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Hindu ‘Saffron’ Terror Camps Breeding Terrorists | PKKH.tv

As per figures given by the Union Minister of State for Home Shriprakash Jaiswal, who belongs to the Congress Party, in Parliament on 11 May 2005, 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed in the riots, 2548 people were injured and 223 people were missing. This was in a WRITTEN REPLY to a question asked by a Congress member on the religion wise casualties in Gujarat after Godhra.

CONgress it is.....
For the Indian Home Minister to use 'Saffron' terrorism in a Hindu-majority country is not a trivial matter! Effectively, he has labeled the 2nd largest (or THE largest!?) political party of India at least supportive of 'terrorism'--and 'Hindu' terrorism at that. I doubt this is 'vote bank politics': Sounds like a potential political suicide. I mean, 'appeasing' a Muslim minority by displeasing a Hindu majority doesn't sound like a winning strategy to me.
Let's see if the minister survives this blunder.

Dude, we want the home minister to ban BJP and RSS and arrest them and put them in jail - only his constitutional patriotic duty - if he's NOT doing politics.

Don't you agree? So if he does that, then I fully and completely support him, if he does not ban BJP and arrest them, then he has done politics with a matter of national security and thus he is a traitor himself.


Trolling failed!! pic doesnt Show up!
I read this answer on Quora.. Its not my answer ..
just adding and removing some lines -

"Unfortunately India is one of the biggest victims of terrorism in the 21st century world. Interestingly, it has become very fashionable over the past 4 to 6 years to flash Hindutva “terror” or Saffron “terror” at the drop of a hat. Hindutva, is essentially an ideology which is pro-Hindu, and Saffron is a colour most associated with Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism as the world labels it. Many people bring “Hindu terror”, “Hindutva terror” or “Saffron terror” into political and media discussions to score brownie points with the generally Hindu-despising crowd out there — the so-called secular people, communists, and some ‘friendly neighbours’ of who have a big stake in projecting Hindus in bad light.
1. Communist ideology holding Communist Party of India – Maoist.
2. Indian Mujahideen, the terror outfit that is alleged to have links with Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), for which the incumbent Foreign Minister of India Salman Khurshid was a legal voice.
3. Harkat ul-Jihad Islami (HUJI).[/B]

Can I ask you for a favor? Can you 'REREAD' your own post and be a man for a few minutes and see what's wrong with it?? You guys don't want to talk about RSS, Shiv Sena, BJP connection and what they've done to Christians and Muslims over years?
You are saying that 'Hindus' don't have terrorist? I've seen a video of a historical mosque being destroyed and brought down by BJP - RSS people and hundreds of thousands of them. WHILE the uniformed Police and Paramilitary WATCHED!!! I've met with a couple of Kashmiri families who were brought to the US for humanitarian purposes. His ALL three girls were raped and son at the age of 15 was shot killed when he tried to resist. You guys have sisters and brothers too right? Do you want to really be so inhumane in the name of India and NOT admit that BJP-RSS-Shiv Sena do these killings and terrorism???? Your post sounds filled with utter stupidity. You don't have to be doing terrorism for the religion, there are million reasons, national pride, supremacy, etc, etc, occupation of land, hatred towards other religions (which is pretty obvious in your post as you JUST tried to convert the topic and showed Muslims are responsible for 90+% of terrorism. WHEN the TOPIC was terrorism done by Hindu fanatics!!!!)
So let me see how many real MEN are here from India and accept the fact so that a meaningful discussion can be had. Otherwise the message to the world is, we are Hindus, we can kill anyone we want at will and our government knows it. But we won't admit to it and point fingers from the Pakistanis and the Chinese to Nepalese. Terrorism is terrorism. You should be a human enough to agree to your own internal problem and put it out. Otherwise, you are hiding it and everyone knows it. There is NO difference between a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Atheist terrorist. When you kill or threaten innocents, you are commuting terrorism, period!!!
Question to MODI

Q- Why don’t you accept that Gujarat is being defamed because of Narendra Modi?
A- If that is true, give the people of Gujarat a chance to pronounce their verdict through elections.”

Wow. I see the nerve here and its sad. You guys talk from both sides of your mouth. I've been saying this for a long time even here on PDF. That there is a significant problem in India about terrorism. It's funny, if LeT or JUD does anything, its terrorism. If your OWN minister speaks of the truth that you guys, Shiv Sena / RSS don't want out, he'd doing it for the votes!!!

