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Hindutva outfit launches campaign to ban Fajr Adhan in India

and there is no harm with loud speakers..it is everywhere in the world..only hindus have problem...
No, there is a problem with that here in the US, there was even a case in the US when people in Detroit were angry at the city for allowing the Islamic center to use loud speakers 5 times a day for call for prayer. Dearborn near Detroit has the largest Muslim population in this part of the world, so yes it is not just Hindus.
That's very interesting question. If majority non Muslims raise objection about Azan then hiow to resolve this issue. ?.
To Hindu respected members can you give some example or any court jurisdiction ? .
@Joe Shearer
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That's very interesting question. If majority non Muslims raise objection about Azan then hiow to resolve this issue. ?.
To Hindu respected members can you give some example or any court jurisdiction ? .

Court Jurisdiction is not to use loud speakers from 10pm to 6am. Its actually general in nature. All Loud speakers are banned. So Azaan. Nobody have thought about it, yet. Either they can go to SC and get a reprieve telling about religious sensitivities, or follow the guidelines regarding the use of loud-speakers.
That's very interesting question. If majority non Muslims raise objection about Azan then hiow to resolve this issue. ?.
To Hindu respected members can you give some example or any court jurisdiction ? .

Freedom of religion and religious activities are guaranteed in India. Unless a dictator takes over, it is highly unlikely that the Supreme Court of India will uphold any law banning the Azaan
I have noticed.. ! MAny north Indians club the entire South Indians under the name "Madarasis" and think, Tamil is the language of all the 4 states :P :lol:

When I was a little kid we visited Bangalore. I made the mistake of asking a person speaking Kanara whether he was speaking Tamil. He told me that I was lucky to be a kid or else he would have thumped me :D
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