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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India


Nov 20, 2009
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Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India

Hated and mocked in much of the world, the Nazi leader has developed a strange following among schoolchildren and readers of Mein Kampf in India. Dilip D’Souza on how political leader Bal Thackeray influenced Indians to admire Hitler and despise Gandhi.

My wife teaches French to tenth-grade students at a private school here in Mumbai. During one recent class, she asked these mostly upper-middle-class kids to complete the sentence “J'admire …” with the name of the historical figure they most admired

To say she was disturbed by the results would be to understate her reaction. Of 25 students in the class, 9 picked Adolf Hitle
r, making him easily the highest vote-getter in this particular exercise; a certain Mohandas Gandhi was the choice of precisely one student. Discussing the idea of courage with other students once, my wife was startled by the contempt they had for Gandhi. “He was a coward!” they said. And as far back as 2002, the Times of India reported a survey that found that 17 percent of students in elite Indian colleges “favored Adolf Hitler as the kind of leader India ought to have.”

In a place where Gandhi becomes a coward, perhaps Hitler becomes a hero.

Still, why Hitler? “He was a fantastic orator,” said the 10th-grade kids. “He loved his country; he was a great patriot. He gave back to Germany a sense of pride they had lost after the Treaty of Versailles,” they said.

"And what about the millions he murdered?” asked my wife. “Oh, yes, that was bad,” said the kids. “But you know what, some of them were traitors.

Admiring Hitler for his oratorical skills? Surreal enough. Add to that the easy condemnation of his millions of victims as traitors. Add to that the characterization of this man as a patriot. I mean, in a short dozen years, Hitler led Germany through a scarcely believable orgy of blood to utter shame and wholesale destruction. Even the mere thought of calling such a man a patriot profoundly corrupts—is violently antithetical to—the idea of patriotism.

But these are kids, you think, and kids say the darndest things. Except this is no easily written-off experience. The evidence is that Hitler has plenty of admirers in India, plenty of whom are by no means kids.

Consider Mein Kampf, Hitler’s autobiography. Reviled it might be in the much of the world, but Indians buy thousands of copies of it every month. As a recent paper in the journal EPW tells us (PDF), there are over a dozen Indian publishers who have editions of the book on the market. Jaico, for example, printed its 55th edition in 2010, claiming to have sold 100,000 copies in the previous seven years. (Contrast this to the 3,000 copies my own 2009 book, Roadrunner, has sold). In a country where 10,000 copies sold makes a book a bestseller, these are significant numbers.

And the approval goes beyond just sales. Mein Kampf is available for sale on flipkart.com, India’s Amazon. As I write this, 51 customers have rated the book; 35 of those gave it a five-star rating. What’s more, there’s a steady trickle of reports that say it has become a must-read for business-school students; a management guide much like Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved My Cheese or Edward de Bono’s Lateral Thinking. If this undistinguished artist could take an entire country with him, I imagine the reasoning goes, surely his book has some lessons for future captains of industry?

Much of Hitler’s Indian afterlife is the legacy of Bal Thackeray, chief of the Shiv Sena party who died on Nov. 17.

Thackeray freely, openly, and often admitted his admiration for Hitler, his book, the Nazis, and their methods. In 1993, for example, he gave an interview to Time magazine. “There is nothing wrong,” he said then, “if [Indian] Muslims are treated as Jews were in Nazi Germany.”

It’s no wonder they cling to almost comically superficial ideas of courage and patriotism, in which a megalomaniac’s every ghastly crime is forgotten so long as we can pretend that he ‘loved’ his country.

This interview came only months after the December 1992 and January 1993 riots in Mumbai, which left about a thousand Indians slaughtered, the majority of them Muslim. Thackeray was active right through those weeks, writing editorial after editorial in his party mouthpiece, “Saamna” (“Confrontation”) about how to “treat” Muslims.

On Dec. 9, 1992, for example, his editorial contained these lines: “Pakistan need not cross the borders and attack India. 250 million Muslims in India will stage an armed insurrection. They form one of Pakistan’s seven atomic bombs

A month later, on Jan. 8, 1993, there was this: “Muslims of Bhendi Bazar, Null Bazar, Dongri and Pydhonie, the areas [of Mumbai] we call Mini Pakistan … must be shot on the spot.”

Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India
I feel it is sad that kids adore Hitler...but of course i find no sympathy for Mr Gandhi....In some sense kids might be true to their opinion...but we owe Mr Gandhi a lot rather than subjected with a choice to like him or not....
I felt for Bally and his pure hatred for Muslims... Hope he meet his friends back in hell & I sincerely hope no Hindu will ever think the way Bally did, but my confidence in India is getting lower after reading comments on YouTube and PDF.

