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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

care to explain why do you think most Viet members are left wing?
I consider myself liberal. I like the idea of liberalism. Your poll will never detect this.
care to explain why do you think most Viet members are left wing?
I consider myself liberal. I like the idea of liberalism. Your poll will never detect this.

I was referring to that thread where Nihonjin and I were talking about the trend and how the majority, including Chinese and Viet members, we're leaning left with their results. Well, there were only two Viet members showing their results but both were leftist.

Just do the test, it doesn't take long. It's actually not so accurate but it gives a good reference point for us to compare with each other. It's only for fun.

Are you scared that your Viet buddies will reject you if your result turned out right leaning?? :enjoy:
I was referring to that thread where Nihonjin and I were talking about the trend and how the majority, including Chinese and Viet members, we're leaning left with their results. Well, there were only two Viet members showing their results but both were leftist.

Just do the test, it doesn't take long. It's actually not so accurate but it gives a good reference point for us to compare with each other. It's only for fun.

Are you scared that your Viet buddies will reject you if your result turned out right leaning?? :enjoy:
I have no interest of such test. you have no idea how Vietnamese see themselves and the world. left/right-wing is not the category.
I was referring to that thread where Nihonjin and I were talking about the trend and how the majority, including Chinese and Viet members, we're leaning left with their results. Well, there were only two Viet members showing their results but both were leftist.

Just do the test, it doesn't take long. It's actually not so accurate but it gives a good reference point for us to compare with each other. It's only for fun.

Are you scared that your Viet buddies will reject you if your result turned out right leaning?? :enjoy:
VN have only one party, many of us simply dont understand (or dont care) what is left wing or right wing . We will support any party that can defeat the enemy, thats it.
VN have only one party, many of us simply dont understand (or dont care) what is left wing or right wing . We will support any party that can defeat the enemy, thats it.

Poignant. This is just the case in most socialist states; the personal choice in leadership is mitigated.
What are people like generally in Vietnam, I have a friend in Laos and the locals all seem pretty cool from what she told me and shes even dating one..a white woman dating an Asian.

Maybe you found Leveragedbuyout's interpretation accurate because both of you have similar background. Living in a developed country and are relatively well off.

A western developed country is not representative of the whole world. You guys are minority, the developing/third world is the majority. And even inside your developed nation, the Middle class is only one segment of your society.

I'm originally from a developing country. To be honest, third world people like us posting so much on forums are probably only the minority of our countrymen. But even if I'm a minority, I still know what the majority is like. I've seen hard working family have to stop their 16-17yrs children from goin to school and send them to work because family financial hardship. Sometime, there are younger kids, going to school and help family work. I've seen very intelligent kids, hard working and do well in school, can't afford to go higher education or have to drop out. And I bet the developing countries in Africa and South America is probably worst. There are lots of people who work hard and are intelligent, but cannot rise up without assistance from government. And without government regulation, their situation can be exploited by outside people.

This is the real situation of the majority world. The society that you and LeveragedBuyout live in, are only the minority.

You ask earlier in that thread (sorry I didn't reply it earlier) why so many Indians, Pakistani, Viet and Chinese members are left wing? well maybe this is the reason, we grew up in a developing countries and see these situation and know what is needed.

I think it wasn't a coincidence that only you, a Japanese, an American and a Filipino (along with a few other outliers) are right wing.

I don't think that living in a fairly developed country could have any effect on overall perception because there were some members who live in the West yet still scored left leaning. In addition, there was another member, @Cossack25A1 who is Filipino and lives in a country that is not in the developmental level or even in HDI scale as that of Japan and the United States (or any other post-industrialized power at that), yet he still was right authoritarian. My view is that societal norms , governmental policy as well as filial dynamic are determining factors here. Given, my score, alone, is not generalizable to the entire Japanese population, unless we were to conduct the same test on say at least another 10 or so Japanese members. Or even more as the greater the sample pool leads to the greater the power.

I find commonality with some economic principles espoused by Republicans and Libertarians. I adhere to market economics, and support limited government intervention in fiscal policy, whilst I also adhere to the traditional definition of marriage, the traditional definition of the family unit, which is based on the Judeo-Christian concept of moral and ethos, which is rather similar to the Japanese concept of social Confucianism and social Bushido constructs. Thus the score reflects my stance as being both fiscally and socially conservative.
Your name is [达] Đạt [晖] Huy [郎] Lang if written out in Vietnamese.

Sawndip Script looks very complex. Written during the early Tang Dynasty.

Was there a reason to move from old Sawndip Script to Alphabetical Zhuang Script? Which script are more in use by Zhuang people?

Binggo!my name is Da huilang(达 晖郎),same pronunciation as big grey wolf in Chinese,


this is a inscriptions in my hometown which mix Sawndip& Chinese characters,Dated to 697 AD, the inscription touted the beautiful scenery .
Hi there, Bắc Quốc Chi Xuân.

So Vietnam is in good development and China is against a dead-end? Is this what you are trying to say?

I don't understand your sentence. Can you elaborate more on it?

Vietnam now development is also good, but with China against only a dead end.
I just got back from a two weeks trip in Beijing and Linye. The people over there are mostly cool and nice as heck. Not sure why they Chinese here on this website are bunch of assholes. :woot:
I m Zhuang.my Cousin is Han,

Are you proud for that ?

