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Hindu Temple bars entry of flooded low-caste Hindus

Well Cast is supposedly big deal among Hindus.Hopefully they will get some sense.Government should come hard on Hindu Bar Officials who barred these kids from entering Temple just because they belonged a lower cast.Thankfully cast system does not exist in Islam.

Well good for you!!:cheers:

PS: It is Caste system, not Cast system.....
Why these people raising this issue.........Just because its related to Pakistan and Indians want to raise each and every Issue related to Pakistan.

Why you don't talk about Babari Mosque Iccident happened in India .........
By that logic Guruvayur temple in Kerala and half the temple in India should be razed to the ground.

Yes, if religious institutions can not keep up with the changing times and actually break law (in India), they should be made either to conform to allow equal access to all citizens or be destroyed.

BTW, I do not agree that half the temples restrict access to lower caste.

Mods: I am answering query at risk of digression from topic..... please delete if deem fit.
Yes, if religious institutions can not keep up with the changing times and actually break law (in India), they should be made either to conform to allow equal access to all citizens or be destroyed.

The untouchability law was passed in 1948 and after 62 years we still see low-caste people not allowed to enter some temples. Making laws are easy but changing human behavior takes time. The destruction of religious institutions will only bring riots and destruction as we have seen with Babari Masjid.
By that logic Guruvayur temple in Kerala and half the temple in India should be razed to the ground.

I think the destruction of Babari Masjid in 1992 has created copy cats that want more religious places destroyed.
Ok we always drag indian nose in the dirt for cast system now this one is coming from our own supposed "land of pure"???
Ok we always drag indian nose in the dirt for cast system now this one is coming from our own supposed "land of pure"???

The caste system is practice in Hinduism and Sikhism. There are Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. So caste system is practice by a segment of population in Pakistan.
The caste system is practice in Hinduism and Sikhism. There are Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. So caste system is practice by a segment of population in Pakistan.

Caste system is a problem in India, and even Muslims practice this system to certain extent.

In Sikhism, caste system still exists but it is not as rigid as that we would see in certain sects of Hinduism. Everyone, irrespective of religion/caste, is allowed to come to Gurudwara (Sikh shrine) and partake in the langar (community feast). AFAIK, Sikhs don't practice untouchability.
Caste system is a problem in India, and even Muslims practice this system to certain extent.

That is true some Muslims do have caste like social structure.

In Sikhism, caste system still exists but it is not as rigid as that we would see in certain sects of Hinduism.

I found some Sikhs to be very casteist. They are very proud of being Jat look down on non-Jats.

Everyone, irrespective of religion/caste, is allowed to come to Gurudwara (Sikh shrine) and partake in the langar (community feast). AFAIK, Sikhs don't practice untouchability.

That is true in general. What about Mazahabis and Ravidasis ?
IF her allegations are true, that temple should be razed to the ground.:angry:

Why should be the temple ??? :angry: :hitwall:

It was the management who really don't know the Hindu religion...
Please delete your post it is my humble request.
That is true some Muslims do have caste like social structure.

I found some Sikhs to be very casteist. They are very proud of being Jat look down on non-Jats.

That is true in general. What about Mazahabis and Ravidasis ?

Caste system still exists in the SE Asian countries, and it does exist in all major communities, irrespective of religion. Let's leave it at that.

I don't want to go off-topic...
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IF her allegations are true, that temple should be razed to the ground.:angry:

Have you ever asked someone to sleep in your house after watching them sleeping on footpath???

If No, have you razed your house to the ground???
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