind you the rest around 55 million dead were not jews.

I dont know why you play this holocaust card as if the only casualities of WW2 were jews.
I play Holocaust card? Sorry its you who started talking about it. Yes, it was very bloody war, and BOTH sides led this war in very brutal way. Difference that allies, in contrast to axis, did not commit genocide.
Difference that allies, in contrast to axis, did not commit genocide.
The Allies bombing of Dresden and the nuclear assault on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were even more criminal. Soviets also committed many massacres during the war.
Why wouldn't i think like that?
Holocaust is a Hoax.

erm..... I really think you need to read history again .But with mind set of Jews killng Jew for the sake of power and control.
If only you understood the respective terms of "war" & "genocide", you would have understood the difference. Look them up.

The Jews as a people were nearly annihilated, if that is not an Holocaust then what is??

..and the Palistiens ?

No wait a how about the entire Muslims on the War on terror ?

or Japanese people in WW2 when the ATomic bomb were dropped
Y'know atomic bomb can take a few million people ina few second !
hitler did a gr8 a job for jews to establish a state called Israel..
The establishment of Palestine as the Jewish National Home was an outcome of World War I, not World War II, it's just that the Brits dithered fulfilling their mission. Israel established because of the Holocaust? That's a little like locking the gate after most of the horses have escaped from the barn - the job should have been done earlier.
Why wouldn't i think like that?
Holocaust is a Hoax.
What makes you say that? I found the transport record of my uncle from the transit camp at Darcy to Auschwitz last year. (He had been sent to France for two years as a slave agricultural laborer before being sent to the gas chambers.)

Or have you been sheltering my aunts, uncles, and grandparents for the past sixty-five years?
Difference that allies, in contrast to axis, did not commit genocide.

Difference that allies, in contrast to axis, did not commit genocide.

I love this I really do Love this

Here is an Zionist who screams and goes in into tantrum on others about people who say
“Holocaust is a Hoax”. Not Only that these people will retardily and ill-mentality defend Israel and the US but their hysterical neurotic personalities helps themselves in denial as they fight to maintain their ignorance, feeble ideas or rigid insane sick thinking.

A jew once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Just like people like you who continue coming on many media forums etc to spread lies that you are all inocent hoping that they will beleive you. Same JEw that stole scientific research done by Muslim to fullfill his fame.

Its nice to see you doing the very thing what the Nazi have done and are doing to this day ignoring true events like not mention the nuclear houcaust and the attacks Dresden. You of all people have NO RIGHT TO BRING UP THE HOLOCAUST since your nation has committed the exact same crime on Palestine and Lebanon. Your creation of Hamas is to fullfill your goal to control Arabs and to create a greater Israel.

America in 1982 would not provide relief aid to the Lebanese people
Lebanese President accuse of foreign forces in Lebanon causing civil war only to interrupted with ABC propaganda

Here something that equates Nazi Germany and Israel
both terrorist groups use propaganda to fuel their agenda. Like how the Nazi will portray Jews as root causes of destruction and death to its people. Just how Israeli would show that Palestine are firing rockets on seattlers to control and commit genocide on the Palestine’s

So I’ll say my part:
"holocaust" is only one of many jewish historical lies. The "exodus" story and the "fall of jerusalem" both are jewish lies created to fool history. To stop infighting the rabbis of 70 AD deemed it would be best that the jews all spread out in order to steal the whole world blind rather than prey on each other. So the rabbis invented the lie that the Romans massacred the jews and chased them all out in order to camouflage their true plans.
"By way of deception thou shalt do war". - jewish motto

PS here something for you 500
and a song:

VIVA LA PAlistine ! Palistine Zindabad ! Long live Palistine !
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