Seriously, Hindus act like dogs on the internet. Would they ever say it in real life is the question, without fear of being waken up in a hospital the next morning?
Balla thought of himself as Hindu Hitler ?
...perhaps if people in India stop posting Hitler's quotations and his motivational graphics/fan-art on social media only then his 'growing' fans will decrease.
I felt for Bally and his pure hatred for Muslims...

Muslims were in Bed with Christians (Nazis) in Killing the Jews. WW2 was a Religious War. Holy War+Crusades = Holocaust.

Hope he meet his friends back in hell & I sincerely hope no Hindu will ever think the way Bally did, but my confidence in India is getting lower after reading comments on YouTube and PDF.

Abrahamic Concept of Hell and Heaven are Irrelevant to Hindus. His Karma was Good and He will come back in the same Form. :lol:
Seriously, Hindus act like dogs on the internet. Would they ever say it in real life is the question, without fear of being waken up in a hospital the next morning?

What would be the Good Animal Adjective for Muslims?

Camel or Pig? Say which you like!
Most Indians have no idea about the true horror hitler unleased on jews. Most Indians dont even know judaism as a religion.
They only know hitler was fighting for germany (underdog) where as british (our enemy then) and americans ( imperialist big brother?) fighting against them.
Another reason could be due to Indian rule being seemingly chaotic, people think a strong leader will solve their problem (hence admiration for hitler or modi).
This wasa 10th grade case , just 1 class of 25 student.. and he wrote " Hitler’s Strange Afterlife in India "
he tagged whole India just becz of a stupid survey on 25 10th grade student. Cool..
What if her wife told him lie. what if his wife didn't give the right choice to student. what if his wife gave a stupid speech on hitler or on gandhi and then conducted survey. May be she gave children to made a choice not on basis of what they have done but on the courage and action ability.

and this Idiot is BITs pilani pass out. Seriously i hate such type of journalist. who feel free to insult Hindu but feel shame to write muslim word and use special community conducted this n blah blah sh!t.
Most Indians have no idea about the true horror hitler unleased on jews. Most Indians dont even know judaism as a religion.
They only know hitler was fighting for germany (underdog) where as british (our enemy then) and americans ( imperialist big brother?) fighting against them.
Another reason could be due to Indian rule being seemingly chaotic, people think a strong leader will solve their problem (hence admiration for hitler or modi).

Most people know about judaism religion. Your first reason is kinda right.
But how old you were in 10th grade ? i was 14 year old. And this journalist expect from a 14-15 max year old children who is studying in a private school which provide frnech class. well Do these kids really represent Indian thought ?? How many of them know about Indian problem ? Give them choice about hero and these kids ll pick flim star. They even do not know the difference between a film star and hero.

Whatever decision these kids made was on patriotism where a leader defending his country from front not like gandhi.
Most people know about judaism religion. Your first reason is kinda right.
But how old you were in 10th grade ? i was 14 year old. And this journalist expect from a 14-15 max year old children who is studying in a private school which provide frnech class. well Do these kids really represent Indian thought ?? How many of them know about Indian problem ? Give them choice about hero and these kids ll pick flim star. They even do not know the difference between a film star and hero.

Whatever decision these kids made was on patriotism where a leader defending his country from front not like gandhi.
It also mentions admiration among grownups.
A kid mostly learnt it by listening to others, in teen age, you like simple solutions to complex problems. Those simple solutions are usually from semileterate adults.
Also, for many patriotism seems to be related to being macho, and gandhi was hardly macho. :)
Thackery's entire political philosophy was centered round his hatred for Muslims and inciting hatred / violence against the Muslims. That is how he was able to "discover" 30 mlln Bangladeshis hiding in India. And it is strange that the so called secular govt of India allowed him to propagate his campaign of hatred for a minority community.
yaar eek tu in Indians ke samaj nahe ati ye chahtay hian dunya ke jo mashoor tareen personalities hain bas unko kesi na kesi tarhan unka link India say joordiya jaye takay apni popularity ho ... :rofl:
Thackeray was an anti-Indian bigot who preached hatred against Indian Hindus too.

On his hate-list were:

Southern Indians

Northern (BIMARU) Indians.

If there were a Bal and Raj Thackeray in every part of India, India would have become another Yugoslavia etc.
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