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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

poor journalism is all i can say, i mean 1 student of 10th grade(14-15 years of age) said he admires Hitler n whole of India is being labelled for that...:rofl:

these days competition has increased so much in India that kids don't have time to read anything except school books, i agree that Mein Kampf sells like hot cakes in India but there is no way in hell that school children r busy reading it.

we r a nation of billion people even if .01% people read it then also its a big number by western standards...:agree:

plus Hitler might be admired for his bold leadership n even selection of Swasthic might interest Indians to read his autobiography...:)
hey kid plz stop blabbering. do you even know the basis of attack on golden temple.a sikh carried out that operation. btw tell me what is the religion of army head of india and PM of India?
world knows the reason of attack on golden temple and i also know the reason of murder of your PM gandi.so if you have given so much previliges to sikhs then by they shoot down your loving PM and why every year they protest against indian government world wide and why their is a seperatist movement in every state of india.Think about it UNCLE!
indians are influenced hitler beacuse they have same state of mind as hitler and they do holocaust of Muslims, sikhs, chiristian and jews.i m not just saying it hatred of india without any proof.the massacer of muslims in gujrat and destruction baberi masjid, attack on sikh temple in 1985, attack on church at goa, are all examples of indian love toward hitler

That is like saying all Muslims are terrorists because there are more Muslims who support terrorists, than those in India that have some " generic" affinity for Hitler. If you want to dish out stupid statements here then at least back it up with some knowledge. take the sum total of all your perceived acts by Indians and add the total number of lives it took, vs. terrorism in the name of Islam. It will dwarf the latter- if that's your standard you go by.

basically, i'm saying- try not to look and sound ignorant by making sweeping statements.
Well , Hitler is a man , who has been misunderstood or clearly put his image has been distorted by the victor, in this case NATO

Here is why Hitler was a good man (to his people) , after world war 1, Germany was asked to accept the bill for world war 1 , so
they paid billions in this ransom money to NATO nations (Americans and british) they finished the last installment I believe in year 2000`s. This is a fact it can be researched on the treaty that followed world war 1.

After that , Germany became poor more or less like Somalia or Sudan of present , no jobs , people running around jobless, so during this time, Hitler formulated his ideals , and decided to bring back German nation back to its own feet a very noble idea.
So that is what Germany started to do they become nationalized and a one nation , and the only group that did not believe in the ideals for one nation were certain group that had been sympathizers with British.

Just like in present day , in Libya there are `rebel`groups aided by British , back in world war one Jews were always conspiring against the nation they lived in which is why , there was a very big mistrust about Jews in Germany , as their financial model
took advantage of the every day German. Simple Germans wanted Jews to emigrate out of Germany which was a valid request
because they were in the country illegally (I mean if you love UK so much , why live in Germany)

* This desire of protecting national interest is seen in USA , with policies towards Mexicans
* This desire is also in European countries as they have restrictions on people from Africa
* Even in Japan a non Japanese cannot get nationality unless they belong to Japanese father

So such desires exist in all societies to protect national image.

Close to world war 2, as we know NATO nations had blockaded Japan no oil was going to Japan it was intimidation like its being
done against Iran , and we all know what Japan did sank most of American ships in one attack , meanwhile Germany refused to give
ransom to British (They said no we will not pay you money for FREE we worked for out money and it will stay in Germany). This is why British were against Germany because they had stopped to get a free pack cheque for the queen.

Back then British had India (all army of india) they had military presence all over the world so they were intoxicated with power
and wanted to crush Germans

So Hitler simply defended his own nation and national interest of his people

Fairly good leader

** People say he was cruel a monster , a demonic figure , saton`s son etc not true

He was a simple man , loved children
Loved animals
He loved his own people

Can we say that Germany was racist ? No ..

