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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

It also mentions admiration among grownups.
A kid mostly learnt it by listening to others, in teen age, you like simple solutions to complex problems. Those simple solutions are usually from semileterate adults.
Also, for many patriotism seems to be related to being macho, and gandhi was hardy macho. :)

macho :P
Well but they are just 10th grade kids yaar. How can someone makes their choice a national choice :D. He just picked his wife survey and add masala from his side to feed anti Thackeray sentiment. Means he started from gandhi and hitler , while passing through 1992, muslims riots ended on Thackeray. isn't funny ?

This type of journalism is harmful to any society. Where one journalist is writing to favor one side by feeding wrong info.
Thackeray was an anti-Indian bigot who preached hatred against Indian Hindus too.

On his hate-list were:

Southern Indians

Northern (BIMARU) Indians.

If there were a Bal and Raj Thackeray in every part of India, India would have become another Yugoslavia etc.

Thakerey knew where to stop. Else he would have met the fate of st bhindranwale before trying to do anything funny.
Muslims were in Bed with Christians (Nazis) in Killing the Jews. WW2 was a Religious War. Holy War+Crusades = Holocaust.

Abrahamic Concept of Hell and Heaven are Irrelevant to Hindus. His Karma was Good and He will come back in the same Form. :lol:

What would be the Good Animal Adjective for Muslims?

Camel or Pig? Say which you like!

There were many muslims who helped out Jews to escape. I think in Turkey and some other places.
1. Some people who happened to be Muslim helped some of Hitler's forces as did certain Jewish groups in Israel/Palestine who sided with the Nazis against what they believed was their common enemy the British.

In early January 1941 a small but important Zionist organization submitted a formal proposal to German diplomats in Beirut for a military-political alliance with wartime Germany. The offer was made by the radical underground "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel," better known as the Lehi or Stern Gang. Its leader, Avraham Stern, had recently broken with the radical nationalist "National Military Organization" (Irgun Zvai Leumi) over the group's attitude toward Britain, which had effectively banned further Jewish settlement of Palestine. Stern regarded Britain as the main enemy of Zionism.

Zionism and the Third Reich

Serb nationalists and other allied Muslim-haters mention a few Bosnians recruited by the Germans and the Mufti of Jerusalem and try to make it on this nonsensical basis the entire Muslim world supported Hitler (when Muslims were killed by the Nazis). If we use the same level of stupidity as Serbs and Hindutva fanatics then the Jews and Israelis/Zionists were allies of Hitler and killed gypsies, the disabled and Slavs.

2. Muslims in Albania and elsewhere saved Jews.

The Muslim world no role in Muslim ethnic cleansing during WW2 i.e. Jews in North Africa, the middle east and Iran were not affected.
"And what about the millions he murdered?” asked my wife. “Oh, yes, that was bad,” said the kids. “But you know what, some of them were traitors.”

This part made me lol...

Well, kids are stupid and ignorant anyway. Who cares what they think?

Now, now, remember kids, reality is something else entirely.

The fool dreamed (that's right, "dreamed") about a thousand year Reich. And did so by sacrificing thousands of his own troops and immeasurable number of resources everyday. And he called that a sustainable way to achieve his dream.

Hitler simply made the Jews scapegoats to sustain his delusional ideology. Nothing else.
There is nothing to be wrong, and the are wrongly stereotyped.
If really someone is short of inspiration, reading "mein Kampf" does help. He wrote while he was in prison, and not while killing jews.
And yes, India needs a leader like Hitler, who can take drastic decisions. Now meaning Hitler means, not the killer part of him, lets the take the positive out of him. Like his orator skills to make people believe, taking strict decisions etc
here cos of freebies people are getting lazy. And we need a strong leader .
I felt for Bally and his pure hatred for Muslims... Hope he meet his friends back in hell & I sincerely hope no Hindu will ever think the way Bally did, but my confidence in India is getting lower after reading comments on YouTube and PDF.