BJP, RSS etc, are one of the biggest terrorist supported by a LARGE gov't. Forget about Pakistan for a second, it has nothing to do with this situation. Let's talk about India. Your Hindu terrorists have KILLED hundreds of thousands of people (both Christians and Hindus) within your own country. And the number is shown as a few hundred in the parliament. Who'll admit to the terrorism being done and who'll do something about it?
Let's go to Kashmir now, your people including the fanatic Hindu soldiers have killed literally hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. Raped thousands of women and put kids through sexual and other torture. You THINK that's not terrorism? You think burning Christian villages when they are sleeping inside isn't terrorism? You think raping women, assaulting them and even killing them and their children is not terrorism????????????????????????????

I have nothing to say ..i dont know from where should i start :) .

but i will conclude that you know nothing more than ZERO and btw,I m not hindu :)

Trolling failed!! pic doesnt Show up!

but i can see :rofl:
I have nothing to say ..i dont know from where should i start :) .

but i will conclude that you know nothing more than ZERO and btw,I m not hindu :)

Now he's going to post youtube videos he posts on all threads.

Orangzaib, thats your cue. please post the video hundreds of thousands of times and we will tell the parliament you only posted a few hundred times. Ok?
For the Indian Home Minister to use 'Saffron' terrorism in a Hindu-majority country is not a trivial matter! Effectively, he has labeled the 2nd largest (or THE largest!?) political party of India at least supportive of 'terrorism'--and 'Hindu' terrorism at that. I doubt this is 'vote bank politics': Sounds like a potential political suicide. I mean, 'appeasing' a Muslim minority by displeasing a Hindu majority doesn't sound like a winning strategy to me.
Let's see if the minister survives this blunder.

hindus never vote in wholesome manner , they vote in castes mostly .

Even if he had called hindus as the worlds most intolerant and terrorist people he could have won using muslim+poor+sc combination .

On the other hand muslims vote as votebanks , in UP past year samajvadi party won 2/3+ majority with muslim+yadav caste scenario.
A list of their attacks over the past 4 years would have been useful, but never mind.
We invented the ZERO, we can do anything.

If this was the topic of one of your guys getting killed, you'll be showing the world alligator tears as always. Fake tears and emotionality to look like the US. It's funny. But here, you are going to change the topic. I've posted plenty of videos. Go check my other posts out. Wait, let me give you some content RIGHT HERE. It's the saddest thing to see Indian people turning their heads in a different direction for the terrorism and killings done by their people!


Hindu mob killing christians minority in India - YouTube

India Hindu Religious Extremists Burned Church & Houses & Killed Christians - YouTube

Miracula Rei Unius 20 kill martyr For Christ 20di38 Worldwide persecution Hindu India - YouTube

Godhra 2002 - Hindus Killed by Muslim Mobs at Godhra Station while travelling Sabarmati Express - YouTube

If this is how Muslims were killed then Hindus will b 10 times worse - YouTube
Dude, we want the home minister to ban BJP and RSS and arrest them and put them in jail - only his constitutional patriotic duty - if he's NOT doing politics.

Don't you agree? So if he does that, then I fully and completely support him, if he does not ban BJP and arrest them, then he has done politics with a matter of national security and thus he is a traitor himself.


Either way PM and Shinde as HM should be considered traitors - either blaming the main national opposition party just to score a cheap political point thereby treating it on par with the across the state terrorists undermining the pillars of democracy or not taking action against the largest opposition party thereby causing a threat to the whole India - both should be thrown in jail for sedition activities - Shinde for saying it and MMS for watching in quietly when Shinde was saying it in front of him.

P.S - But we all know what a dirty MFs Congress politicians are. And I couldn't help wonder about the meek way BJP has responded. I am disappointed.
Dude, we want the home minister to ban BJP and RSS and arrest them and put them in jail - only his constitutional patriotic duty - if he's NOT doing politics.

Don't you agree? So if he does that, then I fully and completely support him, if he does not ban BJP and arrest them, then he has done politics with a matter of national security and thus he is a traitor himself.


It is, of course, for Indians to decide what to do.
BTW, just because a few officials make such statements doesn't mean a whole political party needs to be banned. Joe McArthy was put to rest in America by isolating bad eggs.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if Shinde survives this. His statement has given a long leash for much violence, moral equivalence, and even justification for communal violence, even JuD to get busy. The longer this lingers in the press the worse it is for India. Apparently, Congress Party can never be killed and if they decide to backup Shinde then much acrimony will generate. And, just like the Delhi rape incident, 'Hindu Terrorism' gets mainstream then certainly bad new for Indian PR.
LOL Hindu terrorism

You know nothing about RSS if you are calling RSS samajsevaks terrorists
Secondly even if it is(hypothetical scenario) then it is a "lathi" terrorism :taz::rofl::bounce:

Those shorts are too short.
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