I just got back from a two weeks trip in Beijing and Linye. The people over there are mostly cool and nice as heck. Not sure why they Chinese here on this website are bunch of assholes. :woot:

most of aggressive Chinese members here on DPF belong to southern Chinese or oversea Chinese, they tried portray themselves truer Han Chinese than Han Chinese in Zhong Yuan. :undecided:
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I agree and disagree at the same time.

Ancient origin myths and oral histories and folklores, although do not have concrete evidences to back up the claims, help set the course and is the backbone of history for the particular culture and civilization. Sometime it's content may sound too mystical to be true in today's understanding. But, it does open up a partial view of the past and a glimpse through the consciousness of that particular race on how they perceive life.

There are, however, artifacts discovered showing a culture once thrived in this area dating back to the Hong Bang Dynasty. How this culture relates to Hong Bang Dynasty is debatable. The "burning of books and burying of scholars", in 213 - 210 BC edict given by Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor of China, resulted in some lost of History in Central Asia and human knowledge in general.

Furthermore, ancient history of one race may sometime contradict the ancient history, understanding and development of another race, this is because they are in parallel of each other. Cultural advancement and achievements in technologies varies from group to group. Forcing two parallel civilization's history together and expecting them to fit perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle would be ludicrous. Therefore, civilization that lived in parallel of each other can not share the same time line until the two collide and knowledges are exchanged.

....As a senior member of this forum, this is the part where you would reply to welcome me as a new member. Cheers!!
Where are my manners,while this forum has its fair share of vitriolic nationalists/irredentists there's still some reasonable members,but welcome to this forum.

Uncorroborated sources/mythology don't fly in the academic community,therefore they shouldn't be used as a legitimate substitute for primary/secondary sources.

While it is possible that individuals rooted in mythology might represent a set of ideals or a tribe or that some sort of conflict emerged between several parties however they are heavily embellished and contain anachronistic terminology.

That's the issue you can't attach prehistoric cultures to a later day fabrication,Chinese historians use the Erlitou culture as "proof" for the Xia dynasty however there's no evidence of writing therefore its not recognized by Western historians.

The same reason why the Shang dynasty was put under heavy scrutiny until oracle bones were found to record Shang era events and Shang imperial lineage.

Qin Shihuang's book burning have nothing to do with Van Lang/Hong Bang they were too distant to know of each other,neither did the Spring Autumn/Warring States maintain close contacts with Central Asians.

Hong Bang dynasty is a complete sham made by Vietnamese to prove that they are an older civilization and origin of Chinese culture.

1.Material culture is not indicative of suzerainty ie Dong Son bronze drums spread throughout parts of southern China as well as southeast Asia however there existed an independent tradition in Shizaishan. Many foreign cultures adopted Chinese culture and imported Chinese swords,mirrors as well as bells however this doesn't make them Chinese.

2.Chinese terminology as well as mimicry ie the terminology of Phong Chau is erroneous as it couldn't possibly have existed until the Sui-Tang era where 州 was redefined,as well as this famous passage:
To the East it bordered the Southern sea,the west BaShu to the North Dong Ting Lake and to the South Hu Sun(Champa).

Is just ripping off the Huayang Guozhi.

3.The lack of Chinese sources indicating a powerful kingdom to the south or archaeological evidence of a bureaucracy that ruled southern China from Vietnam,writing etc.

4.Linguistics:Southern China had Austronesians,Tai Kadai,Austro Asiatics,Tibeto Burmans as well as Miao Yao speakers how can they all be Vietnamese?

5.No other ethnicity has myths of Hung Kings,a powerful country would surely leave behind descendants all over Southern China.

This is just the tip of the iceberg there are plenty of other evidence that contradicts the medieval Vietnamese narrative.

The issue is that Dong Son culture faded away after Chinese culture supplanted it and that it barely influenced other cultures,the bronze drums which the Vietnamese hold great pride over today were viewed as relics of barbarians by medieval Vietnamese.

Chinese legacy is widespread despite how Vietnamese want to deny it today ie historically Vietnamese surnames,architecture,bureaucracy,philosophy,linguistics,clothing,script were all heavily influenced by Chinese cultures.

Vietnamese claiming that they had a civilization that matched the Chinese in influence and territory is ridiculous,it would be like saying the Germanic tribes the Romans faced were the origins of the of the Romans.

most of aggressive Chinese members here on DPF belong to southern Chinese or oversea Chinese, they tried portray themselves truer Han Chinese than Han Chinese in Zhong Yuan. :undecided:
There's no such as true Han Chinese,tell me are Northern,Central or Southern Vietnamese more Kinh?

Considering how you and your countrymen spew so many lies its only natural that Chinese would feel offended.
Are you proud for that ?

most of aggressive Chinese members here on DPF belong to southern Chinese or oversea Chinese, they tried portray themselves truer Han Chinese than Han Chinese in Zhong Yuan. :undecided:

I can see the reasoning there. I was in Northern China Visiting relatives. They were nice hosts with great manners. They didn't really give a shit about political garbage.
most of aggressive Chinese members here on DPF belong to southern Chinese or oversea Chinese, they tried portray themselves truer Han Chinese than Han Chinese in Zhong Yuan. :undecided:

So South Chinese shouldn't be patriotic, your analogy is funny here.

I can see the reasoning there. I was in Northern China Visiting relatives. They were nice hosts with great manners. They didn't really give a shit about political garbage.

Which city your relatives live?
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So South Chinese shouldn't be patriotic, your analogy is funny here.

Which city your relatives live?

My relatives live in Beijing and Linye (about 1 hour flight trip from Beijing). I have to admit I was impressed by Beijing. The city is awesome except for the polluted air.
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