They had been allied with Ottomans in past (mixed nation all colors) , Japanese people a different ethnicity
Meanwhile , UK enslaved India , they were the "Masters"

However when we see Hollywood movies or books , we do not see these realities reflected .. the focus is always on Demonizing Germans and Japanese , and making Americans and British look as nobel (people with familes and honor)

Probbaly if there was no world war 1 and world war 2 , there would be no india or Pakistan 100%

They only reason why British Nation faded away was due to wars with Germany
indians are influenced hitler beacuse they have same state of mind as hitler and they do holocaust of Muslims, sikhs, chiristian and jews.i m not just saying it hatred of india without any proof.the massacer of muslims in gujrat and destruction baberi masjid, attack on sikh temple in 1985, attack on church at goa, are all examples of indian love toward hitler

the muslim history of massacres runs so deep in blood of the innocents that even Hitler looks like a saint
so stop giving lecturers here n better take care of ur people who r being shot on a daily basis by ur beloved fanatics....:suicide:

On Dec. 9, 1992, for example, his editorial contained these lines: “Pakistan need not cross the borders and attack India. 250 million Muslims in India will stage an armed insurrection. They form one of Pakistan’s seven atomic bombs.-

He saw living hell in those words and burned from inside to his death, his words will prove true indeed.
world knows the reason of attack on golden temple and i also know the reason of murder of your PM gandi.so if you have given so much previliges to sikhs then by they shoot down your loving PM and why every year they protest against indian government world wide and why their is a seperatist movement in every state of india.Think about it UNCLE!
so according to your analogy i should see every pakistani in mirror of pakistan taliban. come on. one sikh killed PM doesnt mean that all the sikhs want freedom from union of india. Btw there are also separatist movement going on in ur country. hell! in ur country ppl attack others bcoz they belong to a different sect of same religion. your country is in more shambles than us.KID.

btw its gandhi not gandi. u dont want ur nation's father surname changed. JINNAH TO HINNAH. no disrespect to jinnah.
Hitler would have despised Indians if he were alive today an view them as inferior even to Jews so I don't get why you people idolize him :lol:

I'm sorry, who does ? Certainly not ALL Indians, i dont suppose even the majority.

People buy the book, because they are curious about the greatest villain in history. Even i have a copy. Does that make me anti-semitic ?
I could care less what you are man just pointing out this anomaly.

Btw wasn't hitler of some Jewish origins himself
I could care less what you are man just pointing out this anomaly.

Btw wasn't hitler of some Jewish origins himself

Some say he was, some disagree. Fact remains , history will remember him as a delusional mass-murderer.....and i guess that's all that matters.
On Dec. 9, 1992, for example, his editorial contained these lines: “Pakistan need not cross the borders and attack India. 250 million Muslims in India will stage an armed insurrection. They form one of Pakistan’s seven atomic bombs[/B].”

What a stupid journalist this guy is..fabricating things.

Bal T is well read to know that India did not have 250 muslims back then..hell it was about half of that and we dont have 250 million even now.
Muslims were in Bed with Christians (Nazis) in Killing the Jews. WW2 was a Religious War. Holy War+Crusades = Holocaust.

Abrahamic Concept of Hell and Heaven are Irrelevant to Hindus. His Karma was Good and He will come back in the same Form. :lol:

What would be the Good Animal Adjective for Muslims?

Camel or Pig? Say which you like!

lol, you have any idea??
North African Muslims ( French Colony) was an important part of Allied forces...
lol, you have any idea??
North African Muslims ( French Colony) was an important part of Allied forces...

And palestinian mufti asked the faithful to fight against the allied forces.


..in an address to Muslim troops put Islam and Nazism on the same level..claiming that there were considerable similarities between Islamic principles and National Socialism
And palestinian mufti asked the faithful to fight against the allied forces.


..in an address to Muslim troops put Islam and Nazism on the same level..claiming that there were considerable similarities between Islamic principles and National Socialism

*Troll mode activated*

So, that's just one man eh?

Let's see...

NY Times Advertisement
Righteous Among the Nations: Muslims Who Saved Jews from Holocaust
When Muslims Saved Jews | Feature Articles | Features | January 2010 | emel - the muslim lifestyle magazine
Muslim Heroism in the Holocaust

So you can treat that mufti with a pinch of salt.

Now try not to make this a Muslim vs. Hindu thingy. Take off your saffron glasses once in a while.
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