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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

so basically its only punjabis, sindhis, and urdu speaking who are indic.... rest all are iranic which include baluch, pashtun, kashmiri & baltistani. so this thread starter guy wasnt completely wrong. isnt it?

Kashmirs are iranic ppl true...

Let me tell u one interesting thing.
I can give u pictures of some Indian Brahmins in fact many who can easily pass off for Bloch, Kashmir or say an Iranian .Well Kashmir Muslims are basically descendants of Kashmir pundits.not so sure about Pashtuns.

But the Punjabi Muslims of Pakistan or jatts of Punjab ,Hariyana .Rajastan look so different from much bigger head , rough and bony facial features from any inidan Hindu Brahman leaving aside skin complexion.They even look different from Punjabi brahmins.

Hindu brahmins and Iranic counted here ppl say Baloch, ,kashmiri even pashtun tend to soft facial features and smaller heads.
Just like recently out of complex , Indians are claiming that Mughals are Indians

Uhh....If Indus Valley civilization is claimed to be Pakistani because Mohenjodaro and Harappa are in PRESENT DAY PAKISTAN.....
Then Mughals are 100% Indo's since their capital, base of operations and what they called home.....is in PRESENT DAY INDIA....:D

Why cant we all just share our history + cutlure pre 1947 and any culture developed post partition can be attributed to the individual nation....
eg. Bollywood is purely part of post partition Indian culture.....Sorry...dont have an example of current Pakistan...but you get the drift
Nice job Indian hiding behind a Pakistani ID and starting a sarcastic post and sticking some subtle insults in...

I don't understand this. I feel he has a valid point and was actually voicing the concerns of a true ABCD (apologies dolphin). There are more Indians than Pakistanis in UK, US and most other countries. We have more cultural gatherings and the popular Bollywood culture seems to appeal to most expatriates of these two countries. Pakistan might have a different culture, but I see a lot of your countrymen flock to the theaters in the US. Anyway, point is, your skepticism was not entirely well placed. To the point that he is being asked to trash Indian culture to "please" you guys.

To Dolphin: There are many Indians who understand Farsi and Urdu. Urdu is ranked high in poetry and culture of north India. Some official documents still have farsi words in them. I think you feel Farsi is "pure" while Urdu has the mix of "Hindi" in it. If that is the case, then it is not helpful since no country speaks any pure language. In India, we have no single language capable of capturing the diversity. In Pakistan, I think Urdu is spoken by the majority. So it makes sense for you to have it as the national language.

Wallaahi i'm pakistani not indian..........

I still doubt that you are Pakistani.. Even if you are NOT indian.. you are something else..

Wallaahi is a word commonly used by Arabs..:azn::azn: not so much by Pakistanis..

Perspective: Urdu has words from Persian and Arabic. He, or any Indian Muslim for that matter is entitled to use that exclamation. Does saying "Jeez!" make you a Christian or "westerner"?

:rofl::rofl: just check the highlighted word in red. We have already banned many of Bharatiyas who were having same problem of using the word and we have no doubt you are hiding behind Our lovely flag.

And as far as the fact bwahahahha You Know what even if you make me Queen of England i would not like to claim myself to be of Indian origion in exchange for that.
So get a life man Pakistanis dont like to be called themselves Hindustani origion

I feel bad for you. The fact that we decided to retain the name India (and not adopt Hindustan as Jinnah had expected) has really made you guys hate your ancestors. Why do you associate the words "Indic" or ancient "India" with the present day India? Do you for example not feel proud that "India" discovered zero, had the first surgeon, had such vibrant culture, has an ocean named after it, was considered one of the leading nations of the world, was on a popular trade route, and allowed peaceful co-existence of different religions for the most part? Do you believe that none of your ancestors could have been the reason for all this before/after converting to Islam? But if you want to, it is your loss. You may have other blood in you, but many Pakistanis sure would fit into my description above.

There are a spectrum of cultures and languages across the Asian landscape. But certain people (mostly Indians and sometimes the odd Pakistani) tend to make exceptions for Pakistani cultures, and associate everything that belongs to our people as either Iranian or Indian. Its a flawed view and usually an agenda driven one.
There is no such thing as "Indian culture" in the first place. Southern India is mostly Tamil, Eastern India has heavy Tibetan influence, and northern/central India has a Gangetic Hindu influence which has never had a presence in Pakistan/Indus valley.
Pakistani cultures of course have similarities to north western Indian cultures like Punjab due to proximity but you will find that every neighbouring region in the world has such similarities.

Pakistan aka the Indus Valley has always had a unique identity and if certain people are blinded by Pakistani nation being relatively new, you can always study the historical importance of major cities and regions like Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Karachi, Quetta, Taxila, Swat etc. These regions have always belonged to our ancestors and have formed our Indus identity and culture.

Besides, Pakistan represents the majority of Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Baluchis and Kashmiris in the world, this alone portrays the uniqueness of modern Pakistan.

So, basically, nothing in Pakistan is 'Indic' or 'Iranic'. These terms are flawed and anyone with the slightest knowledge of Asian cultures shouldn't be promoting them.


Without contradicting you: I feel we should understand that people of one race may speak the language of another. I know of many people in Indian Hyderabad who had last names similar to my Iranian friends. They certainly belonged to a different race (they looked very different from any Indian Muslim), they spoke a different language (not urdu or dakkani or telugu). But their language did sound like these. Coorgis in India are believed to have Greek ancestry but their language sounds south Indian. Point is, over time, people can completely forget the language of their "tribe" if the elders don't make efforts to retain the culture. Like Indians and Chinese in the US, who may not understand their mother tongue but still belong to the race. I am sure migration happened in those days too. Movement and transformation might have been slower than it is today, but it cannot be ruled out.

