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Hindus, Christians refuse converted woman burial

Ok this is plain stupid evil..... marray huay insan kee to harr koi izzat karta hai......... :pissed:

This is often happened to the converted people yaar.. Christians do not want a dead body because they have not much use with it.. Hindus dont want it because he is converted to Christianity.. Low side of every religion...

So i'm guessing your Christian? Does the work of the "Lord" involve coercing and bribing poor tribal people?

I am a christian mate and I assure you, it is not what Jesus said.. He thought us to give food and clothing to the poor and spread his message of love and peace.. Never said anything about conversions.. Unfortunately, Christianity is now become a private bank in which its agents are trying to complete their monthly quota..
fu*k those illitrate villager ba$tards but why did churches refuse??

fu*k those self server parasitic pastors ba$tards and churches but why did the villager refuse ??

......oh wait a minute, the village did not have a burial ground. what reason did the church have ? :azn:
most christian activities in india are done by indians, specially based in kerala. despite popular perception, western groups are rarely involved.

.........western groups are rarely involved except for funding these activities, providing moral and political support and providing adequate press coverage and propaganda :lol: .........our course the foot 'soldiers' are always Indians.

All the police and army men in the British army were always 'Indians' too ......... brown men commanded by white masters have indeed been a long tradition.
when a blind man suddenly gets sight, he is usually desperate to tell the other blind men the good news of how to get sight

:lol: .....let us get this straight.

You are calling Hindu's BLIND ....and correspondingly they live in the DARKNESS due to their BLINDNESS. So as per you Hindus are living in the dark ages.

Hindu gods are then actually the devil that cause 'intellectual and spritual' blindness to Hindus. Their philosophies and spritual teachings are Blinding.

Converting to Christianity removes this Blindness and brings them into the 'light'. They then have the 'noble responsibility' of 'curing' other Hindu's of this 'Blindness'.

Have I got all that right ? ............I am one of the 'blind' Hindus .....please feel free to correct me. :D:

Clearly you are a christian. Kindly confirm the same so that we can all admire your 'sight'. Hope you see no shame in sharing that wonder news with us.

He being Christian doesn't have anything to do with it,desperate people easily see the path of light.
By the way don't question anybody's religion.

Excuse me !! .... but WHY NOT Question somebody's religion ? ......is it something to hide or something to be 'ashamed' off ??? :azn:

Is it not 'secular' enough to ask somebody's religion ? .....does it affect your 'delicate' sensibilities ? .....the same sensibilities that were not hurt when someone called the Hindus 'blind' ? :azn:
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this thread is still running buddy..now a days some threads in pdf are just silly and pointless..i still love pdf..but i feel that it has become a lot "uninteresting"these days.lots of vs threads,hate threads,and pointless threads like these which has no relevance to this site what so ever.a local issue has no relevance in an international forum..as a member of this forum this is my personal opinion ofcourse.
This is often happened to the converted people yaar.. Christians do not want a dead body because they have not much use with it.. Hindus dont want it because he is converted to Christianity.. Low side of every religion...

There is no question of the Hindu's wanting or not wanting it. If the lady was a christian then it would have been wrong to cremate her as per hindu rites. It is not what she would have wanted.

I am a christian mate and I assure you, it is not what Jesus said.. He thought us to give food and clothing to the poor and spread his message of love and peace.. Never said anything about conversions.. Unfortunately, Christianity is now become a private bank in which its agents are trying to complete their monthly quota..

Then how wonderful that you saw the need to 'educate' a non christian Khalsa97 about what Jesus actually said.

A pity you chose not to educate your fellow christian 'Shinigami' about the teachings of jesus :lol: ........but I guess that is the 'secular' christian way .............selective blindness for the proselytizing fellow christian and propaganda to 'appease' the angry Pagan. I cannot decide which of you is more dangerous ...............

At least Shinigami was upfront about his intentions. :disagree:
Indian is a very generic sense to describe the subject of the article? Do not you think same thing is not applicable in rest of the South Asia?...In India...Hindu people are always victimized in the policy level by the GOV to maintain the secular fabric of our nation...And apart from that there are loopholes in Hindu religion itself...So in a nutshell....if people feel victimized, then reaction will come from people of all religion...be in Hindu,Muslim or others too...So this is a basic nature of society...which is nothing specific to India itself...

Are yaar sab kuch India hi hai, app ko pata nai? Afghanistan se le kar Sri Lanka takh. Ab to Pakistan mein jho kuch ho gha hum India ko blame kare ghe.
In fact we are the most religious tolerant and no country in this and any known/unknown world can think about a country like India as far as religious, cultural or linguistic diversity is concerned...even our minority religion is bigger than your country in numbers for which religion you set up a seperate house! Only India can tolerate it!!

Tell that to the Muslims murdered in Gujarat more than 10 years back. India by law is a tolerant country. But by practice, its not as tolerant.
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