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‘Hindu Rashtra’ convention in Goa from June 16

They will murder a few puppies, call the puppies Jihadis, and label the puppies' mother as a radicalised Pakistani terrorist when she attacks them. Then they will cry about being victims of terrorism.
Not all Kashmiri Muslims are in Kashmir though are they? Tens of thousands of them also had to flee in the 90s to Pakistan but I guess they don't teach this in the same manner in India as the Pandit exodus or mention it in Kashmir files.

There is a difference. Kashmiri Muslims were not forced to leave by Kashmiri Pandits. The reverse is true.

It doesn’t make it any less creepy, but let’s stick to the real narrative.

Tens of thousands of them are dead, thousands of women raped, unarmed civillians lying in unmarked graves. Does this balance the scales in terms of victimhood for either group?

Isn’t this the collateral damage we discussed earlier? When army gets involved, things will get dirty eventually. That’s what happened in East Pakistan and Balochistan; and that’s what gonna happen here too.

Not trying to justify anything, just stating facts.

LoC is pretty much already a permanent border and it seems like the Pakistani establishment is content with the status quo. The Indian state is free to slice up the J&K region piece by piece, allow outside settlers to settle there in an attempt to change the demographics.

A comporimise already exists in a way. My point is, any compromise between the two states without acknowledging the feelings of the majority of the Kashmiri people is not a real solution. But khair hay, let's see if India can win peace for the Pandits this way.

While I partly agree with you, but it ain’t gonna happen. And you know it.

LoC as a border is the only possible solution. India and Pakistan both will not agree to leave the areas they currently hold.

PS: Sorry for the delay in replying. Was on vacation 😊
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