Seriously, Hindus act like dogs on the internet. Would they ever say it in real life is the question, without fear of being waken up in a hospital the next morning?

I have to call you on this... you are one of the very many bigots here and you are lecturing about anti Muslim figures?

I have a right here to call people bigots because I've shown that I stand up for values and not just because a group is from my perceived " religious " background.

I just find it hilarious when you and your kind who espouse the worst of bigotry on PDF, preach how others should not support such

- what is classic is you do so while going " hindu this , hindu that, hindu are dogs in this very post". This is a trend with you, you come on many India related subjects or when debating Indians and always pull " Hindu this and that "

get a freaking reality check before preaching bro.
There is nothing to be wrong, and the are wrongly stereotyped.
If really someone is short of inspiration, reading "mein Kampf" does help. He wrote while he was in prison, and not while killing jews.
And yes, India needs a leader like Hitler, who can take drastic decisions. Now meaning Hitler means, not the killer part of him, lets the take the positive out of him. Like his orator skills to make people believe, taking strict decisions etc
here cos of freebies people are getting lazy. And we need a strong leader .

That is the biggest irresponsible, shameful sentiment to say India needs a Hitler like leader. I can't even imagine the level of stupidity it would take to think that Hitler could have an iota of any trait that would be considered welcomed as a leader of any country. Hell if you think Hitler like leaders are welcome then I think I would admire all the JUD and terrorist groups in Pakistan , to say India needs them to be it's true leaders.

and to add that you take the positive from him as some sort of " reasonable" conclusion! -- are you freaking kidding me... what the phuck are his positives that you find unique to him? that allows you to overlook his barbaric genocides?

I guess Reginald Dyer is a hero to be admired by others too...if you even know who he was..
That is the biggest irresponsible, shameful sentiment to say India needs a Hitler like leader. I can't even imagine the level of stupidity it would take to think that Hitler could have an iota of any trait that would be considered welcomed as a leader of any country. Hell if you think Hitler like leaders are welcome then I think I would admire all the JUD and terrorist groups in Pakistan , to say India needs them to be it's true leaders.

and to add that you take the positive from him as some sort of " reasonable" conclusion! -- are you freaking kidding me... what the phuck are his positives that you find unique to him? that allows you to overlook his barbaric genocides?

I guess Reginald Dyer is a hero to be admired by others too...if you even know who he was..

Look buddy everyone are entilted to their views. Hitler conducted one of the worsest genocide on earth. Nobody is celebrating him for the genocide he conducted. The point to get home was a leader with strong characteristics.
Germany became the laughing stock of the world after the treaty of versailles. That treaty itself contained the seeds of 2nd world war.
He led Germany on the path of growth, bought industrial, manufacturing and scientifical growth in his country. He made his citizens strict.

Look where are we? Shall i give an example of rural India?

When govt announced 20kg free rice every month (and before that it was Rs1/kg) , people stopped working. They became lazy in short. Whenever they earn any money they waste it in drinking and other pleasures. And there is no compulsion on them to work, when govt is feeding him freely every month.
So wheneva he works, he asks for an overtly high farm labour, which in turn forces the land owner to abandon farming at all.

Do not ask me how. My native is a rural area and i have seen it with my eyes.

Next is freebies, tv, grinder, refrigerator, laptop , lpg, stoves and what not?
So which type of leader can u wish for?
This is really frustrating seeing u here. Did i glorify his murderous acts?
There is always anything we can learn from u or me or ur neighbour. Thats Chanakya philosophy, learn the best from ur enemy.
So there is nothing wrong in seeing the positive parts of him.

As for ur out of context Dyer comment, y should he be a hero? Atleast Hitler raised the profile of germany. This guy did nothing except killing innocents.