I am from North India so I am Aryan. The South Indians are Dravidians. The Pakistanis are a mixed race of Russian, Persian, Greek, Chinese, Afghanistani,Arab and African peoples having been invaded by many nations hosting armies which consisted of those nationalities. So the true pure states are actually north and south India. Pakistan was always those state's buffer zone during the days of invasion. Perhaps that is the reason why Pakistani's hate the rest of India to the extent that they do. Then again as an Aryan, my duty is to understand their anger at us :D

If you are serious, I would like to disagree. The Dravidians have their ancestry from African tribes (check out a program on Nat Geo where they matched the DNA of a bushman and a tea-stall owner in Tamil Nadu) but they can be traced to the mountainous tribes across India and Pakistan. The Brahmins are supposed to be Aryans and you can find them in every state of India. So there is no clear cut classification of race above and below the Vindhyas.

No wait... It should be Indians (not Pakistanis) who should claim european ancestry... It has been long known that before the advent of Suez Canal, British Government used to encourage British soldiers to marry local Indian women from lower classes.. that is where you got your Anglo-Indians from.. ;)

and many Goans have Portugese ancestry.. and then you have Indo-French and Indo-Dutch people too... All those people invaded India from Southern and Eastern side I think...:azn::D

The bashing aside, no religion or race invaded India except from the North West. In the southern part, they were adopted peacefully as a result of trade and even now everyone coexists well enough. And you know that when you mention Anglo Indians, you are including people from your country as well since the British may have not known back then to classify you as such.

Just like recently out of complex , Indians are claiming that Mughals are Indians

Mughals are the descendants of Mongols. And why does Mughal become Indian or Pakistani? They existed before Pakistan was declared a sovereign state so there is nothing wrong in anyone saying it. Would you like it if someone said you should give us the Harappa/Mohenjodaro artifacts since you have no cultural similarity with it?
Neighboring nations infiltration of Pakistan over the past thousand years or so. Alexander the Greek invaded Pakistan when it was still a Hindu territory and Porus a Pakistani Hindu king fought back but was defeated by Alex. When Alex's army was told to confront the Aryan Hindus, the Greek army turned tail and fled leaving a small army to occupy Pakistan. The reason why the Aryans in north India were able to muster a large army was due to the fact that the Pakistanis were fighting the Greeks and gave us time to muster our forces. In a stupid kind of way that similarity maybe drawn to the current Taliban/Pakistan Army war. The Taliban keeps the Pakistan Army occupied while India musters its forces in the north :D

"Hindu and Hinduism" is a term created by the British. I hope you realize this. You won't find it in Wikipedia.
I am from North India so I am Aryan. The South Indians are Dravidians. The Pakistanis are a mixed race of Russian, Persian, Greek, Chinese, Afghanistani,Arab and African peoples having been invaded by many nations hosting armies which consisted of those nationalities. So the true pure states are actually north and south India. Pakistan was always those state's buffer zone during the days of invasion. Perhaps that is the reason why Pakistani's hate the rest of India to the extent that they do. Then again as an Aryan, my duty is to understand their anger at us :D

Why do all you Indians use Wikipedia as you source of knowledge? Then you brag about being all smart and knowledgeable. Never heard of using scholarly articles? Do you know Wikipedia is a peer edited encyclopedia and half of the information is incorrect. You need to verify everything that is written in Wikipedia through its citations, and yet the citiations used in Wikipedia are rogue. :disagree:
There is no such thing as "Indian culture" in the first place. Southern India is mostly Tamil, Eastern India has heavy Tibetan influence, and northern/central India has a Gangetic Hindu influence which has never had a presence in Pakistan/Indus valley.
Pakistani cultures of course have similarities to north western Indian cultures like Punjab due to proximity but you will find that every neighbouring region in the world has such similarities.


Southern India is mostly Tamil,???

No,u'll make Telegu of AP , kannada of Karnaka and Kerela ppl very angry.

Eastern India has heavy Tibetan influence???

U must mean north eastern or Sikim,Bhutan like that.

As most Bihari,Bengali or Oriya ppl saw a Tibetan when Tibetan refugees can down in 1953.

BTW Chadra Gupta Mourya dynasty had ruled pakistani ares from Patna in Bihar for 200yr.
Why do all you Indians use Wikipedia as you source of knowledge? Then you brag about being all smart and knowledgeable. Never heard of using scholarly articles? Do you know Wikipedia is a peer edited encyclopedia and half of the information is incorrect. You need to verify everything that is written in Wikipedia through its citations, and yet the citiations used in Wikipedia are rogue. :disagree:

Huh ???? You used wiki as a reference. So much for your scholarly abilities :hang2: :rofl:
Southern India is mostly Tamil,???

No,u'll make Telegu of AP , kannada of Karnaka and Kerela ppl very angry.

Eastern India has heavy Tibetan influence???

U must mean north eastern or Sikim,Bhutan like that.

As most Bihari,Bengali or Oriya ppl saw a Tibetan when Tibetan refugees can down in 1953.

BTW Chadra Gupta Mourya dynasty had ruled pakistani ares from Patna in Bihar for 200yr.

No he didn't. Its not proven. Stop spreading your propaganda.
You cut and pasted everything you wrote from wikipedia and re-wrote it. I'm on to you Indians.

Damn we are busted now. There goes our theory of the origins of Pakistan. Busted we are fellow Indians and by TheEnrichedOne too. We may as well resign our memberships of PDF. The EnrichedOne is onto us :wave:

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