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Hindu scripture order prompts row

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state
Opposition parties and minority groups in India's Karnataka state are angry that the Hindu scripture, Bhagvad Gita, must be taught in schools.

The state authorities recently directed schools to teach the Hindu holy book for three hours a week.

Education Minister Visveswara Hegde Kageri said that those who did not want to learn the Gita should leave India.

Opponents of the move say that the state government order violates their constitutional rights.

The state is governed by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"Only those who want to promote religious ideologies of foreign countries are protesting the Bhagvad Gita classes," Mr Kageri said recently.

"If they want to promote their ideologies, they have no place in this country. They should leave."

His comments have angered the opposition Congress and Janata Dal (Secular) parties who have petitioned Governor HR Bharadwaj to stop the programme immediately.

The governor, too, has described Mr Kageri's controversial comment as "unwise and unfortunate".

Christian and Muslim leaders have said the government is "trying to cause communal disharmony".

They said the order violated the constitutional rights of educational institutions of minority communities.

The Minorities Instiutions' Federation has also filed a petition in the Karnataka high court challenging the government's order.

The court last week asked the state and federal governments to explain the education department's circular.

In his defence, Mr Kageri said the BJP government in Karnataka neither sponsored nor funded the exercise.

He said the Gita had been taught in schools since 2007 and that some people were trying to create a controversy.

"The government had only asked the education department to extend its co-operation to the programme as it had been doing for other programmes like planting of saplings organised by various organisations," news agency Press Trust of India quoted Mr Kageri as saying.
BBC News - Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state
He said the Gita had been taught in schools since 2007 and that some people were trying to create a controversy.

Where were the Muslims and Christians then?

Maybe the Missionaries just got a Call up!

Also Bhagvad Gita is not the Holy Book of Hinduism.

It is a Brief of the Vedas.

Vedas is What Indian culture comes from.

Muslims and Christians are not going to bowed up in front of some other God.

Bhagvad Gita is only like Moral of the Stories.
It is... that is why people have a chance to protest and so hasn't been implemented yet. I hate how politics is played to hijack syllabus. Truth is the morals from all religious books are covered in the syllabus wherever required. There is no need to read holy books in classrooms, if parents wish, they can teach those at home.
He just said that the Gita should be respected by all. As usual pro congress media have twisted his words and sensationalized it. By I doubt the minister himself has read the Gita or not !
What is wrong in that? Hindu majority country can do so. I believe that it will not be mandatory for Non-hindus.
What is wrong in that? Hindu majority country can do so. I believe that it will not be mandatory for Non-hindus.

True, but we are also a secular country where the sentiments of non-Hindus should also be respected.
Bhagwat Gita ? what is it ? - It's just philosophical book which teaches you ethics , values which are seen all over South asia . It teaches us politics too...lol

If translated it comes as Song of God.

Line i like from Gita :

yada yada hi dharmasya glanibhabati bharata abhyuthhanam dharmsya tadatamnan
All religion should be kept out of all school books. Children should be allowed to grow free from these influences until the child is old enough to understand what these things are about and can make a choice for himself.

The minister should concern himself on how to improve schooling in his state instead of trying to pander to a vote bank.
I have read the book quite interesting, the famous quote by Oppenheimer the creator of the Atomic Bomb, "Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds" comes from the Gita, but it should not be forcibly taught to minorities, in Pakistan Islamiat is not a compulsory subject for non-Muslims.
Bhagvad Gita is part of an epic poem, the Mahabharatha. In the final battle Arjun drops his weapons, a conflict brewing in his mind about the morality of war and killing relatives. His Charioteer, Lord Krishna, then talks to him and teaches him the rights and wrongs. This entire 'lesson on the battle field' that Lord Krishn imparts to Arjun constitutes what is known as Bhagvad Gita.

Now how is Mahabhatatha, an epic poem, a religious text? Idiots who are saying that this is the Hindu majority forcing "Hindu Religious Scriptures" (no such thing actually) on "non-believers" (whatever that means!) know squat about Hinduism or any other religion.
I have read the book quite interesting, the famous quote by Oppenheimer the creator of the Atomic Bomb, "Now I become death, the destroyer of worlds" comes from the Gita, but it should not be forcibly taught to minorities, in Pakistan Islamiat is not a compulsory subject for non-Muslims.

Mahabharatha along with Ramayana, is like other epic poems, Odyssey and Illiad. It has nothing to do with religion! Bhagvad Gita forms a part of the poem - Mahabharatha. What does that have to do with minorities?

Do the Greeks complain about learning Odyssey or Illiad? Arent you fellows fascinated by the Helen of Troy story? Same is with Bhagvad Gita.
Where were the Muslims and Christians then?

Maybe the Missionaries just got a Call up!

Also Bhagvad Gita is not the Holy Book of Hinduism.

It is a Brief of the Vedas.

Vedas is What Indian culture comes from.

Muslims and Christians are not going to bowed up in front of some other God.

Bhagvad Gita is only like Moral of the Stories.

whatever it is, and muslims are not interested to learn some hindu religious stories, will hindus forcefully learn the muslim stories or the kasas ul ambia(stories of prophets) be launched in dehli and other muslim majority areas??
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