So u can choose a leader u like. Whether u want one to make people lazy or making people inspire and work hard for glory?
Look buddy everyone are entilted to their views. Hitler conducted one of the worsest genocide on earth. Nobody is celebrating him for the genocide he conducted. The point to get home was a leader with strong characteristics.
Germany became the laughing stock of the world after the treaty of versailles. That treaty itself contained the seeds of 2nd world war.
He led Germany on the path of growth, bought industrial, manufacturing and scientifical growth in his country. He made his citizens strict.

Look where are we? Shall i give an example of rural India?

When govt announced 20kg free rice every month (and before that it was Rs1/kg) , people stopped working. They became lazy in short. Whenever they earn any money they waste it in drinking and other pleasures. And there is no compulsion on them to work, when govt is feeding him freely every month.
So wheneva he works, he asks for an overtly high farm labour, which in turn forces the land owner to abandon farming at all.

Do not ask me how. My native is a rural area and i have seen it with my eyes.

Next is freebies, tv, grinder, refrigerator, laptop , lpg, stoves and what not?
So which type of leader can u wish for?
This is really frustrating seeing u here. Did i glorify his murderous acts?
There is always anything we can learn from u or me or ur neighbour. Thats Chanakya philosophy, learn the best from ur enemy.
So there is nothing wrong in seeing the positive parts of him.

As for ur out of context Dyer comment, y should he be a hero? Atleast Hitler raised the profile of germany. This guy did nothing except killing innocents.

So u can choose a leader u like. Whether u want one to make people lazy or making people inspire and work hard for glory?

So again I ask what was unique to Hitler that makes him the great leader you espouse. because of an industrial growth and economic increases largely funded by his wars= economic growth policy you admire?

You are speaking with such immaturity when it comes to this. what about West or even China that achieved more growth without " the industrial war complex/ world wide genocide" being the catalyst that drives their economic policies. You are yet to show how any of the qualities he has, were qualities just unique to him. Just because India has bad leaders , does not make Hitler a solution. This is absurd line of thinking.

and WTF is " made his citizens strict" mean? are you espousing a dictatorship on Indian citizens? are you saying Indians are that mentally devoid, that it needs to be led at the point of a gun?

this is how you sound- if my kid does not get A's in school then let's chose a pedophile to be his teacher, so he would know that he would be sexually assaulted, if he does not bring in good grades... literary that freaking stupid. you seem to ignore the fact that the world's greatest economies, and more sustaining economies, did not have a genocidal dictatorship at the helm.
Germany's current success is due to the contributions of the German people over time.

Hitler had his role. However, no nation's success can attributed solely to one person in its entire history. Hell, that's just retarded.
indians are influenced hitler beacuse they have same state of mind as hitler and they do holocaust of Muslims, sikhs, chiristian and jews.i m not just saying it hatred of india without any proof.the massacer of muslims in gujrat and destruction baberi masjid, attack on sikh temple in 1985, attack on church at goa, are all examples of indian love toward hitler
Rather than ppl like Hitler we should want ppl like Bismark to lead us. but the only thing is the freebies should stop asap. what raja chola is saying is 100% true.we need statesman not dictator.
I felt for Bally and his pure hatred for Muslims... Hope he meet his friends back in hell & I sincerely hope no Hindu will ever think the way Bally did, but my confidence in India is getting lower after reading comments on YouTube and PDF.

Seriously, Hindus act like dogs on the internet. Would they ever say it in real life is the question, without fear of being waken up in a hospital the next morning?

You Should change yr avatar from a snow leopard to a Rabid dog.
indians are influenced hitler beacuse they have same state of mind as hitler and they do holocaust of Muslims, sikhs, chiristian and jews.i m not just saying it hatred of india without any proof.the massacer of muslims in gujrat and destruction baberi masjid, attack on sikh temple in 1985, attack on church at goa, are all examples of indian love toward hitler
hey kid plz stop blabbering. do you even know the basis of attack on golden temple.a sikh carried out that operation. btw tell me what is the religion of army head of india and PM of India?
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